Page 53 of Dirty Secret
I'm not romantic and artistic the way my sister is. I follow my head, not my heart.
"Where are you going, sweetness?" He leans back in his chair. Brings his mug to his lips.
Fuck, how is he so sexy sitting here, drinking coffee? I want to toss breakfast aside and mount him. "You're too appealing. It's not fair."
"I am?"
I nod. "I'm at a distinct disadvantage."
"Teasing you."
"Because I'm too sexy?"
"And you?" His eyes flit to my chest. My thighs. "Sitting here in my clothes with a teach me everything look in your eyes?"
"I have a look?"
"It drives me crazy."
"You have a look too."
"So eat your breakfast."
I pour syrup on my pancakes. "And you'll fuck me?"
He raises a brow. Are you really going to make me repeat myself.
Right. "If I ask again, the answer is no?" Does he really mean that?
"You're on the line."
"For how long though… this morning or all weekend?"
"Ask again and you'll find out."
"I think that's an empty threat."
He raises a brow, but it's softer this time. More teasing. "If you want to find out…"
"That would punish you too."
"Even so."
Mmm. Mean. "Do you have that much restraint?"
He chuckles. "Are you daring me, sweetness? You really want to do that?"
No. God no. I'm not daring him not to fuck me.
Maybe he's bluffing. Who cares? As long as he fucks me, he can bluff all he wants.
I need to mount him now, but he won't fuck me until after breakfast.
I know him well enough to know that.
This meal is going to kill me. Maybe conversation is enough distraction I'll survive.
"You were working earlier?" I slice my pancake with my fork. Bring the sliver to my lips. Mmm, sweet, sweet carbs. Maple syrup, chocolate chips, coffee. This is heaven.
"I was."
"What do you do?"
He chuckles. "Me personally? Or Ty and Ian's company?"
"They have multiple, don't they?"
"This one is their bread and butter."
"The one you…"
"I'm head of Finance in Europe."
I take another bite. "What does that mean?"
"I'm the CFO."
"That's another way of saying the same thing."
He laughs and takes a bite of his toast. "I keep track of the top-level financial decisions. If we should work with a new company. If we should invest. What we can charge for information."
"Is that what the company does? Corporate espionages?"
"That's not the most charitable reading."
"Isn't that what you do?"
"Partially." He finishes his toast. "We have two main departments. Consulting and venture capital."
Venture capital. That's when rich people invest money in new business in exchange for a share. "Which do you run? Probably investing? That's more financial."
He nods.
"You studied math in school?"
"I did."
"So I could have your job one day?"
He smiles. "Are you coming after it?"
"Maybe. It pays pretty well."
"Is that what drives you?"
He sets his mug on the table. "You can always be honest with me."
"Even if it hurts?"
"Especially if it hurts."
"What if I want to tell you last night wasn't that great?"
"That wouldn't be honest." His voice is teasing, confident, but there's hurt in his eyes.
"How do you know?"
"I know." His eyes flit to my thighs.
Fuck. "What if it's… painful in a different way?"
"Even in five years when we're…"
"Family friends?"
"Yeah." I try to find comfort in my latte, but there isn't any. I hate the idea of us being reduced to family friends, but that's the future. It makes sense.
"Always, Sienna."
"I wouldn't feel like I earned it," I say. "If I got a job through Ty. I'm sure you're good at it, but—"
"Don't apologize for your opinion. I just asked for it."
"It's not you, Sienna. I like you the way you are."
"A tactless bitch?"
My lips curl into a smile. "I wasn't just sucking up. I do think you're good at the job. If you weren't, Ty would fire you."
"Even though I'm family?"
"Definitely. He doesn't deal with incompetence."
He smiles. "True."
"It's weird, isn't it? Having rich family? Four months ago, I wasn't sure if we'd make our mortgage payment. Now, we're subletting our place in Brooklyn and Ty is paying my rent."
"He cares about you."
"Maybe. But it's so he has more time to fuck Indie."
"How long does it take to get to your old place?"
"From Ty's apartment? Half an hour on the subway, give or take."
"That's an hour round trip. A lot of time to fuck her."
"I do appreciate it," I say.
"I appreciate the job."
"And the money?"
He nods.
"But it's weird… like there are invisible strings."
"I know what you mean."
"Do you think about striking out on your own?" I ask.
"Sometimes. But I like being on a team."
"Once a soccer player, always a soccer player?"
"Something like that." He takes a long sip of his coffee. "It's a strange company, but we have our roles. I handle finance in Europe. Ian is head of information."
"What a euphemism."
Cam chuckles. "It is."
"And Ty?"
"He's our chief operations officer. All the practicalities of running a business. Negotiating, managing, laying down the law."
"That sounds like Ty." My eyes stay on him. "But you… I'd never peg you as a math guy."