Page 41 of Unlikely Allies
"Wow, just in the nick of time. I'm sure you would have appreciated my germs on you," I joked, crawling up beside him.
"Yeah, because you're not helping me at all," he said sarcastically, making me smile.
"So, what do you and Rick do when camp's not in session?" I asked, deciding a change in subject was in order.
"We have a house in Golden and I go to Red Rocks Community College while Rick schmoozes rich people for funding for the camp."
"How does he get income to live on?" I asked curiously.
"He has some trust his grandfather set up for him. Over the years, I've gathered through things he's said, that his family wasn't happy he didn't follow in the family footsteps of being a lawyer. They pretty much disowned him when he told him his idea for a summer camp, but they couldn't touch the trust fund his grandfather set up."
"Rick, as a lawyer?" I said snorting. "Have they met Rick?"
"I know, right? The ironic thing is I Googled the family once and they're loaded, but they won't give Rick a dime for the camp."
"I guess that whole 'blood is thicker than water' analogy doesn't apply to them," I said, disgusted with the blood relatives I had never met.
"To each their own, I guess," Mason said, pulling me snugly up against his body.
His sudden move distracted me and I momentarily lost my train of thought as the heat of his body warmed mine.
"So, um, what are you studying?" I asked, pulling my thoughts away from how good he felt.
"An assortment. I haven't picked a major yet, so I'm taking classes that interest me, mostly biology and science classes. I'm happy working at the camp and Rick has been grooming me on fundraising, so it's all good. What about you?"
"Well, I haven't really decided either. I know I want to do something in art. For years, I figured I'd open up a small studio in one of the beach communities near me, but I've been rethinking that plan lately."
"Yeah, as much as I rejected the idea of teaching this summer, I actually like it better than I ever thought I would. Sure, some of the kids are complete smartasses, but the ones that get art are complete sponges. I can't think of anything better than helping them discover their passion."
"That's great, Kimberly. Your dad would be happy to hear that."
"You think so? I feel like I've been nothing but a big disappointment to him this summer," I said, letting some of my insecurities creep in.
"Disappointment?" he asked incredulously. "You couldn't be further from the truth, beach bunny," he said, calling me the name that had now oddly become like a term of endearment.
"Did you really hate me when I first got here?" I asked bravely.
He didn't reply right away and I started to squirm uncomfortably, wishing I hadn't brought it up. After several seconds had passed, he finally answered. "No, I never hated you. You scared the shit out of me though."
"I did? Why?"
"Because you came crashing into the nice safe bachelor lifestyle I had planned for myself. After my mom died, I watched how broken up my dad was and I began to question if love was worth all the heartache. Once I moved in with Rick, I began to see the benefits of living the single life, but then you showed up with your long brown hair, drop-dead eyes and smile that could light up a room. I felt like I had been sucker-punched. I started thinking about you all the time—the way you would flush angrily when I teased you, or when you'd throw your head back when you find something funny. The harder I tried to not think about you, the more you crept in. It wasn't until the earth decided to open up underneath us that I realized how dumb I've been all these years. When the right person comes along, love is totally worth all the baggage."
"Are you saying you love me?" I asked incredulously.
"No, I'm saying I'm in serious like with you," he teased.
I pinched his arm, showing my annoyance over his glibness.
"Kidding, I'm sure some people would say it's too early
for love, but I know I can't stop thinking about you," he said, tucking my head under his chin.
His words made me warm from head to toe and I couldn't help raising up so I could nip lightly on his chin.
"I think I'm in like with you too," I teased.