Page 59 of Teton Sunrise
“You’re not a killer, Alex. You’re not like him.” Evelyn stroked his jawline, and leaned up to kiss his lips.
He scoffed. “I’ve killed my share of men.” His voice matched the chill in the air.
Evelyn ran her fingers along his rough cheek. “I would wager that every man whose life you’ve taken would have killed you first if you hadn’t acted. You had plenty of chances to kill your father, but you walked away instead. Let him go.”
Alex nodded slowly, and held her tight. His facial features softened, and a slow grin spread across his lips. He nuzzled her neck, sending ripples of pleasure racing along her spine. She purred as Alex methodically worked his magic on her with his mouth and hands.
“I don’t know how I will get our cabin built before winter,” he growled softly in her ear. “You are the most delectable distraction.”
Evelyn wound her arms around his neck, giving herself over completely to the pleasurable sensations his touch evoked. Without him, she no longer felt whole.
“Remind me to thank Laurent again for bringing you to me,” he said huskily.
“Laurent!” Evelyn exclaimed, and she pushed against Alex’s chest. The mention of his friend suddenly reminded her of something important.
Alex’s hand froze against her thigh, and he raised his torso away from her. His forehead wrinkled and a perplexed look washed over his face. The corner of his lips twitched into a smile.
“If that’s the reaction I get for mentioning his name, I’ll never utter it again,” Alex mumbled. “Especially not at times like this.” He lowered his head back to hers. Evelyn pushed harder against him to prevent his intended kiss. Although she could never deny her husband, and would much rather lie in his arms all day, a sudden thought entered her mind.
Alex’s smile turned into a slight frown. Evelyn reached her hand up to touch his cheek. Her fingers softly outlined his lips.
“Don’t you know what today is?” she asked. Alex’s brows drew together in confusion. Clearly, he didn’t remember.
“Laurent and Whispering Waters’ wedding ceremony.” She’d almost forgotten it herself. Whispering Waters had asked Evelyn to be with her today while she prepared for her union with the Frenchman. After their initial encounter, she had taken an immediate liking to the soft-spoken Indian woman, and she was glad for the friendship that slowly developed between them. She’d missed not having another woman to talk to, and Whispering Waters’ grasp on English was good enough for most conversations.
Alex hesitated, then inhaled a dramatic breath of air before he rolled off of her and onto his back. Evelyn threw back the fur covers, shivering as a blast of cold air hit her bare skin. She sat up and reached for the newly-sewn muslin dress that lie in a tangled heap next to the palate of furs. Alex’s warm palm stroked along her lower back, and sent a completely different chill racing down her spine.
“And that’s the reason you’re leaving our bed?” he asked. “It’s much warmer under the covers.” Evelyn glanced over her shoulder at him, meeting the pleading look in his eyes, and the wide grin that spread on his face.
“I promised I’d help with the festivities. Besides, who was it that complained about not getting a cabin built?” She raised her brows at him, and hoped her stern look had the desired effect. Apparently it didn’t. In one fast move that Evelyn would have missed had she blinked, Alex grabbed her upper arms and hauled her backwards. She squealed and giggled as he rolled her over, and pulled her on top of him.
“What if I refuse to let you go?” He cupped the back of her head and brought her face down toward him. His mouth covered hers, and Evelyn parted her lips in an unspoken answer to his question. The ceremony wasn’t until later in the day. Perhaps a few more minutes with Alex couldn’t hurt.
Alex pushed the carcass of the buck he’d shot off of his horse’s withers, and it fell to the ground with a loud thud. He swung his leg over the gelding’s neck and landed lightly beside the deer. Spotting Laurent standing near the chief’s tent, talking to his future father-in-law, Alex led his mount toward them.
“Mon ami, you have returned in time to witness the wedding.” Laurent rushed toward him, his arms spread wide to match the smile on his face.
Alex grinned and clasped his friend’s shoulders. “Wouldn’t miss it.” He turned his head to study the Frenchman. “It appears we both require a woman in our lives to remind us to get cleaned up.”
Laurent’s shoulder-length brown hair, which he normally kept tied back with a leather thong, shone in the afternoon sun. His beard looked freshly trimmed, and he wore a clean wool shirt.