Page 46 of Teton Sunrise
Blinding fury tore through his heart. Had it really only been minutes since he told Evie that she was better off in St. Louis so she’d be safe from him? If he hadn’t walked away from her by the creek, her life wouldn’t be in danger at this very second. Alex growled in frustration.
The trail the Indians left behind cut through a small swath of forest, only to return to more open terrain of sagebrush and willow. The freshly trampled grasses made for an easy trail to follow.
The fresh tracks once again entered a section of forest that wasn’t very dense, but would certainly hinder his pursuit. Alex pulled back on his horse’s reins to slow his mount’s speed. The animal beneath him apparently had other ideas. The horse grabbed hold of the bit, and tossed its head forward, refusing to alter its pace. Racing amongst the trees, the gelding leapt over downed logs as if it’s hooves had taken on wings. All Alex could do was grab hold of the animal’s mane and guide its head in the right direction.
When the forest opened up to another clearing, excited shouts ahead alerted him that he had caught up with his enemies. In the dim light, he saw six riders stopped at the far end of the clearing, their horses dancing nervously beneath them. One horse carried two riders, one of whom was struggling wildly. He spotted the warrior who had taunted him earlier, the white stripe of warpaint across his face distinguishing his from the others. Alex didn’t hesitate. Images of the man striking Evie merged with images of his father hitting his mother. He pointed his rifle between his mount’s ears, then took aim and fired.
A shot rang out, and the warrior dropped from his horse. Loud war cries hung in the air. Alex yanked his tomahawk from his belt. His horse galloped wildly toward the small group, its ears pinned back as if it knew what the stakes were. Alex fumbled with the flapping reins, and by the time he regained control of his charging mount, his horse had reached the raiding party. Among loud whoops and surprised hollers from the Indians, Evelyn’s high-pitched voice screamed his name. The sound of her pleas drove him into the midst of the group of warriors.
“No one steals Shadow Walker’s woman,” he roared in the language of the Blackfoot. He raised his ax, and charged among the startled Indians, close to another rider. He swung his arm back and to the side, and knocked the warrior from his horse with a well-aimed blow to the man’s abdomen. Quickly, he yanked his horse’s neck around, and kicked the gelding forward. The smell of blood and sweaty horses hung in the air. Again, he raised his tomahawk, ready for an attack. Gunshots rang out behind him, and Alex recognized Laurent’s whoops and hollers. Three of the four remaining wide-eyed Blackfeet wheeled their horses away from him and kicked their mounts into a run. The final warrior dropped Evelyn to the ground just before his horse bolted forward in pursuit of his kinsmen.
Alex’s eyes darted around the clearing. Evelyn scrambled to her feet where seconds before a warrior’s horse pranced. His pulse quickened, and relief enveloped him like a glowing fire on a cold day. He swung his right leg over his horse’s neck and leapt to the ground. For a second he couldn’t move. He simply stood by his horse, staring at her. Most of her hair had come loose from the confines of her braid, falling in disheveled waves over her shoulders and down her back. Alex swallowed back the lump in his throat. She had never looked more beautiful. His knees went weak all of a sudden while his heart pumped furiously in his chest. He took a step forward, then another, overcome with relief that she was safe.
“Alex,” Evelyn cried, and she ran toward him. With a loud sob, she fell into his waiting arms.
Chapter 13
“Evie,” Alex whispered. He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her off the ground in a fierce embrace, unable to get her close enough to him. She threw her arms around his neck and sobbed against his cheek.
Trembling, he held her close. He never wanted to let her go. The terrifying thought that he almost lost her twice in one day consumed him. He inhaled deeply, catching the faint flowery scent of the soap in her hair that he’d come to associate with the woman he loved.
“Alex, I can’t breathe,” Evie gasped. Startled, Alex eased his tight grip on her. He set her on the ground, and clasped her face between his hands.
“I’m sorry, Evie,” he stammered, clenching his jaw.
Darkness surrounded them, and he had to strain his vision to make out her features. Wide eyes stared back at him, shimmering with relief, trust, and . . .
“I knew you’d come for me. I love you, Alex,” Evelyn whispered. Her words sent a jolt of adrenaline searing through him, and Alex was sure his heart would burst. He drew in a deep breath, the heaviness in his chest gone and replaced by a feeling of lightness. His thumbs lightly stroked her cheeks.