Page 10 of 305 Lovin' 2
She nodded and sat back down in her office chair. I watched as she pulled out a ham and cheese sub, and next to that, she had her Fiji water, her Ritz crackers, and her orange.
“You know you a square, right?” I asked her, laughing at her little lunch that she had packed for work.
“Why you say that?” she asked, looking up at me after taking a bite of her sandwich.
Just as I was about to reply, a loud ass lightning strike came from outside, which caused the lights in her office to flicker on and off. It did that for about a good ten seconds and then eventually, the power in the building shut off completely. I reached into my back pocket and pulled out my iPhone, then went to turn the flashlight on from my phone.
“Ay, what type of phone you have?” I asked Toya, who was now pacing the office back and forth.
“I have an IPhone. Why?”
I could tell from the sound of her voice that she was pissed off. Shit, a nigga was more than happy because the more time I got to spend with her, the better.
“I have an IPhone,” she said, looking at me, as I flashed the flashlight on her face.
“Go get it and put your flashlight on too so we can have more light.” I walked in her direction with my phone so she could see what she was doing.
After she took out her phone, she turned on her flashlight as well and then sat back at her desk. I went and sat back in my chair as well, and I couldn’t help but notice how fine her ass had gotten when she was mad. The way her already high yellow skin turned red and the temporary mug that adorned her face was on full display, and sexy as fuck. When I become her nigga, I know it’s my job to always keep her happy, but if she was this fine while she was mad, then I wouldn’t mind pissing her ass off a few times for the hell of it.
“So, Ms. Toya. It looks like we’re going to be in here a little while longer, so we might as well use this time to get to know each other a little better,” I said.
I knew I sounded like a corny ass nigga, but I didn’t want to come off as aggressive and scare her little ass away. It’s just that I was an impatient ass nigga. It wasn’t normal that I run into a female and she have me ready to wife her ass up. Toya was putting me on a damn challenge and I was getting a little bit tired of waiting for her ass.
“I don’t even want to be in here with you. So, don’t say it like I’m choosing to do this. Besides, I’m only your buyer’s agent, there is no reason why we should be getting to know each other better,” she snapped then picked up her phone from the table and started going through it.
I was at the point now where I was already used to her slick ass mouth, so I was just going to let that little comment slide. But I promise, by the time I make her my girl, she’s going to learn how the fuck she’s supposed to talk to me.
“What nigga fucked you over, little mama? Because I can tell that you got this whole vibe about you that you think all niggas are dogs, but I’m here to tell you right now that I ain’t all niggas! I’m one of a kind, baby, so quit talking to me like I’m some bum ass nigga on the street! That nigga that fucked you over, I ain’t him, so I would appreciate it if you stop treating me as such,” I said.
I wasn’t even trying to come off as snapping on her or anything, but the fact that she was all into her phone and not looking at me in my face while I was talking to her was pissing me off.
“What makes you think a nigga fucked me over? Why can’t it just be that I don’t want to be bothered?”
She put the phone down and crossed her arms under her breasts. Her whole demeanor now was aggressive, and I felt like she was challenging me, so I was going to give it to her straight, with no chaser.
“Lil mama, people act the way they act because of their past. Ain’t no female gonna just be so quick to turn a nigga down that is visibly trying to get with her ass. It’s just not happening like that. Yeah, you may be thinking I’m some thug ass nigga, with no education, and you probably thinking I ain’t shit with all these tattoos on my body and these golds in my mouth. But, I’m also a smart ass nigga, and I specialize in body language and people. I can’t help but to think that something bad happened in your past, and now you go around taking all of that shit out on the wrong people.”
I sat up in my seat, trying to read her. I wanted to know the things that hurt her, the people, shit, any fuckin’ thing so that I could make sure that none of that shit ever happened again.
“And why should I tell you? You don’t even care,” she said and I could hear her voice crack.
I inwardly smiled because now we were getting somewhere.
“When the janitor came back here and said that the elevator stopped working, I could have easily taken the stairs back down to my car. Going down fifteen flights of stairs ain’t shit to me. I hit the gym every fuckin’ day. What I’m trying to say is, if I didn’t care I wouldn’t have fuckin’ stayed! I was already done with the paperwork. My services were no longer needed. So, the fact that I’m sitting here right now should prove to you that I care, and if nobody else does, just know that I do,” I said sincerely.
She looked at me for a minute, and I could tell that she was wracking her brain on whether she should open up to me. Her ass was acting like I was the damn boogie monster or some shit, and my ass was acting like a fuckin’ teenage girl at a sleepover, waiting for her friend to tell her biggest secret. That showed how eager I was to find out about her. If my niggas knew that my ass was over here trying to play 21 damn questions with a female, they would without a doubt clown my ass. But then again, if they saw this fine ass creature sitting in front of me, they would understand my position.
“Okay, what you want to know? I’ll answer anything you want me too but if I feel like it’s none of your business to know, I won’t discuss that information with you,” she said.
“First, I want to know the nigga that fucked you over, so I could go beat his ass up, and then thank his ass for sending you my way,” I said it in a joking way, but I was dead ass serious.
“It wasn’t from a relationship or anything, more like from my father. Growing up, it was just my mother and I. Yeah, my mother gave me everything and anything I asked for as a child, but that still doesn’t amount to the absence of having a father figure around. It’s crazy because I haven’t longed for my father the way that I’m longing for him now since I was a little girl. I think it has to do with the fact that my mother isn’t here with me anymore. I kind of feel like I do the same routine every day. I get up, bust my ass here every day at work, sometimes I don’t leave this place until twelve in the morning,
and then I go home and do it all again in the morning.
“I’m at a point in my life where I feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders, and it gets hard not having a family member to call and just tell me that they love me, you know? Yeah, I have Monae and I have Charlie, and I love those women to death, but they have their whole family thing going on. Besides, they hate when I get into this little funk, so I try to walk around like everything is okay when it’s really not.”
A lone tear fell from her beautiful gray eyes. I swear this shit did something to me. It made me want to go look for her coward ass daddy my fuckin’ self and strangle his ass to death. He fuckin’ damaged this girl, all because he didn’t want to step up to the plate and do his fuckin’ job as a father.