Page 24 of Dirty Uncle
“This is a punishment fuck.” I wrench the bathing suit bottoms down her legs, throwing them over my shoulder. “You’re going to walk bowlegged back to the cabin, girl. And if I see so much as a pout over it, you’ll lie back down wherever we’re standing and you’ll get another lesson.”
She shakes her head. “I won’t pout, Daddy.”
I wedge the head of my cock inside her tight entrance, then fall flush with her soft body, thrusting the rest of my inches into her slippery passage, letting loose a shout at the perfection of it. “Shit.” I pound the earth with a fist. “Ain’t ready for a man yet, but you sure do try for Daddy.”
Her knees lift and spread, opening her up just right. “Does that mean I’m a good girl?”
“Not today, you weren’t,” I rasp into her neck, bucking my hips. Hard. Again and again. She starts to scream, so I slap a hand over her mouth and shake my head, warning her with a look. No no. “You make a scene and them boys might come running back. Might get an eyeful of Daddy’s secret treasure. And I wouldn’t like that, would I?”
A timid headshake from Clara.
“Who’s the only one who sees your privates?”
I remove my hand to hear her answer. “Just you.”
“That’s right. Very good.” I draw up her ankles, draping her sexy legs over my shoulders. There’s no help for it now. I fuck her like a beast. Hell, I feel like one taking her so close to the woods, rasping my chest hair all over her unblemished body, leaving redness behind. Hearing the slap of my sac pounding off her ass. I’m snarling louder with every thrust, growls kindling in my chest. And even though this started as a punishment, I see Clara is with me. Her eyes are glassy, mouth open and groaning. Are those her fingernails raking down my back?
Yeah. Fuck yeah they are. I have no choice but to pleasure her, I realize. I know exactly how to do that, too. It’s the same shit that gets me off now.
“You can’t even let Daddy get his nut without being a greedy girl, can you, Clara?” I tilt my head. “Did I raise a little slut?”
“No, Daddy,” she moans, even as she arches her back. “No.”
“Did you make me mad, make me jealous, just so I’d come inside you?” I bare my teeth and rocket in and out of her incredibly small pussy. “Did you know I’d want to claim my little girl after seeing her with those boys?”
“No,” she gasps, her tits bouncing up and down with the force of my body entering hers. The straps are barely holding now, leaving the ripe little mounds to jiggle free of the material, along with her pointed, pink nipples. “No, I’m a good girl.”
“If you’re so good, why do you make Daddy want to do bad things?”
“I don’t know!”
“Maybe Mommy will have the answer.”
“No!” she screams. “Please!”
“I won’t. Not as long as you keep the bedroom door unlocked, right, girl?” I’m riding her into the fucking ground, the packed earth keeping her lower body steady so it doesn’t slide an inch when I drive deep. Perfection. I have to bust soon, though. She’s too tight and sweet and wet. The back of my neck is gripped by a steel claw, the base of my spine beginning to clench. Fuck. My balls aren’t even hitting her ass anymore, they’re cinched up so tight, ready to blow.
“Daddy needs to come. Open your pretty legs wide.”
Clara does as she’s told, her eyes blind, tits heaving.
Have to bring her with me. “Now, remember. Daddy just couldn’t take it anymore.” I thrust deep as I can and begin to shudder, allowing the liquid seed to shoot up my cock. So good. So good. Jesus Christ. “This is all because of your teasing, brat,” I grit out, unimaginable pleasure wracking me. Owning me. “You made me do this.”
At the last second, she joins me and we topple over the edge together. Watching her big eyes grow wide, broken sobs falling from her swollen lips, makes me come all the harder, my hips working overtime to pump her cunt full of Daddy. Christ almighty, she’s milking it something fierce, too. I thought it couldn’t get any better than last night, but I see I was wrong. Every time I take my little girl, she’s going to run the chance of getting pregnant.
Hell, could be today. I’m still not done spurting. She’s cleaning me out. “Ain’t no choice. Can’t suit up. Sure as shit can’t pull out. Too snug. Too pretty. Won’t be long before you’re having Daddy’s baby.”
Finally, I’ve got nothing left inside me and I drop onto the ground beside Clara, drawing her rug-burned body up against me. She turns in and tucks her feet between my legs, trust shining in her eyes. A feeling I’ve never experienced before rises up in my chest, robbing me of breath. Love.