Page 30 of Coach Me
A tear skids down my cheek. I roughly wipe it away, then stare down at the floor.
“Amber, I am so sorry that you feel this way, but I promise you what Melanie did will not happen again. You belong on this team, just like everyone else, and you deserve to be here, just like everyone else. Please don’t ever forget that.”
I nod. It’s all I can do.
Hamilton stands and exhales. “If something like this happens again with anyone on the team, you let me know personally. Understand?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Good. Now you rest up. Make sure that ankle of yours heals well ‘cause we’re gonna need you when the season starts.” I peer up and Hamilton has a small smile on her lips.
She turns away and walks to the door, swinging it open and stepping out. Before she goes, she gives me an assuring smile and a wink over her shoulder and then she’s gone.
And when the door clicks shut, I exhale with so much relief, and then sob and laugh like a maniac.
By day six, my ankle is feeling a lot better. I do have a slight twinge in my ankle, but it’s not so bad that I can’t walk, and it’s not too noticeable. I’m good enough to go to class today. Torres emailed my professors and asked them to send me my work online, so I caught up on all my assignments while I lounged around the apartment.
I stop at the café for a coffee first, in dire need of one. Kendall was bringing me coffees while I was at the apartment, and Janine would cook and rant about how much of a bitch Melanie is. They really are good friends.
As the barista takes my money, I hear laughter to my right. There are three tables by the window, and one is occupied by four girls. One of the four is Melanie. I don’t recognize the other three. Melanie’s back is to me as she sits in a silver chair, talking animatedly.
“Yeah, my dad doesn’t give a flying fuck, but my mom totally flipped the fuck out on me. She’s all ‘you need to learn how to be better!’ and ‘why can’t you be like your sister! Stop being such a selfish brat all the time!’ and the whole time I was on the phone with her I was rolling my eyes. My mom is so overboard, but not as overboard as Hamilton. Hamilton is a fucking cunt, girls. She suspended me from practice for three weeks and told me that when pre-season starts, I don’t get to compete in the first two games. Such bullshit, right? All because of some dumb, new black girl who doesn’t know how to control her weird hair. Have you seen it? It’s all over the place! Her hair literally blocks everyone’s view on the track. It’s no wonder we can’t fucking beat her in the practice races!” She scoffs. “I don’t get what they expect. Just because she’s the only black girl on our team we have to pretend to like and befriend her? Hell no! And I mean, girls, she’s good, but she’s not all that. It’s like Hamilton worships the ground that girl walks on. I can’t stand it.”
“White chocolate mocha, double espresso for Amber?” The barista pops up behind the counter, sliding a drink my way with a smile.
When my name is said aloud, Melanie turns her head rapidly and spots me. I don’t miss the way her face turns cherry red, or how the other girls’ eyes grow as wide as golf balls when they notice me too.
I pick up my drink after sliding it into a sleeve, and since there is a door next to their table, I decide to go for that exit. I look at every single girl at the table, absorbing the details of their faces, and even how much blood has rushed to their cheeks. They don’t look like athletes. More like sorority sisters with their gobs of makeup and skin-tight clothes.
I press on the door with my hip and it cracks open, letting in a cool breeze. I finally put my focus on Melanie. “For the record, Melanie, this dumb, new black girl you’re talking about? There is nothing wrong with her hair, but there is something wrong with you, considering how much ignorance you have.” I shake my head as she scoffs again, clearly embarrassed. “Oh, and you can talk all the shit you want, but I’m not going to let it get to me anymore. I know my worth. And if you ever try to do anything to me again, Hamilton won’t be the one punishing you next time. She’ll be punishing me for beating your sorry ass.”
And with that, I’m out the door, sipping my coffee and then smiling because, seriously, fuck that bitch.