Page 30 of A Mighty Love
So Adrienne told Dan the Lloyd Cooper story. When she finished talking, his mouth was hanging open in astonishment.
The three lapsed into silence for a moment, and then Adrienne kicked off her shoes and went to the kitchen in her sweat socks. She opened the refrigerator. “Let’s see, it’s too early for a beer.” She took out some crackers and a can of soda. “LaMar looks great, and he was thrilled to run into me again.”
Dan laughed. “Why any man would remember you past fifteen seconds is beyond me.”
Adrienne stuck her tongue out at him. “Cut the little-brother jokes, Dan. Anyway, I can’t think about it anymore. That’s how I almost spoiled a nice surprise that Mel put together for me last night. I had Lloyd on the brain when I walked through the front door.”
Dan said, “I can’t wait to see LaMar. He was such a wuss. Always sitting at the kitchen table mooning after you.”
Adrienne blushed. “Will you forget about Lloyd for a minute? I have a real problem.”
“There’s more drama going on in your life?” Charlene asked incredulously.
Adrienne sighed. “Yeah.” She told them about Mel, the TV set, and the story he had given her about being mugged.
“I knew there was something wrong with Mel,” Charlene said.
“You were right about Mel’s drinking,” Adrienne said softly. “I think it is out of control, but he doesn’t even realize it.”
Charlene shook her head sadly. “Poor Mel.”
Adrienne could feel tears welling up in her eyes. “Poor Mel? What about me? I can sense Delilah’s presence sometimes.”
“I’m sure Mel does, too, Adrienne,” Charlene replied.
But Adrienne wasn’t so sure. She wondered if Mel thought about Delilah as much as she did.
Charlene patted her on the back. “Buck up, honey. Remember, you’re a former prom queen. Blink back those tears and smile.”
Adrienne was embarrassed by the praise. “Girl, please. When I was in show business, I met a whole bunch of former prom queens. I wasn’t special anymore. Plus, they were a whole lot tougher and scrappier than me. I guess that’s why I didn’t make it.”
Dan changed the subject. “Did Mel report the mugging?”
“I don’t believe Mel was mugged at all, but since I can’t get a handle on what else might have happened, I have to leave it alone.”
Charlene smiled at her husband and pointed at him with a long string bean. “Dan better not try no shit like that.”
Adrienne poked Charlene in the ribs. “Husbands and wives have always toughed it out in our family. We’re a loyal bunch, so you’re stuck with Dan.”
Charlene sucked her teeth. “Every clan h
as a divorce somewhere on the family tree.”
Adrienne shook her head. “Not on my mother or father’s side.”
“Whatever. Dan is a good man, and he better stay that way or we’ll end up in the Jordan history books as the first couple to throw in the towel.”
“Mel had the place looking real nice last night; there were flowers and good food. So tonight Mel and I are going to Nell’s. My treat.”
Dan laughed. “Nell’s is a nightclub for young people. It’s hard to picture you and Mel out on the dance floor rocking to hip-hop music.”
“Tonight they’re playing old school jams. So we’ll be okay.”
“I hope you have a good time,” Dan said.
Adrienne rubbed her hands together nervously. “We’re going to dance, drink, and have a good time. Everything is going to be perfect.”
The evening was far from perfect. The trouble started right after dinner. Mel washed the dishes and lay down on the bed. He used the remote to click on the TV. “I’m gonna watch the game,” he said.