Page 75 of Teton Sunrise
“I knew I couldn’t find my way back to you carrying a child. I had hoped you would come for me.”
Alex clenched his jaw, and the air left his lungs.
“I told him and Henry that I’d cooperate for the sake of our baby.”
Alex clutched her hand. “My God, Evie. For two months, I wanted nothing more than to join you up on that mountain. If I had known you were alive . . . you know I would have come after you. I found a piece of the capote sticking out from under a boulder. I thought . . . I thought it was you.”
“I wasn’t wearing it when Henry found me.” She reached her hand up to touch his face. “I never gave up hope that you would come. If not, I was prepared to find my way back to you. One way or the other, I knew we’d be together again.”
The infant stirred, and Evie lifted him to her shoulder. Alex drank in the tranquil scene. He couldn’t get enough of just looking at her and the baby that had been born of their love. A fierce protectiveness grabbed hold of him, something to rival the fiercest predator watching over its young.
“Henry is going to be sorry he ever took you from me.” Alex’s jaw muscles tightened. He stood from the bed. “I’m still not clear why.”
Evelyn’s eyes widened. “Alex,” she whispered, and he stared at her, waiting. Her eyes filled with renewed tears. He sat beside her again, and held her hand.
“What is it?” he asked, alarmed by the sudden anguish on her face.
She swallowed, and gripped his hand, her arm trembling. “Charlie didn’t kill my parents,” she continued. Each word sounded forced from her mouth. His eyebrows scrunched together. If Charlie hadn’t killed them, then who . . .
Comprehension dawned, and his heart sank to his stomach. He ran a hand over his face. “Why would Henry murder his own parents?” he asked between clenched teeth. The question left a bitter taste in his mouth.
“To be free of the farm, and so he could finance his smuggling operation against the fur company you worked for. The one Laurent is spying for.”
“How does Charlie fit into all that?” Alex asked. He had to know what he was up against.
“Charlie saw Henry leave the house right after the murder. Henry convinced him to keep his mouth shut, and promised him a part of the profits in exchange for his silence. The farm and I were part of the bargain.” She paused, and looked at him before continuing. “When they saw you heading toward the farm, Henry realized quickly that he could kill you and blame you for the murder, so he told Charlie to shoot you. He never meant to come after you. It was the story he told me. He had only planned to head upriver with the men until the cargo was stolen. He didn’t count on me refusing to marry Charlie, or following him, and so he told Oliver Sabin to stage his death, and then Sabin could kill me.” Evelyn gulped for air, and a shudder passed through her.
“Why did he come for you all these months later?”
“Because Charlie apparently still wanted Henry to uphold the agreement that I would marry him for his silence. He threatened to go to the authorities.”
“If Henry is capable of all this, what would stop him from killing you and Charlie now?”
“Good question indeed, old friend.”
Evelyn gasped, and Alex leapt from his seat at the edge of the bed. Henry stood in the doorway to the room, pointing a pistol at him. Alex slowly moved to stand in front of the bed, blocking Evie from her brother’s aim.
“Oliver Sabin was supposed to kill you, Alex,” Henry smirked. “Right after he took care of that French spy.”
An easy smile formed on Alex’s face. His hand slowly reached for the knife at his belt. “From what Laurent tells me, Sabin won’t be doing any more killing.”
Henry stared, his lip twitching in a sneer.
“And neither will you,” Alex added as an afterthought.
“Don’t be so sure about that, Alex,” Henry retorted coldly. He laughed. “I’ve realized that too many people know my secret now. I always figured Charlie was too much of a coward to go to the authorities. If I handed you to him, dear sister, he would keep his mouth shut. But I see you’re not going to stay quiet. I wish I had killed you up in those mountains. I honestly thought I’d find you eager to return home. I’ve underestimated you, and I’ve given it a lot of thought. I can’t let you live. Either of you.” His eyes met Alex’s hard stare.
Alex stepped toward Henry, taking a calculated risk. Just as he’d hoped, Henry pointed the pistol at him. He took another step to the side. He had to draw Henry’s attention away from Evelyn and the baby. Henry only had one shot. It was best the pistol was aimed at him.