Page 3 of Tempted by the Boss
n a little demanding and a little controlling, taking over this whole plan...whatever the plan might be.
“Are you alright?”
Kelly’s question caught him off guard, and he wondered how long he’d been staring at her. The last thing he needed was for her to think he wasn’t stable or that he found this look of hers more than attractive.
Damn it, Luke. Get a grip. She’s your employee and this isn’t a pleasure trip. This is work and that’s all there’s time for.
“Fine,” he quickly answered, then stifled a yawn. “Just anxious to get there.”
He hadn’t asked for many details, mainly because Kelly knew the ins and outs of Wingate Enterprises as much as he did. There was nothing about this situation he didn’t trust her with.
“Tell me more about the investor,” he said as he tipped his neck from side to side, trying to stay awake.
Her eyes widened a fraction before she glanced back down at her laptop. “Oh, let’s wait to discuss work until we get there. I need to answer these emails. Sutton is looking for the projected numbers as we get ready to finish out the quarter, and it seems like you’re tired.”
Luke wasn’t often dismissed by her, but they’d both been working so hard, he wasn’t going to interrupt her now. Sutton Wingate was the company CFO, and Kelly might be Luke’s assistant, but she did many things for many people within the family business, including Sutton’s twin, Sebastian.
Kelly was an extremely busy woman and she’d put all of this together for him. Luke couldn’t help but feel hopeful based on her excitement over this trip.
Finding the next big investment or backer would be the break they so desperately needed once they came up with a plan to revamp their company. Naturally, there would have to be many steps taken. It wasn’t just one miracle they were seeking, there were multiple, but they had to start somewhere to get that first leg up on rebuilding.
Luke settled back in and tried to refocus into work-mode. There was no reason he couldn’t continue following his own leads on potential investors. He’d really love to acquire some other jets or bring something brand new to the market that Wingate could sink their teeth into and call their own. Getting in on the ground floor was always the best because, while there may be risk, the only way to go was up and, at this point, they had nothing else to lose.
Unfortunately, his eyes were burning from lack of sleep and he couldn’t stop yawning. Any brilliant thoughts weren’t going to come to him during this state of exhaustion.
“Why don’t you lie down?” Kelly suggested. She removed her glasses and stared across the aisle. “I can move from the couch and take the captain chair. We still have a few hours before we land.”
Luke shifted his laptop aside and came to his feet. “No need for you to move. I’ll just stretch out right here.”
He took a seat next to her and adjusted so his feet were propped up a little.
“I never knew this couch did that,” she said with a laugh.
“That’s because we’re always working, but each seat has its own recliner.” He settled in deeper and laced his hands over his abdomen. “I won’t fall asleep. I rarely do these days.”
“Don’t worry if you do,” she assured him, staring down at her screen. “I’ll wake you when we’re close.”
He shut his eyes, focusing on the way Kelly pecked away at her keyboard and the hum of the engines. She said they had a few hours left, but he still couldn’t guess where they were headed. Maybe the mountains for some resort idea or perhaps the coast to get some inspiration from a cozy town. Wherever they were headed, Kelly must truly believe this could help break ground on a new beginning...
He jerked awake, blinking against the brightness, and realized he had indeed fallen asleep.
Turning his attention toward Kelly, he adjusted his seat to sit straight up. “How long was I out?”
She shrugged as she put her laptop in the case. “About two hours.”
Damn, that was a good nap and now he at least felt refreshed and revived.
Wait. Two hours? Where had they flown to? He’d been awake a while before he’d actually fallen asleep. Hadn’t he?
No matter where they were, Luke couldn’t wait to meet this potential investor. Every time he approached a prospect, Luke couldn’t help but think this was the one that would save his ass.
Not that he was in jeopardy of losing his position within the company. He was too powerful and too wealthy to be pushed aside. But damn it, people were trusting him to bring the family business back in a major way. Luke didn’t intend to fail and he didn’t intend to do half the job, either. He would find the best investors and he would make Wingate Enterprises even more lucrative than ever.
Luke fastened his seat belt as the plane started the descent. “You must be like a security blanket or something, because I haven’t slept more than two hours in a row for a while.”
Kelly turned to face him with that stern look she always gave just before she lectured him. He’d gotten used to that look. It actually used to terrify him, but he knew his assistant only meant well. She watched out for everyone around her.