Page 57 of Unlikely Allies
"Come on Gloomy Gus, we're here. Let's go grab something to eat and we'll deal with this mess later," she said, indicating the multiple boxes and bags scattered across the room.
"Fine, but you're doing your share when we get back," I said, knowing her well.
"Me?" she said, laying on the innocence.
Carol and I walked around the campus to get a better lay of the land before classes started on Monday.
"What time is freshman orientation tomorrow?" Carol asked, sipping her large iced caramel latte.
"Two in the afternoon, I think. Why?"
"Just wondering since the campus seems pretty empty."
"That's what I was thinking. I guess not everyone is as dedicated as us," I joked.
"You mean, dweebie,
right? Come on, let’s go get dinner, maybe we'll meet some people."
"By 'people', you mean 'boys'," I said, linking my arm through hers. "How can you be hungry anyway? You just downed an iced caramel latte."
"Hello, have we met?"
"Oops, that's right. I forgot I was talking to the bottomless pit," I quipped as she dragged me into the Terrace Food Court.
"Wow, pick your poison," I said, taking in all the fast food places. "Sheesh, this food court is better than the one at the mall," I joked, heading for the Panda Express.
"I'm going to make the rounds to see what I want," Carol said, dumping her empty cup in the trashcan.
"Okay," I said, placing my order with the girl behind the counter.
Carol still wasn't back by the time I paid for my food, so I picked a table for us. I was halfway done with my food when I saw her headed my way, dragging two very willing guys behind her. I held back a sigh at their twin like appearances in khaki shorts and girly-colored polo shirts. Why guys suddenly thought it was hot to wear pink and lavender was beyond me.
"Kim, this is Chris and his friend Steven," she said, making quick introductions while I glared at her.
"Hi," I said, holding out my hand, reluctantly.
Chris shook it firmly before turning his attention back to Carol, making it clear who he was interested in.
I turned to his friend to shake his hand. He grasped mine longer than necessary, making a production of running his thumb over my pulse point. I jerked my hand back, frowning at him.
"Sorry, there's only room at the table for two," I said, rudely.
"That's okay. We can get a bigger..." Carol started to say, but abruptly shut her mouth when she saw my thunderous expression.
"No problem," Chris said, looking at me like I had sprouted an extra head. "Here, let me program my number in your phone and maybe we can get together after your orientation," he said, reaching for his phone.
"Okay," Carol said, obviously already infatuated.
Taking a moment to appraise Chris, I guess I couldn't blame her. He was easily more than six feet tall with a mess of brown locks that fell across his forehead. His lean physique made him a prime candidate for most shirtless activities that most girls would dream about. Judging by the look on Car's face, she was already in dreamland. With Carol standing next to him with her long golden legs, highlighted by a mid-thigh skirt and a full chest, enhanced by the peasant shirt that tied just over her chest, they looked like they were posing for some clothing line.
"I'll call you," Carol said as they turned to leave. Chris turned to wink at her one last time and I had to bite back a groan. Carol was a goner for sure.
"I'm in love," she announced, throwing herself in the chair across from me.
"I'm surprised it took so long, you've known him all of ten minutes," I said drily.
"Closer to fifteen," she said, smiling at me impishly. "Isn't this why we came to college?" she asked, picking a piece of Mongolian chicken off my plate.