Page 31 of Switch Bitch
'Yes, but what?'
'Horrible things.'
'Conrad, don't be shy. I'm a big girl now.'
He was still the same old Conrad, she thought, still as diffident, as scrupulous, as shy as ever. For that she liked him. 'If this drink is really doing horrible things to me,' she said, 'then it is unkind of you not to tell me what those things are.'
Gently, he pinched the lobe of his left ear with the thumb and forefinger of his right hand. Then he said, 'Well, the truth of the matter is, Anna, oil of juniper has a direct inflammatory effect upon the uterus.'
'Now come on!'
'I'm not joking.'
'Mother's ruin,' Anna said. 'It's an old wives' tale.'
'I'm afraid not.'
'But you're talking about women who are pregnant.'
'I'm talking about all women, Anna.' He had stopped smiling now, and he was speaking quite seriously. He seemed to be concerned about her welfare.
'What do you specialize in?' she asked him. 'What kind of medicine? You haven't told me that.'
'Gynaecology and obstetrics.'
'Have you been drinking gin for many years?' he asked.
'Oh, about twenty,' Anna said.
'For heaven's sake, Conrad, stop worrying about my insides. I'd like another martini, please.'
'Of course.'
He called the waiter and said, 'One vodka martini.'
'No,' Anna said, 'gin.'
He sighed and shook his head and said, 'Nobody listens to her doctor these days.'
'You're not my doctor.'
'No,' he said. 'I'm your friend.'
'Let's talk about your wife,' Anna said. 'Is she still as beautiful as ever?'
He waited a few moments, then he said, 'Actually, we're divorced.'
'Oh, no!'
'Our marriage lasted for the grand total of two years. It was hard work to keep it going even that long.'
For some reason, Anna was profoundly shocked. 'But she was such a beautiful girl,' she said. 'What happened?'
'Everything happened, everything you could possibly think of that was bad.'