Page 118 of Wrapped Up In You
I press my face against his and feel the chill of his cheek at odds with my hot tears. ‘With me,’ I tell him. ‘Your home is with me.’
Chapter Eighty-Six
With an effort, Dominic raises himself and he holds me to him, tightly. Mike and Nina, standing together to one side, come to join us. Mike pats Dominic on the back and hugs him and I’m sure there’s a tear in his eye.
‘Glad you’re safe, mate,’ my friend says. ‘You had us worried there.’
‘I am sorry.’ Dominic hangs his head. ‘I did not mean to cause trouble.’
Nina comes forward and hugs him too and now she’s crying heartily. If Dominic is surprised to see her, then he doesn’t register it. ‘I’m sorry,’ she says again. ‘Really sorry.’
But now is not the time for recriminations. Now is a time for relief, rejoicing.
‘We’ve looked everywhere for you,’ I tell him. ‘You’ve had us all out of our minds.’
‘I had to leave,’ he explains. ‘The shame was too much for me to bring on you. Everyone was thinking I was a bad man.’
‘Not everyone,’ I correct. ‘Just a few stupid misguided people.’ Nina and I make eye contact. ‘And they realise now they were wrong.’
‘Completely wrong,’ Nina chips in with a sniffle.
‘We all love you, Dominic.’ I hold his face in my hands, hardly able to believe that we’ve found him. ‘And I love you more than anyone. I’ve missed you so much.’
‘I have missed you too, Just Janie.’
‘Let’s get you home,’ I say and without need for further encouragement, Dominic gathers his blanket and allows himself to be guided towards the car. He’s weak and much thinner than he looked on television. But I hope that the scars from his ordeal are mainly skin-deep and that, tough Maasai that he is, mentally he’s intact.
Mike helps us both get in the back of his car and, there, I hold Dominic in my arms like a baby. Nina slips into the front with Mike. Dominic’s head rests on my shoulder and as we drive back to Nashley, my broken heart is slowly melded back together again. My spirit lifts even more as the cottage comes into sight and Mike pulls up outside my door.
‘We’re home,’ I say to my lover. ‘We’re home again.’
Mike and Nina help Dominic to the door while I fumble with my keys and let us in. I flick on the lights and, suddenly, the cottage is warm and welcoming.
As soon as we’re inside, Archie comes thundering down the stairs and then winds himself around and around Dominic’s legs, purring ecstatically. He lifts the cat tenderly and drapes him on his shoulders, where he belongs. Archibald dribbles with delight.
‘Sit with him,’ Mike instructs. ‘Don’t move, either of you.’
I don’t resist, as I feel that I’ll never want to let Dominic go again.
‘We’ll get the kettle on and make Dominic something to eat,’ Nina says.
‘Porridge,’ I say to her. ‘Make him some porridge, please. It’s his favourite. That will warm him through.’
‘Sure thing.’ Nina takes charge and goes into the kitchen, followed by Mike. I want to cry with gratitude as I feel incapable of moving.
My brave Maasai warrior lies back against the sofa and sags with relief. A solitary tear rolls down his cheek and I curl into him. We stay there, unmoving, unspeaking.
A few minutes later, Nina and Mike come back with hot chocolate and porridge for Dominic and tea and toast for me.
‘Is there anything else you want?’ Mike asks.
‘No,’ I say to him. ‘You have done so much for me, for us. More than enough.’
‘It’s my pleasure.’ Self-effacing, as always.
‘We should be going now,’ Nina says. ‘Leave you two alone.’
Nina goes to get her coat and I take the time to have a quiet word with Mike. I stand up and draw him away from where Dominic is resting and hold him to me.
‘You’re more than a friend, Mike. You’re family,’ I tell him quietly and I hope with all of my heart that my neighbour, my friend, sees it as the compliment I intend. I might not have been able to love Mike in the way that he had once hoped for us, but I love him deeply nevertheless. I hope that he’ll always be here, being steady, in our lives. ‘I don’t know what I would have done without you.’
He hugs me tightly. ‘I’m happy to settle for that,’ he whispers so that only I can hear.
‘Thank you.’ I kiss his cheek tenderly. ‘Thank you so much.’
Nina comes back and we break apart.
‘I need a stiff drink,’ she tells me. ‘Too much excitement for me.’