Page 53 of Coach Me
But she’s a student. This is fucked up.
Fuck it. She’s already here. We aren’t on campus, and it’s winter break.
I ignore the thoughts that echo in my head, screaming how terrible of an idea this is, and reach around her to unlatch her bra.
She lets out a shallow breath, lowering her gaze, and assisting me by sliding her arms through the straps of the bra.
I look down at her brown nipples, her perky tits. She’s glorious, really. I drop to my knees, landing on them one by one, and unbutton her jeans.
“Torres,” she pants.
“I really should go.”
“No,” I mutter as I tug her jeans down. “You shouldn’t.” She’s wearing green panties. They’re girly. Innocent. I should feel bad for this, but I can’t bring myself to feel bad at all. This shit feels right, like it’s meant to happen.
She steps out of the jeans and I grip her hips, angling her backside to the bed. I force her to sit and she gasps as she drops down.
“Lie back,” I command.
“I’m your coach, Amber. Listen to my instructions. Lie back.”
I look up and she clamps her mouth shut. She does as she’s told and lays on her back.
I slide my palms up her smooth brown thighs.
“This is so crazy,” she breathes.
“What’s crazy about it?” I lean up, spreading her thighs apart. I can smell her natural, feminine scent. It’s subtle, but it’s there. Fresh and unique to her. She’s wet too, I see that from the dark print at the slit of her panties.
“All of this,” she pants.
“What you just did to me, or what I’m about to do to you?”
She picks her head up to look down at me. “What are you about to do to me?”
I smirk and then lean in, running my tongue over the thin fabric of her panties. I want to taste the pleasure she built up for me as she sucked my cock. Getting me off clearly pleased her.
She gasps loudly and I do it again, licking repeatedly at the perfect indent in her panties. I run my tongue up and down, soaking the green cotton fabric, and she squirms and gasps and sighs with a need for more.
She wanted to tease me? Well it’s my turn now.
I have to confess something as Torres pulls my panties down. “I’ve never had this done before,” I tell him.
“Good. I’m glad to be the first.” He doesn’t stop his actions as he drags the soaked panties down to my ankles. When I’m completely exposed, he meets my eyes and pauses. “Wait. Do you want me to do this? I can stop, preciosa.”
“No, no. Don’t stop.” Gah, what am I saying? I’m nervous as hell. My coach is literally on the verge of eating me out and the thought of that is driving me crazy. I don’t know how my body will react to this—to his tongue on a very private part of my body. A part of my body that only one other guy has ever seen or touched. “And preciosa?” I ask, taking note of the name.
“Means precious. You can be precious when you want to be, Lakes.”
“I see.”
He kisses my inner thigh and I swear I’m about to lose all sense of control. I have to say, Torres is nothing like my ex. Torres knows what he’s doing and his mouth—his tongue—is indescribable already. He licked me through my panties and all I could do was writhe and ache for him to do more. He was teasing me, killing me slowly. I can’t imagine what it will be like with the real deal.
He spreads my legs apart again and his mouth hovers above my sex. “I’m glad you don’t want me to stop. I don’t think I can stop myself right now even if I tried. I want to taste your pussy, Lakes.” He kisses the lips of my pussy and I shudder. “I want to bury my tongue so deep inside you right now that you feel me here for weeks.”
Oh, God.
And that does it for him. His head lowers and he slides his tongue through the lips of my pussy. I gasp even louder, my hips bucking, and he places a hand on my pelvis to keep me steady, but he doesn’t stop. He licks me again, running his silky tongue up and down, and then going back up and circling it around my aching, greedy clit.
“Holy shit, Torres! Holy shit!”
He groans between my legs, and it’s such an animalistic sound. His groan vibrates through me, shooting up to my chest. I arch my hips and he glues his mouth to my pussy.
“You taste so good,” he groans between sucks and licks, and I breathe raggedly, my body going wild. My body feels like it’s been kicked into overdrive—taken over my someone else. I don’t know who this girl is right now. She’s crying out the name Torres and gasping and moaning.