Page 55 of Forever Changed
“So, now you can add superhero to your attributes list?” I quipped.
“I told you sweets, I’m the whole package,” he said, flashing a smile that made my knees liquefy. Something about him jumping in and saving the little girl without a moment’s thought had affected me more than anything before. If I wasn’t falling for him before, I was definitely hook, line and sinker now.
“I guess I’d have to agree with you on that,” I said, reaching out to drag him to me. This time it was him opening his mouth to my tongue as I pulled him in close. The wetness from his clothing began to seep through the material of my hoodie, but I gave it no notice.
He pulled back after a moment. “I’m soaking your clothes,” he said, trying to catch his breath from the kiss.
“I don’t care,” I mumbled, trying to pull him close again.
“I do, you just got over being sick,” he said, holding me at arm’s length.
“Fine, so hurry and change,” I pouted, making him laugh.
He popped open his trunk and pulled out a gym bag. “Why do you carry extra clothes?” I asked, since he didn’t seem like the type to workout.
“They’re for after band practice. We usually hang out afterward and I hate wearing sweaty clothes.”
“So, you’re kind of a diva,” I teased.
“Didn’t you hear Bethany’s mom? It’s superhero, not diva. Read my lips, su-per-he-ro,” he teased. “I’m gonna go change real quick,” he said, pointing to the bathrooms. “Here, take these,” he said, reaching toward his back pocket, only to come up empty handed. “Oh crap, I lost my drumsticks in the water,” he said, looking forlornly toward the water.
“I’m sorry,” I said, remorsefully. “Were they a special pair?”
“Nah, but now it just means I have to replace them, and I’m not sure if the music store I get them from is open tomorrow,” he said, sighing. “Of all the rotten luck, I should have bought some when we were out yesterday.”
“Why don’t you go change and we can figure it out when you’re done,” I said, pushing him toward the bathroom.
Once he was out of sight, I extracted the gift bag from the front floorboard.
“Here,” I said, holding out the bag once he joined me. “I thought you might need this now,” I said, smiling at him.
“I have something for you too,” he said, heading for the driver’s side of the car. “Wait, open mine first,” I said, anxious to give it to him.
He looked at me at me questioningly, but pulled out the tissue paper so he could peer into the bag.
“No way,” he said, extracting the new set of drumsticks I had bought him the day before. He held them in his hands, admiring the quality.
“I think they're supposed to be the best. I would have asked the salesclerk, but she wasn’t the chattiest of people.”
“They’re great. I normally buy the cheapest of cheap, but these are sweet,” he said, turning them in his had to admire them. “Hey, they have my band name on them,” he said, happily running his thumb over the engraved words. “When did you have time for this?”
“I took them to Disney with me. I remembered they had an engraver there, so I bowed out of riding the Haunted Mansion a third time with Mom and Megan and did this instead. Do you like them okay? I wasn’t sure if the engraved wood would be a bother when you’re playing.”
“They’re perfect,” he said, dragging me in for a bear hug. “Best gift ever,” he said with emphasis.
“Well, I figured if you’re constantly carrying them around, I wanted to be a part of that,” I said, divulging more information than necessary.
He chuckled. I felt my cheeks brighten at how ridiculous I must have sounded.
“I’m not laughing at you, babe,” he said. “Here, give me a sec,” he added, climbing into his car and opening the middle console. He came back around the car carrying a small gift-wrapped package. “Here,” he said, handing it to me.
I pulled off the wrapper, wondering what he found so funny. I let out a laugh when I pulled off the top of the little box and saw the charm nestled inside on a bed of cotton. I pulled out a set of miniature silver drumsticks attached to a delicate chain.
“I figured if you had drumsticks with you, you’d be reminded of me throughout the day,” he explained, practically repeating the words I had just uttered to him.
I laughed with him at the similar way our minds had worked.
“Will you hook it on for me?” I asked, turning around so he could clasp my necklace. “What do you think?” I asked once it was securely in place.