Page 34 of Teton Sunrise
“Dammit, woman. I’m only trying to see to your comfort. Cease your struggles and I’ll leave. But I won’t release you until you calm down.” Alex’s breath caressed her cheek, and a delicious shudder passed through her. Unable to see him in the dark, she turned her head to avoid a repeat of the sensation for fear it might give away her body’s growing awareness of him. She raised her head slightly, intending to move it to the side. Instead, her mouth grazed against his lips.
“Evie.” Alex’s whisper was barely audible, just before his own mouth fully covered hers. Evelyn’s heart drummed wildly in her chest. Heat raced through her extremities to settle in the pit of her stomach. His kiss remained light and soft, and Evelyn craned her neck to intensify the connection.
Alex released her arm, and his hand ran up her shoulder, caressed her neck, and cupped the side of her face. A low moan escaped his throat, just before he abruptly broke the contact. He inhaled a deep breath, and rolled to the side, completely freeing Evelyn from underneath him. Cold air immediately seeped through her clothing, and she shivered.
“Hold me, Alex,” Evelyn whispered, and turned toward him, craving his warmth. A scalding need that had nothing to do with Alex’s body heat flowed through her veins.
Alex inhaled deeply. “Evie, I’m not here for the reasons you think,” he said, his voice strained. “I . . . come here, you’re shivering.” He pulled the blanket and buffalo robe that had fallen away during their struggle over her, and she pressed against his chest.
Evelyn lay quietly in his arms. She waited for something to happen, wondering what to say or do. Never before had a man shared her blankets, yet for some reason, lying in Alex’s embrace seemed as natural as breathing.
“Turn around and go to sleep, Evie,” Alex said firmly. He loosened his hold so she could comply. Evelyn didn’t move. Should she dare try and kiss him? She had told him a moment ago that she didn’t want to share his blankets. Nothing could be further from the truth all of a sudden. His kiss ignited a need that refused to be ignored.
Gritting her teeth, she finally complied with his request. What if he rejected her kiss if she tried? Turning to her other side, she pressed her back against his chest. Had she imagined a shudder pass through him when she relaxed against him? He slid one arm beneath her head, his warm breath against her neck sending a renewed shiver down her spine. His other arm tightened around her waist as if he meant to draw her inside himself. Nothing had ever made her feel safer or more protected than lying in Alex’s arms. For a moment she could imagine that he truly loved her, and wasn’t merely here to keep her warm.
“Sleep, Evie, We’ll travel early in the morning.” His lips brushed against her neck. Evelyn sighed softly and she forced her eyes shut. Lying quietly in Alex’s embrace, she smiled to herself. Her mind recalled the gentle way he’d kissed her a minute ago. He was wrong. If he thought he could be cruel like his father, Alex was dead wrong. Here in his arms, nothing would ever hurt her. Content in his embrace, she drifted off to sleep.
Horses whinnied, and birds chirped loudly. The sound of men’s voices reached her ears. Evelyn blinked and raised her head. Darkness had given way to a sunny morning. She quickly raised herself to a sitting position, and turned her head to peer behind her. Alex was gone. Had he even been here? Had he truly come to her bed in the middle of the night with the intent to shield her from the cold? She touched tentative fingers to her lips, wondering if she’d imagined it all in a dream.
Chapter 10
Alex squatted by the fire, poking at the outlying ashes with a stick. The gray swirls of his breath in the crisp early morning air mingled with the wisps of smoke rising skyward. Laurent silently handed him a tin cup filled with steaming coffee.
“Did you stay warm last night?” Laurent asked, lowering himself to the ground next to Alex with a loud grunt. He sipped from his own cup, and peered at Alex from beneath his lashes.
Alex held the hot cup between his hands, staring at the dark brew. He didn’t want to think about last night. He’d been more than warm. Last night had been heaven and hell rolled into one. The early morning cold was a welcome reprieve to the heat coursing through his body like a fever consuming him. He glanced past the fire to where Yancey stirred under his covers, then held the cup to his lips.
“It is good that you have finally come to your senses and decided to share your woman’s sleeping blanket. I truly didn’t think you would wait much longer. I am surprised, though, that you have left the comfort of her bed so early, mon ami.”