Page 56 of Coach Me
I laugh over her shoulder. “I didn’t even see you come in. Have you been here all day?”
“No, I just got here. My mom dropped me off but she made me stop by her friend’s job close by for a job application.” Kendall rolls her eyes.
“Ah. That explains the jeans.”
“Yeah. Fuck these jeans. What’s up with you though? How was the break?”
My mind immediately goes to the hotel. The dark room. The king-sized bed. My fingers clutching the white sheets as Torres’ head was buried between my legs.
“Oh, um, it was good,” I say, turning before she can catch the goofy look that takes over my face. “How was yours?” I pick up one of the containers from the corner with some of my clothes in it.
“Mine was boring as hell,” she snorts. “I hung out with my sister at her tat shop but other than that, I was home. Hence the reason my mom is forcing me to get a job. She said I was being too lazy around the house, but I had school and track! I just wanted to relax, man.”
There’s a knock at the door and Kendall walks around me to get it.
“What’s up, bitches!” Janine bursts right in, giving us both wide smiles. I place my container down as she wraps her arms around both of us to hug us at the same time. “Can you believe I had to stay here for break?”
“What?” I exclaim.
“I was supposed to go home and my mom was on the way, but her car broke down. My brother was out of town with his girlfriend in Vegas, so yeah. I was stuck here. My mom’s car still isn’t fixed.”
“Wow. I’m sorry, Janine. Why didn’t you tell us? I could have told my mom to let me use the car and let you come to my place if you wanted.”
“Nah, it’s all good. It was actually pretty nice to have the whole apartment to myself without one of the Triple Threats around. It’s really quiet around here when everyone is gone though. Kinda spooked me out at night.” She visibly shudders. “But at least the season is about to start for you guys!”
“Shit, that is right!” Kendall walks to the recliner. “Hamilton is going to work our asses off at practice tomorrow. First pre-season game is this Friday.”
“Wow. That’s so soon,” I murmur. I can’t believe I forgot. I really need to stop thinking about my coach.
“And not only that, but Christa came back an hour ago. I heard her talking on the phone to Melanie. Apparently, since Melanie has had such great behavior, she’ll be back at practice tomorrow. She sent some bullshit community service pictures to Hamilton and her parents spoke to Hamilton and she agreed to let Melanie come back before preseason.”
“Seriously?” I fold my arms. “But the team has been so much better without her.”
“It really has been, now that you say that. Not even Katie and Christa were that bitchy since she was gone.”
“Well, we knew she’d come back sooner or later.” I sit on the container, folding my fingers together.
“Just know if she tries to trip you again, I’m breaking her fucking ankle myself.” Kendall lifts her hands and pretends to break something imaginary in half.
Janine and I break out in a laugh, and I love this feeling. Being surrounded by good people—people I can relate to—is the best.
I’m glad to be back, and I didn’t think I’d ever say that. Melanie is coming back, and that does annoy me, but as long as she keeps her distance, it is what it is.
Since we don’t have classes until next week, but have practice tonight, I have breakfast with Kendall and Janine at a local breakfast joint. I order something light, considering we have practice today, but of course Kendall orders a whole stack of pancakes and nearly drowns them in syrup.
We’re practicing early, so around 2:15 pm we make our way to the track, dressed in new track clothes and running shoes we got for Christmas. Janine’s mom shipped her Christmas gifts to her.
As soon as we’re on the track, we take notice of the group of girls by the bench we usually meet at. And even from a distance, I spot Melanie. She’s the center of attention, per the norm. She’s changed her hair to a more platinum blond.
I avoid rolling my eyes as we walk by. I don’t even care to notice if she passes me a dirty look. At this point, I couldn’t give a shit less about her. We go to the locker room to put our bags in our lockers and after grabbing our water bottles, we go back out to meet the rest of the team.
The coaches meet us on the track moments later, also dressed in new clothes. Even Veronika is with them. She’s gotten her hair cut to her shoulders.