Page 63 of A Mighty Love
“Adrienne, you know money is not an issue for me. I’ll give you the money to pay your creditors.”
Adrienne pulled away and furiously shook her head. “I could never accept such a gift. I owe too much money.”
“How much do you owe?”
Adrienne continued to shake her head.
“Tell me.”
She sighed. “At least twenty thousand dollars.”
Lloyd rolled his eyes. “That’s nothing. I’ll get my checkbook and we can settle all this right now.”
“Absolutely not. I can’t take that kind of money from you.”
“Fine. It’s a loan, then. Does that make you feel better?”
“I’ll think about it, Lloyd.”
“May I ask you a question?”
“Are you in debt because of your husband’s problem?”
“What problem are you talking about?”
Lloyd frowned. “His drug problem.”
Adrienne felt as if he had slapped her. “Are you crazy? Mel is not on drugs!”
“Yes, he is,” Lloyd said firmly. “I can spot a user a mile away.”
“He isn’t,” Adrienne said stoutly. “And you don’t know a damned thing about my husband.”
“It’s kind of you to stand by him after all he’s put you through,” Lloyd said quietly.
“Kindness?” Adrienne laughed bitterly. “I’m lucky he stayed with me after what I did.”
Lloyd cocked his head to one side. “Guilt?” he asked.
Part of her wanted to tell the whole sad story, but she didn’t want to watch the respect and admiration fade from his eyes.
“I don’t know what hurt you’ve caused him in the past, Adrienne, but I’ll bet that debt has been paid in full a thousand times over.” He shifted from one foot to the other.
Adrienne shook her head. “You’re so wrong.”
Lloyd cleared his throat. “I’m sorry, but I don’t believe you. Please don’t get mad.”
Adrienne took a deep breath and decided to let the truth come out. It was better than letting Lloyd believe that Mel’s erratic behavior was caused by drugs. “I’m not mad at you, Lloyd. I just wish you had known Mel before we lost the baby. He hasn’t been the same since Delilah died.”
Lloyd was shocked. “A baby!”
Adrienne stood up and began to pace as she spoke. The story tumbled out: her need to get away from the baby, Mel’s fatigue, the visit to the hair salon, dinner with Dan, the drive home, the street in Rosedale that was clogged with police cars and fire trucks, Delilah’s funeral, and her withdrawal from life.
Her phone rang, but she and Lloyd both ignored it.
Lloyd listened without interruption until she sank back down on the chair, covering her face with her hands as though she were waiting for him to pass some terrible judgment.