Page 60 of Wrapped Up In You
‘Mike . . .’ I step forward and hold open my arms.
He hesitates and then lets me hold him in my embrace. Reluctantly, his arms twine around me and then we stand and hold each other tightly.
‘Best friends?’ I say.
‘Yeah,’ he replies. ‘Best friends.’
Chapter Forty-Four
The tiny plane swoops down over the Maasai Mara and my heart swoops along with it. I can see the small runway come into view and know that in a few moments I’ll be touching down on Kenyan soil once more.
All my nerves are jangling and I haven’t been able to eat a scrap of food all the way from Heathrow. I haven’t slept either, not a wink. I’m as excited as a five-year-old and I haven’t looked forward to a Christmas so much in years.
My head’s in a spin and I still can’t believe I’m here. This is the sort of thing that other people do – the likes of Simon Cowell, Posh Spice, Ivana Trump. Hairdressers from Buckinghamshire don’t spend their life savings on a few days in the Maasai Mara. But if I have lost my mind, it feels very nice.
I think about the men I’ve left behind. I hope that all goes well for Paul and his impending marriage. I sent him a card and a small gift to show that I really am happy for him. Then there’s Mike and Archie, and I wish there was some way that they could be here with me too, instead of being back in Nashley alone. But most of all I think about Dominic. I can’t wait to see him again and I think I might explode with joy, with anticipation, with anxiety, if we don’t touch down soon.
The plane turns, my stomach rolls and we drop for our final descent. There are no airport buildings here. In fact, there’s nothing much at all apart from a single strip of concrete amidst the miles and miles of scrub. I can see a cluster of minibuses waiting at the side of the runway. One of them is from Kiihu Camp and I hope it’s just for me.
On the flight there are a dozen other people and we all wait impatiently as the plane touches down and taxis to a halt. Steps are brought to the door and five minutes later, I’m emerging into the brilliant African sunshine – as far away from the usual cold and rain of Christmas Day in Britain as it’s possible to be.
I shield my eyes against the brightness as I scan the plains, then I see Dominic’s tall frame in the distance, his distinctive red tunic, and I wave to him. His face, anxious, now lights up and he breaks into a run as he comes towards me. I drop my bag on the ground and hold out my arms. Then my Maasai warrior scoops me up and with a triumphant war cry, twirls me in the air.
‘You have come back to me, Just Janie,’ Dominic says. ‘In my heart I knew that you would.’
He lowers me to the ground and we hold each other tightly, tightly. Never before have I been able to feel sheer happiness coursing through my veins. It’s a heady feeling. Then, when I begin to wonder if we will ever be able to let go of each other, Dominic takes my hand and leads me towards the bus.
‘It’s only for a few days,’ I whisper. ‘I wish it could have been longer.’
‘Then we will have to make those days very special.’
Together, we jump into the bus and head off towards the camp. Dominic is grinning widely. ‘I cannot believe my own eyes,’ he says, shaking his head. ‘I cannot believe them.’
I’m so glad that I came, so glad that I sacrificed Mum’s jewellery, so glad that I accepted Mike’s loan. My mind flits again to my lovely neighbour and I hope that Mike is all right at home alone with just Archie. As soon as I’m settled, I’ll call him and see how they both are.
‘I do not have to work while you are here,’ Dominic says. ‘We can be together.’
‘Oh, Dominic. That’s wonderful.’
He smiles again. ‘I knew that you would like this, Just Janie. I also have other surprises.’
How can I have ever doubted that this was the right thing to do? My friends, my colleagues who have warned me against Dominic have no idea what he is like.
We head across the open plains and I feel as if I’m in seventh heaven as I see the zebras and the giraffes and the wildebeest once more. The vast blue sky is unchanged and I feel that everything has been waiting here just for me, exactly as I left it.
As we drive into the camp, instead of parking at the main entrance, we drive around to the far side. There, on its own, just on the edge of the camp, is a solitary tent.
‘This is the honeymoon suite,’ he teases.
‘It’s lovely. Perfect.’
‘This will be our home,’ Dominic says.
‘We’ll stay here together?’
‘Oh, yes.’ He picks up my bag. ‘And you will not be frightened of the lions.’