Page 53 of Forever Changed
“Nothing, you’re just cute when you see something that catches your interest.”
“Yeah, I’ve always been a visual person," I admitted. “I love seeing things out of the ordinary.
“Well, in that case, come with me, because this isn’t why we came here today,” he said, grabbing my chilled hand in his.
“It’s not?” I asked, puzzled.
“No,” he said, leading me toward a dock that jutted out over the water. There was a large sign that read: No lifeguard on duty. Swim at your own risk. I hope he didn’t have some crazy idea that we were going to go swimming.
“Um, you know I didn’t bring my suit,” I said as we approached the edge of the dock.
“Who needs suits, darling? There’s no one around,” he said, indicating the deserted area around us.
“Whatever, it’s way too cold to go swimming,” I said.
“Nah, it’s spring fed, so it’s a toasty seventy-two degrees. It’ll be practically tropical in there compared to the brisk fifty-nine degrees it is outside today,” he countered.
“Well, as much as I’m sure you’d love it, I think there’s a law against going skinny-dipping,” I said, grasping for straws.
He barreled over laughing at my expense. “Come here, I wanted to show you this,” he said, pointing in the water at the end of the dock.
“Not funny,” I said, not wanting to admit how relieved I was.
“Ha-ha, it kind of was. You should have seen your face. Now, come see why I really brought you here,” he said.
“Fine, but this better not be some elaborate plan to push me in so you can get me out of my clothes.”
“Now, why didn’t I think of that?” he joked. “Kidding! Come on, trust me.”
I joined him, cautiously holding his arm in a death grip. If I was going in, so was he.
“Look,” he said, pointing down in the water.
Peering down, I gasped out loud as a huge grey shape passed beneath the water under us.
“What was that?” I asked shocked.
He laughed. “It’s a manatee.”
“Like at Sea World?” I asked, kneeling down so I could get a closer look.
“Exactly, they swim south when the water temperatures drop during the winter.”
“It’s huge,” I said. “Oh look, there’s another one,” I said, pointing just beyond the dock.
He laughed again. “Believe me, there’s more than just these two. Blue Springs is a popular hangout for them. If you’re lucky maybe you’ll see a baby one.”
“Eeeeeeep, that would be so cool,” I said, dropping down to sit on the edge of the dock so I could get a better look. “They kind of look like an oversized walrus without the tusk and those whiskery things.”
“Yeah, they do. I like how they seem so carefree and lazy, like they don’t have a care in the world.”
“How did you find this place? I’ve lived here my whole life and never even knew it existed.”
“My aunt used to bring me once a year after we first moved here. I pitched a fit, though, the year I turned fifteen, saying I was too old to go to a park with my aunt. I never admitted it to her, but I rode three buses that year, by myself, so I could see them. I haven’t missed a year yet.”
“Wow, who would have thought Rocker-boy Maddon would be a big old softie,” I teased. “Boy, was I wrong about you.”
“Story of my life,” he said, coming up to sit behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.