Page 62 of Wrong Kind of Love
We pull away from the church, and I try to calm my racing pulse, but it’s impossible. In less than half an hour, I’ll be face to face with the man who slaughtered my entire family, the man who used Tor—someone who has nothing to do with the transgressions of my mother and father—as a pawn. His want to make me suffer has left a long trail of blood in its wake, and now it’s time to spill his. I lose myself in thoughts, playing out the things I might say before I pull the trigger, and with each passing second, the weight of the gun feels heavier. I’m so worked up by the time the car drives beneath the domestic flight's sign, I can see each beat of my pulse.
Stan navigates around vehicles parked at the drop-offs, then pulls to the curb, and Rio gets out, ducking between cars on his way to the terminal. I shift to the corner where Tom won’t be able to see me until it’s too late.
“What happens to Sofia if he kills you?”
“If I don’t contact my guy on time, your daughter dies.” It’s shit, and I hate it, but that is how things work in this world. I spot Tom exiting the doors and press myself farther into the seat.
My heart races so damn hard when Tom goes for the door, and Garcia’s guy falls in step behind him. Tell him what a worthless piece of shit he is. How much you hate him. Beat him, then shoot him. Thoughts cycle through my head, stopping when the latch clicks. The door opens, and the bustle from the busy airport outside spills into the cabin just as Tom sinks inside the car. The door is still open, but he’s fully in when he spots me and goes for his gun. Rio slings himself into the backseat, knocking it from Tom’s hand, and the moment the door closes, the limo peels away from the curb.
"You fucking underestimated me, Tom.”
There’s a slight pop from the silencer when the gun goes off. Blood splatters the tinted window, and Tom’s body slumps in the seat, his eyes fixing in a vacant stare. All these years, I’ve wanted revenge, and it’s nothing I thought it would be. There’s no satisfaction, no instant relief. The burdens I’ve carried in my heart are still there and just as heavy. But at least I know from now on Tor is safe. Our baby will be safe. There’s a fresh start waiting for us in the Caribbean.
I light a cigarette and send a text to Marney, staring at Tom’s body before putting one more bullet in the motherfucker’s head. Some debts, not even death, can pay.
Marney’s truck sits to the side of an oak tree with the headlights cut. Waiting. The limo hasn’t come to a complete stop before Marney gets out and goes to the back of his truck, helping Sophia out. Stan throws his door open and sprints across the gravel lot. I feel like shit for putting them through this, but everything comes at a price. Stan knows that. When a man’s a criminal, he’s putting everyone who means anything to him at risk. There are no rules or morals in this world. Men only play by a code when they’re getting their way. I glance at the cartel member beside me, and a knot forms in my gut. I’ve gotten the threat of Tom out of the way, but until I can unwind myself from Garcia, Tor and our child will always be at some level of risk. One fuck up from me, and they’ll be used as a bargaining chip, just like Sophia was. And that is why I need to get the hell out of it.
Rio gets out of the back, and I follow suit, leaving Tom slumped against the window. I’ve taken two steps when headlights come round the church. A pack of black SUVs screeches to a halt, kicking up clouds of dust in the glow of the taillights.
“You piece of shit,” I shout at Stan as I pull my gun. The bastard set us up.
I get ready to fire. Rio has his gun aimed. Then the SUV doors open, and men in full tactical gear jump out, rifles pointed at us. “FBI. Drop your weapon.”
This is fucking bad. I toss my pistol to the gravel, and a swarm of agents rushes toward me.
“Shit.” Rio takes off but doesn’t make it far before one of the agents shoots him down. Tor screams when I’m shoved to the ground. That close. I was that damn close to having everything I’ve ever wanted. A family. Love. Understanding. Things I know I don’t deserve, but she is still somehow willing to give, and now it’s gone. A knee lands on my back, and someone forces my hands behind me. Handcuffs snap around my wrist, then my wallet is snatched from my pocket. “Well, surprise, surprise,” the officer says, hauling me to my feet. “We come after Campbell and find Jude Pearson. Ain’t this my lucky day?” He hauls me to my feet just as Marney is shoved to the ground and cuffed. I see one of the agents head towards Tor, and I panic.