Page 11 of Love Me 2
We’d finally pulled up to my townhouse, and I blew the horn, basically letting Journey know to come outside and help with the groceries. It took about five minutes, but the front door eventually opened, and Sky walked out behind her. As if my daughter and I were enemies, she walked past me, not bothering to say anything to me as she headed to the back to help bring in the groceries. She acted as if she was the one who was mad at me.
I was the adult in the situation, so I’ve tried to be patient with her, I’ve tried talking to her because I couldn’t just ignore her, but I wasn’t getting through to her. I kept wondering if she was waiting for me to apologize for the way I jumped on her in the waiting room of the hospital. If that’s the case, she would have to keep on waiting because I’ll never apologize for showing my feelings. Jaden could have died because of her negligence, and I was just so sick and tired of her making dumb ass decisions.
“Jaden is in his room sleeping. I ordered pizza and wings, so if you’re hungry, it’s more,” Sky let me know now that it was just she and I standing in the kitchen.
I had Journey take Jada upstairs to give her a bath, and now it was just the two of us.
“I’m going to tell you something, but don’t judge me, alright?” I asked her, and she nodded her head too damn fast.
I knew my sister. Therefore, I knew that she could be so damn brutal with her tongue. Ever since we were little girls, she had never been the type to hold back how she felt, which was why sometimes, I was hesitant to come to her with certain things. I think sometimes the mind wanted to be naïve, and we often wanted to hear things that we wanted, instead of things th
at we needed to hear.
“You remember Za’Kai, right? The one from the park? The one I was telling you that I’d gotten into it with him at the movies prior to that?” I asked her, and that silly grin formed on her face as she nodded her head.
“Hell yes, I remember his fine ass. What happened?” she asked me.
As if I was getting ready to fill her up with the tea of the century, she took a seat at one of the barstools and stopped helping me put the groceries away, just so she could hear what I was about to lay down on him.
“Well, let’s just say that wasn’t the last encounter that I had with him. I know him well. If you ask me, I feel like God is constantly throwing this man my way and telling me that I better get his ass before another woman does. Remember when I totaled my car that night, right?” I asked her, and she nodded. “It was him that I crashed into. Took me to the hospital, rubbed my back while I was in there crying like a big ass baby and everything.
“Now, let’s fast forward to the night Jerrod and I got into it. I was almost to Mommy’s apartment when he spotted me. His grandmother stays over there, and he ended up bringing me inside the apartment, and Sky, I swear we stayed up until the wee hours of the morning just talking. You know how a woman gets some good dick and she’ll be sprung off the dick, I swear that man had me sprung off his conversation alone. He’s hood as hell, but he knows how to hold a conversation. A few weeks ago, I ran into him at the club. If I could get pregnant from kissing, like how mama used to lie and tell us when we were little girls, then bitch, I’m pregnant,” I said, making both of us laugh.
“Seriously though, Sky, that kiss was everything. I been kissing my husband for years, and it never had the type of effect on me that I had that night after kissing Za’Kai. I ran into him tonight at the grocery store. He paid for all of this,” I said as I waved my hand around at the groceries. “His father’s funeral is tomorrow, and I told him that I would go.”
“Okay, so where is the part where I judge you at? You know I love myself a hood nigga. On top of that, you got yourself a hood nigga who has manners, is charming, and fine as hell. Girllll, that’s like every woman’s dream. You said that you were sprung off conversation with Za’Kai, and that’s because you got yourself somebody that you can relate to. Not some clown who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and looks down on people who were born and raised in the projects.
Fuck all of that, though. You mean to tell me that you were laid up in the bed with this fine ass man and all y’all did was talk? Fuck is wrong with you? Please tell me that it was that time of the month or you were just too lazy to shave. It gotta be something because, listen, he grandma would have just had to take all the noise that I would have been in there making for that man. I know you are dick deprived, so why you didn’t bust it open for him that night?” Sky asked, and I was rolling over in laugher because the sad part is she was dead serious.
“I want him to know that I have morals, that’s why. Had I let him in that night, he probably would have thought that I was too easy, and I care about what he thinks of me. On top of that, bitch, I’m married! Za’Kai gives me vibes that he won’t fuck me until the divorce is final, and I respect that because although he’s a man, he has feelings too. I need you to watch the kids for me tomorrow because I’m going with him to his father’s funeral, and I’ll be back,” I said, and she looked at me with a sly expression on her face.
“Yeah, you think you’ll be back. Baby sister, I’m older than you, therefore I’ve been around niggas more than you, so I kind of know how they think better than you. Most importantly, all I date is hood niggas, whereas, all you’re used to is your square ass husband. These niggas be wanting love, affection, appreciation, all of that. Not to say that all of them are the same but remember that a lot of them come from broken homes, so they aren’t used to experiencing love and comfort like that. You going to support him tomorrow while he goes to bury his father, I’m telling you that’s going to speak volumes to that man. To you, it’s probably something simple, but to him, it’ll be everything. He probably likes you now and is attracted to you, but you showing him that you can be there for him during his time of need, bitch just don’t even bother wearing panties tomorrow,” Sky said.
Again, I laughed at her, although she was dead ass serious. Her mindset was crazy as hell, but I had to admit that I was used to her saying off the wall shit.
“Of course, when we got in the car, Jada questioned me on Za’Kai. I had to tell her that he was just my friend. You know this little girl told me that her daddy has a friend as well and that he had that bitch in the car with him when he went to pick her up from school?” I asked Sky.
I noticed that she didn’t even look shocked by what I said. It was like she knew something that I didn’t know, so I raised an eyebrow, basically telling her to spill anything that she knew and was possibly holding back from me.
“I saw him a few nights ago at Houston’s having dinner with some woman. That could be the friend that Jada is saying he has. I might as well had walked in on the two of them fuckin’ because that’s just how guilty he looked. It wouldn’t be like me to not say anything, so of course, I spoke my peace, and his ass didn’t have shit to say. His little barbie doll that he was with had gotten mad at the things I said, so she stormed out of the restaurant. I know because I was with my date, and we were waiting for them to bring the car around. I saw her when she was standing outside.
“I don’t get your husband, though. If he’s going to be parading this bitch around and moving on, then why is he prolonging the process of signing the damn divorce papers? And that’s exactly what I asked him, but just like a typical nigga, he didn’t have the words to say,” Sky said.
I wouldn’t say that I was jealous, especially since I just gave this grand speech about how I didn’t care that Jerrod was out there fuckin’ other bitches, but it did make me question a few things. One of the main things that I questioned was his love for me. Look how easy it was for him to move on, as if the last fifteen years of our lives didn’t mean shit to him.
I liked Za’Kai, but I was taking my time with it because of what I was coming into the situation with. I didn’t want to rush things with him, but then hearing that Jerrod was out there with basically a whole girlfriend, it had me questioning why the hell I was even taking my time with Za’Kai in the first place. I needed to just fuck him and get it over with because that’s what I wanted to do in the first place.
Za’Kai “Bully” Kemp
Life is so fucked up, I tell you. Today was the day that I had to bury my ole boy, and if that wasn’t fucked up enough, my own damn mother couldn’t be there to say her final goodbyes. The prison that she was in had denied her furlough, so it was pretty much years of love and marriage that the two of them shared just gone down the drain.
Can you imagine some fucked up shit like that happening to you? My parents had been together for years, were damn near the Bonnie & Clyde of Miami, sentenced to the same person bid, and still managed to send each other letters over the years, and this was the way that their marriage had come to and end. She’d never get the chance to have the proper goodbye to her own husband, and that fucked me up for some reason.
Before the funeral this morning, I had to listen to my ole girl have a break down on the phone with me because all she wanted was the chance to be there today while they laid her husband to rest, and she couldn’t even get that. She made me promise to tell him how much she loved him, and I agreed, feeling like it was the least that I could do for her.
The only thing keeping me up was the twenty-four-hour energy drink that was in my system because I swear I was going on over forty-eight hours of no sleep. Knowing that this day was coming, sleep was just the last thing on my mind. Maybe once I saw my ole boy laid out in that casket and know for sure that he wasn’t coming back from this, I would stop being in denial and accept the fact that he was gone and never coming back. Shit just didn’t make sense to me.