Page 17 of Love Me
Yeah, it was dark as hell out there, and she and I were likely the only ones on the road, but that didn’t mean I was looking to take advantage of her dumb ass. When she didn’t answer my question, I leaned over in the car to take off her seatbelt for her. I don’t know why, but I felt bad for her, so I ended up lifting her out of the seat. I walked with her in my arms over to my car, where I sat her down on the hood of it. While she sat there, I pulled my phone from the cup holder to call triple A. It was dark as hell out there, but I managed to feel her glare on me the whole time.
The whole fifteen minutes that it took for me to have a conversation with triple A and for them to find my location, I could feel her looking at me. The phone call finally ended with them telling me that someone would be out there within thirty minutes, so I used that time to walk back over to the car and post up with my back on it.
“I hope you have some good ass insurance because you paying to get my shit fixed,” I let her know.
She didn’t bother to respond. She just sat there with this expression on her face, as if she was mad at the fuckin’ world.
“Your little ass always this fuckin’ mean? Fuck is wrong with you, man? I didn’t want to even say it because I don’t want to sound thirsty or like I’m spitting game to your ass or nothing like that, but you too fuckin’ pretty to be so fuckin’ mean! I expect your type of attitude from an ugly bitch. Not you! Every time I see your ass, your face all fuckin’ frowned up,” I said, still with my back posted against the car, but I turned my head to look at her.
I wasn’t sure if she was crying because she was in pain or because of what I was laying on her. It was true, though. I didn’t want to call her miserable, but damn! She used her good hand to wipe her face with the bottom of her shirt.
“I’m supposed to be smiling right now? I hit my head on the steering wheel, and it feels like I ran into a damn wall,” she said. She lifted her hair, and I saw that her long, brownish colored hair was sticking to a deep cut on her forehead. “My arm feels like it’s hanging on by a string. I think it’s broke and…” she couldn’t even get whatever else out that she was about to say because she started crying again.
Well, it was good to know that the bitch had feelings. I thought her ass was going to be cold hearted like me.
“Stop crying, man. I was fuckin’ around with you with that shit I said about you having to fix my car. Somebody that I grew up with, he’s a mechanic with his own business, so he’ll easily fix my shit up in no time. You made it out this shit alive, so stop crying. When they get here to tow your car, I’ll take you to the hospital so we can see about your arm. Alright?” I asked her.
She didn’t answer me.
I walked a little closer to her and placed my hand under her chin. “Alright?” I asked her again, and this time, she nodded like it was okay.
While we waited, I could see her in my peripheral vision, and her body was shaking. I’m not sure if her ass was cold or what, but I did end up going in my back seat, grabbing my Nike sweater, and wrapping it around her. She was so damn small that the shit fit her body like a blanket.
“Thank you,” she said, barely above a whisper.
I nodded, letting her know that it was all good. She sat on top of my car, while I stood on the side of her, and neither of us said anything to each other. The only noise was the sound of the wind mixed with the roaring sounds from cars that would drive by every blue moon. I wanted to use this
time to ask her ass where the hell she was going, speeding like that, but I just left the shit alone. Knowing her, she would say some slick shit back to me, and we would be back to arguing with each other. If she fucked around and said the wrong shit to me, I was liable to leave her ass right out here by herself.
I felt like it took longer than thirty minutes for triple A to come, but they finally made it to where we were. I went ahead and helped her down from the car, and she walked over and gave them her information, so they could take her car. Once she had her purse and everything in her hands, she walked back over to where I was sitting in the driver’s seat of my car with my feet planted on the concrete.
“I preach to my kids almost every day about not getting in the car with strangers, so I think that I would be kind of a hypocrite if I were to get in the car with you. I’m just going to call an Uber and have them pick me up,” she said.
“Have an Uber pick you up on the middle of a fuckin’ highway? You cool with the Uber driver or something? Because if not, then that’s a stranger to you too. You know me better more than any Uber person that’s going to pick you up. I’m not going to fuck with you, yo. I’ll just take you to the hospital and drop you off wherever you need to go. Remember, I got a daughter, and I would hope that if some shit like this ever happened to her, a real nigga similar to me would be there to save the day,” I cockily said, and she gave me a look like, yeah right nigga!
“What’s your name?” she finally asked me.
“Bully!” I simply let her know.
“No! Not the street name that everybody else calls you. I want your real name. I want to know what it says on your driver’s license.”
I don’t know how somebody so small could be so fuckin demanding. I liked that tough shit, though.
“Za’kai Kemp. You want my social security number too?” I asked her, and there those big ass eyes of hers were again, rolling.
She didn’t bother to answer my question, but she did walk around the car and use her good hand to let herself in. Her car had already been loaded up on the back of the truck and was on its way to whatever location she had given to them. Once she and I were inside the car, I took off and headed in the direction of the hospital.
“I told you my name, but you didn’t tell me yours,” I said the moment I got off the highway and was now sitting at a red light.
“Takari. Most people call me Shrimp or Kari,” she told me, and I nodded.
I liked all three names, but Takari was the one I liked the most. The shit was sexy, and it had a little ring to it. After that, nothing else was said between the two of us. The music just played softly in the background while I made my way to our destination. Pretty soon, I pulled the car into the emergency room parking lot, and in no time, the two of us were walking inside.
As I sat in the lobby while she went up front to check herself in, I had to question myself for maybe the fifth time tonight on why the hell I was even doing all this shit. Not to say that I couldn’t be a gentleman when it came to women, but I felt like had it been any other woman, I wouldn’t have given this much of a fuck. I probably would have for sure had them pay for fuckin’ up the back of my whip, and I would have let them get in the car with triple A, while I went on my way. Why the fuck did I insist that she let me drive her to the hospital? Why was it so important for me to make sure that her arm was alright? Mannn, then I even tripped about her wellbeing, when she announced that she was going to call up an Uber and have them bring her home.
All this shit was way out of my damn league. The only woman besides my ole girl who has ever made me bend over backward for them was my baby mama, and it wasn’t because Breshay had it like that either. It was simply because she was the mother of my kids.
“Well, it’s definitely broken,” the doctor said.