Page 51 of Wrapped Up In You
My friend has been so wrapped up in her own misery that my happiness has taken a bit of a backseat, but that’s fine. Needs must. But I’ve been dying to show her this for days. I rescue Dominic’s picture from the depths of my bag. It is It’s already well-worn as I don’t miss an opportunity to have a sneaky look at it. Smiling, I hand over the photograph of us sitting together beneath the acacia tree under the brilliant African sun looking totally blissed out.
Nina snatches at it. ‘Let me get a look at this hunk,’ she says. Then her mouth drops open as her eyes frantically scan the picture. ‘He’s . . . he’s . . . he’s . . .’ My friend stares back at me.
‘He’s a Maasai warrior,’ I confirm.
‘Bloody hell,’ Nina says and gapes at the photo again. ‘This is the man you’ve fallen in love with?’
I nod. ‘He’s so lovely, Nina. Like no one I’ve ever met before.’
‘Jesus Christ, Janie. That’s an understatement. You’re hardly likely to meet a bloody Maasai warrior down at Oceana nightclub, are you? Eh? Of course he’s not like anyone you’ve met before.’
‘I mean the way he is, not the way he looks. He’s kind and proud and . . .’ I go weak at the knees just thinking about him.
‘Have you heard from him since?’
‘Yes,’ I say. ‘He’s messaged me a few times on Facebook already.’
‘He hasn’t asked you for money?’
‘Money?’ I frown. ‘No. Why?’
Nina puckers her mouth in concern. ‘That’s what they do, Janie.’
‘What who do?’
She nods at Dominic’s image. ‘This sort of man. You know, they get in with the rich white woman, promise her the earth, make you feel it’s all for real . . .’
‘It is all for real,’ I insist. ‘Dominic isn’t like that.’
By now our conversation has attracted the attention of the others in the staffroom. Even the boys patch up their differences for long enough to come and have a peep.
Over Nina’s shoulder, Steph says, ‘Hmm, I would.’
And I think, Oh no, you wouldn’t. He’s mine!
‘Let’s have a look,’ Cristal says. ‘Is this your holiday romance?’
‘It’s not a holiday romance,’ I counter. ‘We’re in love.’
Nina and Cristal exchange a glance that I don’t much care for.
‘It’s not like you think,’ I find myself objecting.
‘He’s fit,’ Cristal concedes. ‘I can see why you were taken in.’
‘I haven’t been “taken in”. Dominic’s a lovely man. If there’s any way that we can be together then I’m going to find it.’ At that, I pull up short. I hadn’t even admitted that to myself and now I’m announcing it aloud to the entire staffroom.
‘Just be careful, Janie,’ Nina warns. ‘I don’t want to see you hurt.’
‘The only way it’s going to hurt is if I can’t see him again.’ I take my photograph back.
‘I’m just saying.’ Nina slips her arm around me. ‘You’ve got to watch these blokes.’
‘My mate went to Turkey last year and met a guy,’ Steph chips in. ‘He led her a right merry dance. Shagged her ragged, then took her for a load of cash. Turns out he had a dozen different women on the go.’
‘Dominic’s not like that.’
‘My friend got done in Egypt like that,’ Cristal adds.
‘I’m not “getting done” by anyone,’ I protest.
They all give me a sympathetic look.
‘A few weeks ago you were all urging me to go out and find love,’ I remind them. ‘Now that I have, you don’t like it.’
Nina looks around for backup but realises that she is the chief spokesperson for Janie Johnson’s Unofficial Love Life Committee. ‘We’re just saying that this is a bit more . . . complicated . . . than the average relationship, hun. That’s all.’
They all nod vehemently behind her.
‘Is it?’ I ask. ‘Is it really?’
I don’t like to raise all of their relationship issues at this point but if I’m pressed, I will. One-night stands, commitment-phobes, green-eyed monsters, unfaithful husbands. I’d rather take on Dominic any day than any of their lot and I don’t give a damn what my friends think about it.
Chapter Thirty-Seven
The rest of the week is ridiculously tense. Clearly the word about my relationship with Dominic has spread around the salon. Clients, before I’ve even said anything to them about my holiday, are giving me pitying looks. I feel as if I’m the subject of gossip because whenever I emerge from the staffroom or walk into it, everyone else shuts up.