Page 33 of Dirty Secret
She smiles. "My sister's getting married. Her name is Indigo, so…"
"Ah." He looks to me like he has a new awareness of the situation. "That was her?"
"In the blinding white silk? Yeah." She laughs. "How did you know?"
"You don't look alike," he says.
"No? She's a total boss babe."
"And you're cute as a button."
She looks to me, like she's giving me a chance to step in and tell him to fuck off.
Or prove I'm just fucking around by blessing their potential union.
Sienna moves on. "I was going for hot." She motions to the low neckline of her dress. "Is it not working?"
"It's working." He winks at her. "Do you want the straight liqueur?"
"No. Another Blue Sapphire, please."
"Wetter this time?"
"If you can handle it." She shoots him a dazzling smile. "And one for my friend?"
"Your friend?"
"The groom's best friend." Somehow, she slips and he's clearly not fucking me into the four words. "And cousin. Technically."
"Does the groom's best friend want a drink?" the bartender asks.
"Yes, he'll have one." She leans over the bar enough her tits spill into her dress. The thin purple fabric barely contains them. "And if you get off work early, we're having a pretty epic party in the Penthouse."
She nods. "Strippers, cake, dick shaped lollipops."
"A bachelorette?"
"Combined," she says. "Come if you can. But we might ask you to take it all off."
He laughs. "I'll keep that in mind." He gives me one last look, sizing me up, deciding if I'm prepping to hit him, ignore him, ask him to fuck her as I watch. Then he shrugs I guess he's nothing and starts mixing drinks.
Sienna turns to the balcony. "I'll see you out there." She shrugs in exactly the same way.
I guess he's nothing.
I deserve it—I'm not being fair to her—but it still makes my stomach drop.
I consider fucking myself in the single stall bathroom. I'm that out of my fucking mind.
I don't, but I stand there, trying to talk myself out of inviting Sienna to my hotel room for too long.
Who needs the room?
We can go back to her flat. Or find a private spot on the balcony.
Hell, we can come back here, and I can bend her over the counter and dive between her legs.
All right, I'm officially out of my mind.
I can't talk myself out of wanting her. That's a lost cause. But I keep my trousers zipped.
I wash my hands five times. I repeat keep it in your pants, arsehole like my life depends on it.
Then I meet my friends and family at the balcony with a shrug and smile.
I'm here and I'm the same Cam as always. Sure, I might banter a bit, but that's where it ends.
No telling Sienna to fuck herself. No asking what color knickers she's wearing. No fishing for the exact level of her experience.
Maybe she's a virgin.
Maybe she's fucked every guy on the football team.
It doesn't make a difference to me.
Ty greets me with a smile. It's not guilty exactly—the man isn't going to be guilty about fucking his fiancée—but it's clear he knows he's caught.
"You realize you're thirty minutes late?" I ask.
"I do," he says.
"They were having sex," Sienna says. "We all know they were having sex. They basically admitted it."
Indigo blushes.
"Now, we're debating the details." Sienna reaches for her blue martini. Takes a long sip. Lets out a sigh of pleasure.
She's sitting on the bench on the left.
Ian and Eve are on the bench next to that one. Ty and Indigo across from them.
There's really only one place for me to sit—
Next to her.
Keep it in your pants, arsehole.
I slide onto the bench seat. It's my first time really getting inside the booth, and I have to admit Ian is right. This is a place you invite someone to fuck them.
It's the perfect mix of public and private. There's enough risk of getting caught to wind you up, but not so much you need to call your lawyer.
Sienna takes a long sip. Motions to my martini. "I'll drink it if you don't want it."
"How many is that?" Indie asks.
"It's your bachelorette party. Don't worry about me for one night." Sienna's gaze flits to Eve's half-drunk gin and tonic, but she doesn't mention it.
"Smart dodge." Ian raises his glass to toast.
Sienna laughs. "Thanks." She brings her glass to her lips.
They're still that deep, warm shade of red.
I still need them on my lips, neck, cock.
"Now that Cam is here, we can finally crown you." Sienna looks to me. Ready?
There's no other implication in it. Not fuck you for toying with me or I'm going to fuck you until you can't walk straight.
I'm imagining shit.
And I'm done.
My head is officially in the game.
I find my usual carefree smile. "We're not waiting until the room?"
"No. I think now," she says.
Indigo's expression fills with horror.
Ty chuckles.
Ian and Eve share a this should be interesting looks.