Page 32 of In His Cuffs
He nodded. “I like it.”
“Maybe I’ll see if we can get a privately labelled wine for the occasion. Could serve as the debut of the new marketing package.”
“We have a lot of details to plough through before we’re close enough to have that discussion,” he cautioned.
“You’re not the only one who can move fast, David.”
He sat back. “Glad we’re on the same side.”
“It’s temporary,” she assured him.
“So you say.”
* * * *
For the next couple of weeks, Maggie managed to keep her distance, sending emails and text messages to keep him updated on her projects and deals in progress. Their meetings were generally held with other people in the conference room.
He’d honoured her request to stop talking about the night at the Den, and that frustrated her more than his reminders had.
She felt as if she were tied in emotional knots.
Almost every night, she had the same nightmare—the heavy hand on her shoulder and the shock of blue when she was spun around.
She was becoming more and more frustrated from lack of sleep.
Masturbating wasn’t helping, and neither was going to the gym.
Finally, almost a month after the Ladies’ Night at the Den, she and Vanessa met for dinner. Sushi and sake could fix nearly anything, or at least it had been able to until now.
“Colour me shocked,” Vanessa said as she used a chopstick to smear wasabi on a tuna roll. “You’re working with one of the world’s sexiest Dom’s and he’s hot for your ass. So tell me again why you can’t sleep with him?”
“Hello? He’s a bastard who has my future mapped out for the next eighteen months. I can’t look for another job. I feel as if my life is on hold.”
“I don’t get it. Are you not capable of sleeping with a guy without it interfering with your job performance?”
She had no idea. “He has a no fraternising rule.”
“So break it and give him something to punish you for.”
“Would you be serious here?” Maggie exclaimed.
“Maggie, Maggie, Maggie. You need to relax before you give yourself an ulcer. Fine. He has a policy. Is it in writing in the employee handbook?”
“Not all companies have those kinds of policies in place, but when they are, it’s generally to protect morale, avoid conflicts of interest or to protect subordinates from feeling like they might be harassed. It helps companies avoid sexual harassment charges, but c’mon, Mags, CEOs even marry their executives.”
Not only was Vanessa a good friend, she’d spent a number of years working in human resources.
“Your situation is unique,” Vanessa continued. “This isn’t legal advice, but I’d say that a relationship between the two of you is just that. Unless one of you is going to file a lawsuit, then it’s really just personal preference. A lot of small firms employ family members, and this is no worse than you working for your mom. If he’s made it clear he’s interested in you, then it means he sees you as an equal and not a subordinate. So if you want to fuck him, and he’s not using his position of authority to unduly manipulate you, then fuck him.” She poured a small amount of soy sauce over the top of the roll then slammed down the bottle and scowled. “Is he pressuring you?”
Maggie shook her head. “He hasn’t mentioned it in over two weeks. And he’s offered me more incentive to stay.”
“Have you considered he’s just as tied up by that damned contract as you are?”
She took a drink of her cooling sake.
“He’s got all his capital invested in your mother’s company. He can’t go hire a hotshot salesperson who’s loyal to him while he’s agreed to pay your salary and put money aside for Gloria. Something’s gotta give.” Vanessa popped the roll in her mouth then blinked furiously.
“Too much wasabi?” Maggie asked with a laugh. The way Vanessa’s eyebrows had shot up ruined her lecture and the moment.
“Shit.” Vanessa reached for the sake and took a massive gulp. “I need to take it easy here.” She fanned herself. “Let me tell you how I see it,” she said after dabbing her eyes with a napkin. “You look like hell. You’re not sleeping. You’re having nightmares. What would happen if you told him the truth?”