Page 23 of A Mighty Love
Mel opened his eyes. Debra hovered over him with Adrienne peering angrily over her shoulder. Mel groaned at the sight and closed his eyes again.
“I know you awake now, Mel. Git up or the next water you feel will be boilin’ hot.”
Mel managed to pull himself up on his elbows. He opened his eyes again. The light bore into his pupils. It burned. His head throbbed.
“Your wife is here to pick you up.”
Adrienne stepped forward and grabbed him by one arm. “What happened to your face?” she asked.
Mel opened his mouth to explain, but his tongue was stuck to the roof of his mouth. “Thirsty,” he croaked.
Debra thrust the pitcher at him. He snatched it from her hand and drank the rest of the water in huge gulps while his wife and sister gazed at him in pure disgust.
“Get up, Mel. Let’s go home.”
Mel slowly eased his body off the bed. It looked as if each movement was painful. He moved unsteadily once he was in a standing position.
“I’ll walk y’all outside and help you get a cab,” Debra said to Adrienne.
“How did Mel bust his lip?”
“Didn’t happen in my house” Debra replied. “He went to the liquor store and it was busted when he got back. Said he got mugged.”
Mel stumbled after the two women, apparently too drunk to realize how thoroughly pathetic he looked. The cold air helped, but he promptly passed out again as soon as he and Adrienne climbed into the backseat of the cab.
He slept all the way home. When the cab stopped in front of their building, Adrienne paid the fare and shook her husband. “Mel, get up. We’re home.” He didn’t budge. She shook him some more.
“Come on, lady. I ain’t got all night!” the driver yelled.
Adrienne opened the door, hoping a cold blast of air would wake Mel up. It didn’t work. “He’s drunk, and I can’t get him up!” Adrienne called to the driver. “Can you help me?”
“Hell, no! I could get sued if he falls or something. Jesus Christ! Why do I always get the fucking wackos?”
Adrienne bit her lip. Mel was too heavy for her to lift. “Is there a problem here?” It was a man’s voice.
Adrienne watched as the man’s legs moved to the driver’s window and he repeated the question.
“What is this? A setup? You two know each other?” The driver’s voice was shaking with fright.
Adrienne squinted into the darkness, trying to see the man’s face.
“Calm down. I’m a cop.”
Adrienne leaned out the door. It was Ed Winsome. He smiled when he saw her and moved quickly to the back door. He peeked inside. His skin was a light golden color. His features were too rugged for him to be handsome, but there was kindness in his face and his voice was
gentle. “Is your husband sick?” he asked politely.
The car was reeking with liquor, and Ed Winsome had to have smelled it. She nodded, grateful to him for his discretion.
“Get out,” he said quietly.
Adrienne climbed out and watched as he pulled Mel’s legs out the door. He reached in again and, with a grunt, pulled Mel’s shoulders forward. With a few swift motions, he had Mel out of the car and was half carrying, half dragging him to the building. Adrienne slammed the door. She was about to apologize to the cabbie, but he roared away. Sick with embarrassment, Adrienne kept her head down and led the way. Once they were in the apartment, Ed managed to catch her eye. “Where should I put him?” he asked.
Adrienne mumbled, “The bedroom,” and then stood waiting by the front door. She heard a thump and wondered if Ed had thrown Mel onto the bed rather than placing him there gently. Ed came back.
“Thank you.”
Ed kept his gaze averted. “It was nothing.” He waved a good-bye and left.