Page 78 of My Uncle Oswald
'Yes,' I said. 'Go on.'
'I was like a mad woman. I was all over him. I caught him off balance and pushed him down on to the sofa. But he's an athletic kind of bird, that old king. He was very quick. He was up in a flash. He got behind his desk. I climbed over the desk. He kept shouting, "Stop woman! What's the matter with you! Get away from me!" And then he really started yelling, yelling out loud I mean. "Help!" he yelled. "Someone get this woman out of here!" And then, my dear Oswald, the door opened and the queen herself, little Queen Maud in all her glory, came sailing into the room holding a piece of needlework in her hand.'
'Bound to happen.'
'I know.'
'Where were you when she came in?'
'I was leaping over his big Chippendale desk to get at him. Chairs were flying all over the place and in she came, this tiny quite pretty woman...'
'What did she say?'
'She said, "What are you doing, Haakon?"
' "Get her out!" yelled the king.
' "I want him!" I shouted. "And I'm going to have him!"
' "Haakon!" she said. "Stop this at once!"
' "It's not me, it's her!" he cried, running for his life round the room. But I had him cornered now and I was just about to fling myself at him good and proper when I was grabbed from behind by two guards. Soldiers they were. Lovely-looking Norwegian boys.
' "Take her away," gasped the king.
' "Where to, sire?"
' "Just get her out of here quick! Dump her in the street!"
'So I was frog-marched out of the Palace and all I remember is I kept saying awful dirty things to the young soldiers and making all sorts of sexy suggestions and they were hooting with laughter...'
'So they dumped you?'
'In the street,' Yasmin said. 'Outside the Palace gates.'
'You're damned lucky it wasn't the King of Bulgaria or somewhere like that,' I said. 'You'd have been thrown into a dungeon.'
'I know.'
'So they dumped you in the street outside the Palace?'
'Yes. I was dazed. I sat on a bench under some trees trying to pull myself together. I had one great advantage, you see Oswald, over all my victims. I knew what was wrong with me. I knew it was the Beetle that was doing it to me. It must be simply awful feeling the way I felt and not knowing why. I think that would scare me to death. So I was able to fight it. I remember sitting there and saying to myself what you need Yasmin old girl, what you need to straighten you out is a few good digs in the backside with the hatpin. That made me giggle. And after that, but very slowly, this ghastly sexy feeling began to go away and I got a hold of myself and I stood up and walked along the street to the hotel and here I am. I'm sorry I messed it up, Oswald, I
really am. It's the first time ever.'
'We'd better get out of here,' I said. 'I don't think these people would ever do anything nasty to us but the king is bound to start asking a few questions.'
'I'm sure he is.'
'I think he's going to guess my letter was a forgery,' I said. 'I bet anything you like he's checking it out with George V right this very minute.'
'I'll bet he is, too,' Yasmin said.
'Hurry up and pack then,' I said. 'We'll slide out of here at once and drive back across the border into Sweden. We're going to get lost.'
We got back home via Sweden and Denmark around the middle of April and we had with us the sperm of eight kings - fifty straws each from seven of them and twenty from old Peter of Yugoslavia. It was a pity about Norway. It spoiled our record although I didn't feel it was going to make much difference in the long run.