Page 61 of In His Cuffs
He held her hand as they walked inside, and he shut the door behind them before releasing her. She looked up at him as he unfastened her button then shucked the shirt from her shoulders. “Back to being naked, Sir?”
“Sorry, Maggie. It’s been at least a week since I’ve seen your breasts.”
“You mean an hour or two, Mr Tomlinson.”
“Seems like a week.”
The material slipped to the floor. She pulled back her shoulders and arched her back. He rolled each nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Now she had no idea why she’d protested when he insisted she stay naked. Each time he touched her, an illicit thrill shot through her. That she’d been clamped with such vicious pincers earlier only magnified his effect.
Under his careful, firm touch, her pussy started to moisten. It was frightening how masterfully he aroused her.
“The bedroom, now,” he urged, “before I bugger you here.”
“I…” She couldn’t believe the thought that went through her mind. When he looked at her with his eyebrows drawn together, she hurried through her suggestion. “The stairs might be interesting.”
“Good God.”
“I mean, we don’t have to. Never mind. That was a strange idea.”
“I should have thought of it myself,” he disagreed. “I’ll be back with the lube.”
Maggie wondered if she’d lost her mind. A bed made much more sense. But damn, the first time she’d looked at those polished wooden steps, she’d thought of wild monkey sex on them. Since the staircase was crafted from individual boards, it would be easy for her to hold on. The potential positions he could put her in were endless.
In addition to the bottle of lube, he returned with a damp washcloth and a dry hand towel as well as a condom. Always prepared. She desired him, his domination and possession. He wasn’t gentle, giving her the exact right amount of roughness. “I want your dick in my mouth first. If I may, Sir.”
Beneath his casual black pants, she saw his cock was already thick. Though she’d sucked cock before, she had almost always considered it something she was required to do. But she’d had him in her mouth that first night at the Den, and she had a real desire to taste him again.
Without waiting for his approval, she knelt while he toed off his sandals. She drew his pants down and he kicked them away.
She inhaled the scent of him before leaning in to lick his sac then suck each ball, one at a time, into her mouth. He groaned and reached for her, digging his hands into her hair. The slight tug let her know how much he appreciated her efforts.
Emboldened, she reached for his cock and licked her way up the shaft. She closed her mouth around the head and pressed her tongue against the underneath, seeing the way he jerked his hips in response. She loved pleasing him. Moving her hand as well as her mouth, she worked him, making him moan. Her pussy flooded with moisture, and it surprised her that she could become so turned on just from tasting him.
David imprisoned her head and held her so that he was able to control how deep she took him. That alone showed her his natural dominance. He would never cede control to her, not that she wanted him to.
That realisation made her pause for a second. She’d said as much to him earlier, when she’d confessed she didn’t always mind him being in charge. But more and more, she was not only admitting it, she was accepting it.
Feeling his hand press on the back of her head, she resumed the blow job, shoving aside her thoughts and concentrating on him.
“Nice,” he approved.
She continued trying to take him all the way to his root. She choked a little, and he pulled back while releasing his grip on her hair.
“We can try that again another time,” he said as her eyes watered.
“That wasn’t what I meant to have happen,” she said, wiping her face with the back of her hand.
“I appreciate your trying,” he assured her. “As for now, let’s get you ready. Show me your ass.”
Since she was already kneeling, it didn’t take much to get on all fours and raise her rear end as high as she could. Without being instructed, she knew to reach back and part her buttocks.