Page 45 of In His Cuffs
Thoughts crowded into her mind, jostling for position.
She’d slept badly again last night, and had tossed the bedding off her perspiration-drenched body. She’d climbed out of bed, had a glass of water and waited for the nightmares to recede. What had replaced them was scarier—the realisation that David held the key to keeping the bad dreams at bay.
Maggie turned the car into his driveway and braked to a stop on the steep concrete. The setting was idyllic, remote and quiet, a contrast to the high-density area where she lived. Out here she heard birds, including the screech of a red-tailed hawk.
Hands shaking from the sudden onslaught of excitement, she killed the engine and reached for the bag she’d placed on the passenger seat.
She exited the vehicle to see David standing in the entryway with the door open. His left shoulder was braced on the doorjamb, his feet were crossed. He held a glass of something that might be white wine.
The bright sunshine danced on his dark hair. Damp ends clung to his nape.
She’d seen him dressed for business both in suits and in jeans with an armband when he’d been serving as House Monitor. Whether he was bare-chested or had rolled back his shirtsleeves and exposed his forearms before he beat her, the sight of him stimulated her.
Here on his own turf, he seemed somehow even more competent and in control. The Den was Master Damien’s territory. At her condominium, she felt comfortable. This sprawling house and grounds was his domain. He didn’t own it, he dominated it.
Maggie knew she hadn’t made a mistake coming here, and the butterflies battering around in her tummy were more thrilling than upsetting. She wanted everything he had in store for her.
He moved towards her as she slammed the car door shut.
His black T-shirt conformed to his muscular frame. Blue jeans rode low on his hips. He’d skipped a belt, but his motorcycle boots added a rakish air.
David Tomlinson made her mouth water.
“Welcome,” he said, his voice thick and foreboding. He took her bag and indicated she should precede him inside.
The massive, sun-drenched foyer took her breath. Arched windows soared two storeys. She hadn’t expected his place to be such an interesting mix of modern and eclectic. Metal and wood. And stunningly, a waterfall flowed down the far living room wall. Sectional furniture had been positioned to take in the ambiance, and she could imagine sitting there, lost in creative thought. “I might never leave.”
“Good plan.”
Their gazes met.
She’d said her words with flippant disregard, like she did when she vacationed at a fancy resort. But he’d responded with a seriousness that resonated deep inside her.
For a moment, she considered what it might be like to have him come home to her and the expectations that went with that. She wasn’t sure she could manage it.
He placed her bag at the bottom of the stairs. “How about a glass of wine? We’ll have dinner a bit later. Steak and salad? You’ll need to keep your energy up for what I have in mind.”
“I…” The reminder that they would be spending the night together chilled her. “Yes. To both. Thanks.”
“Let me show you around so you feel comfortable. If you need anything, ask for it or help yourself. I don’t stand on ceremony.”
She followed him into the kitchen.
A bottle of wine stood on the stone-topped island with a glass next to it. The appliances were top of the line.
“Hot tub outside,” he said as he poured a glass. “I’ll put you in it before bed to loosen your muscles.”
“I didn’t bring a swimsuit.”
“You wouldn’t be allowed to wear it even if you had.”
When they were together, he exerted his dominance in dozens of subtle, thrilling ways.
“Join me?”
She accepted the glass of wine and took a sip while he opened the French doors and walked onto the deck. Maggie was careful with her shoes so she didn’t get her heels jammed between the redwood boards.
“Naked is better,” he said.
“What about splinters?”
“I have the wood refinished every year. Believe me, Maggie, your safety is of utmost importance.”
The tub was in its own gazebo off to the right of the deck. There were numerous built- in benches and a couple of different tables placed near them. The southern portion of the area was shaded by a trellis covered with vines, and other areas were exposed to soak up the sun. “Is this where you have your morning coffee?”