Page 13 of Love Me
“Yo, why you got your phone taken away?” he finally asked me.
I breathed a sigh of relief when I found out that this was what he was mad about. I thought it was something deeper.
“My mom saw the hickey on my neck. The make-up that I put on it must have faded away because she saw it the moment I got in the car. I’m not sure when she’s going to give it back because—”
He slapped the shit out of me. I didn’t even get any time to react to it because when I reached up to touch the area where he had just slapped me, his hand wrapped around the front of my shirt, and he jacked me up. Tears fell from my eyes as I looked up at him because not only was I hurt physically, but emotionally, I was hurt as well. Why would the man who claims to love me so much hit me? I was confused, and I was scared shitless. Raheem had this demonic look in his eyes that I’d never seen before. His eyes were usually a beautiful, light brown, but in seconds, they’d managed to turn black.
I was crying loud as hell, all the while pushing away at his chest, telling him to let me go. At this moment, I wished that I had stayed my ass inside the house because I didn’t know what he was capable of. This was the part of Miami where neighbors didn’t look out for each other. If they heard someone outside getting their ass beat, they would just turn the television up even louder. I knew that for a fact because I had witnessed my grandma do it on more than one occasion.
The police never got called when there were shootouts over there either, and even if they did decide to show up, it would be hours later, so whoever got shot would end up dying. That’s why I was crying. I knew at this moment, Raheem could do anything he wanted to me, and no one would be able to help.
“Don’t fuckin’ lie to me, little ass girl! You forgot my ole girl work inside the office at your school? I heard her on the phone talking to one of my aunties, going on and on about how some fast ass girl got caught in the hallway kissing some nigga! You know I could give two fucks about the shit that takes place at your school, but when she started talking about the girl that got caught was a student that none of the teachers could stand, I automatically thought of your ass.
“I know how fucked up your attitude is, and you be telling me how the teachers always calling your people. That still wasn’t enough proof, though. My mama finally fucked around and said your name, so that gave me my answer right there. I’m going to ask you one more fuckin’ time, and if you lie to me again, I swear to God I’ll lace your fuckin jaw! Why your ole girl took your phone?” he asked me again.
His mouth was so close to mine that I could smell the weed and the liquor that he’d been smoking and drinking. I had nothing to be afraid of in the beginning, but now I was scared shitless. I couldn’t lie because he would hit me again, so with tears falling from my eyes and snot coming from my nose, I told him.
“I was kissing someone in the hallway, but it’s not like that, bae, I promise… Nooooo!” I screamed when he raised his hand and slapped me again.
“Yo! Leave that girl the fuck alone, man!” I heard a deep voice say.
It sounded like it was coming our way. I thanked God for sending this man my way because I just knew that I was about to get my ass beat.
“Mind your fuckin’ business, nigga! This my bitch, not yours!” Raheem said, still with his hand on my shirt.
“I don’t give a fuck who bitch she is! I’m not about to stand here and witness you put your hand on no girl! You can do that pussy shit somewhere else!” the voice responded.
I couldn’t really see him because he was standing a few feet away, and the lights weren’t shining on him. I could see the silhouette of his frame, and he was huge. Not even in a fat way. He was muscular. As if he could pick Raheem up by his neck and toss him if he wanted to. I didn’t know if Raheem was scared of the man, but I could feel the grip that he had on my shirt loosen.
The man finally made his way over to us, and once Raheem saw who it was, he instantly let go of my shirt and threw his hands up in surrender. He was definitely scared. I wiped my face and stared at the man. He stared at me too. I knew him from somewhere; I just couldn’t put my finger on it. He looked mean as hell along with aggravated.
“My bad, Bully. I didn’t know that was you. You know if I had, I wouldn’t have been talking to you crazy like that, and—”
“Your ole girl know you out here with this nigga?” the man who Raheem had just referred to as Bully asked me.
When he opened his mouth to speak, and I took a better look at him, I realized who he was. He was the guy from the theater that my mom was arguing with a few weeks ago. I didn’t answer his question. I just looked down at the ground in embarrassment while I continued to wipe my damn face.
“I’m going to take your silence as a no. Let’s go,” he said.
“Stupid ass nigga, don’t you have a daughter? How would you feel if someone was slapping your little girl around? Don’t put your hand on no fuckin female!” Bully let Raheem know followed by a punch dead in his face.
Raheem’s body instantly hit the floor, and my hand went to my mouth in shock. I tried to go over to Raheem, just to see if he was alright, but the Bully guy pushed me out of the way.
“Yo, are you fuckin stupid or something? This nigga was just slapping your ass around a few minutes ago, and you really standing here trying to console his bitch ass? Take your ass in the fuckin’ house! Little ass shouldn’t even be out your fuckin’ bed at this time of the night!” he barked. “GO!” he yelled when I didn’t move.
I swear I could feel those cheap ass cement walls shake when he yelled. I took off running in the direction of my grandmother’s apartment, and I didn’t stop running until I made it to her front door. I took the key out of my bra and slowly made my way inside the house. I made sure that the front door was locked, and then I walked on my tippy toes to my bedroom. As soon as I was in, I slowly closed the door behind me, making sure to lock it.
My back went against the wall, and I slowly crouched down until I was on my ass. I released a cry as I rocked my body back and forth. Raheem hated me. Granted, he’d cheated on me plenty of times before in the past, but the moment I do it, I get slapped around. I could handle the slapping, it was him hating me that I wouldn’t be able to handle. I just knew that he was through with me. Not only did I cheat, but I left him there tonight. I didn’t even stay back to make sure that he was okay.
Jerrod Evans
“Son, is that a gray hair I see?” my beautiful mother asked, coming behind me and examining my hair.
Shit, if she did see a gray hair, I’m surprised that it was only one because I was so stressed these days. After a long day of work, I didn’t feel like going straight home tonight, so I dropped over to my mom’s house, surprising her with some flowers and my presence. Although my mom lived her best life, always traveling different places with her friends, I still made it my duty to check up on her every chance I got. A