Page 13 of 305 Lovin' 2
When the fans were calling, the females kept telling me to go and get my girl back before another nigga came and wife her up. There used to be a time when I didn’t worry about another nigga taking Charlie from me, but lately, all I have been doing is fuckin’ up. I’m scared as hell that maybe, this time, she was going to throw the towel in and get with a nigga that was going to do right by her. I don’t know what I was going to do, but I knew that I needed to get my girl back ASAP.
Chapter 8: Charlie
Here it was Friday afternoon at 5:30 p.m., and I was still camped out in this hotel with my daughter. I was honestly ready to go back home and get in my own damn bed. Don’t get me wrong, the hotel room was nice and all, but I hated sleeping in bed with China because she was so wild and shit. She stayed kicking me in her sleep throughout the night. I knew that I couldn’t run from my problems forever, which is why I’ve decided to take my ass home in the morning.
Jaquan has been relaying messages to me through his sister and his mama, and I was kind of scared to see him because I know that he was mad about me keeping China away from him and not having her to call him. But, I would deal with that when the time comes. Right now, I was in the hotel suite with my daughter getting ready to hit up the beach.
“Mommy, are you ready yet? You always take a long time,” China said, coming into the bathroom wearing her one piece Frozen bathing suit.
I no longer had her hair flat ironed straight because I was uncomfortable with how grown it made her look. When her hair was flat ironed, it stopped at her butt. I didn’t want that for her, so I replaced it with some braids going to the side, with clear beads at the end of them. My baby looked so pretty and I wanted to take some pictures of her once we got outside.
“I’m about to come out now, let me just put on my lip gloss,” I said to her.
I stood in the mirror, taking myself in. I was wearing a two-piece bathing suit from Burberry with a beige sarong around my bottom. Since my bathing suit had stripes of red in it, I was wearing a pair of red gladiator sandals from Steve Madden. My fire red hair was pulled up into a tight bun, showing off my pretty face. After finishing up in the bathroom, I straightened up my area and then headed back into the bedroom. I retrieved China and my towel, my Louis Vuitton wrap around purse, and just like that, we were out the door.
6:05 P.M.
After playing around in the water with my daughter for a full thirty minutes straight, I now sat on a beach towel watching my daughter as she played around in the water. I told her that I would let her stay in for another thirty minutes, and then we were going to head back to the room. I sat down and took in the scenery. A few minutes later, I noticed a figure coming my way from out of the corner of my eye. I hope it wasn’t a nigga trying to talk to me because one, I wasn’t about to entertain another nigga while I was in the presence of my daughter, and two, I really didn’t feel like having a conversation.
“I think this is fate because this is the second time I’m running into you, but really the first time that I’m getting to actually be this close up to you,” I heard a voice say.
I looked up and it was that dude from the club. I believe Toya told me that his name was Tracy or some shit. Don’t get me wrong, dude was handsome, but it was just something about him that rubbed me the wrong way, which is why I denied those drinks that he tried to send our way that night that the club.
“How is that fate? You tried to talk to me the last time and I shut it down. What makes you think that this time would be any different?” I asked
him, all the while, my eyes were glued to my daughter as she splashed around in the water. I specifically told her little ass not to get her hair wet and she still did it anyways.
“Why so harsh, lil mama? All I want is some of your time. I’m not asking to hunch you or anything like that,” he said and I smirked.
I wasn’t even going to reply to that because what I wanted to say would probably hurt his damn feelings. It’s like, after that, I heard him talking, but I wasn’t paying anything that he said any attention. I was hoping that he would get the hint that I didn’t want to be bothered and then he would leave, but this nigga insisted.
A few minutes later, my daughter came running over in my direction and jumped her wet body into my lap. I reached back for her towel and wiped her off as much as I could.
“Mommy, who is this?” my daughter asked and pointed at Tracy.
I didn’t even know who he was, so how the hell was I going to introduce her to him? Hell, all I knew was that his name was Tracy.
Apparently, I didn’t answer fast enough because Tracy decided to jump in and speak for himself.
“I’m Tracy. Your mommy’s friend,” he said.
He reached out for China to shake his hand but my baby didn’t budge. I swear she is her father’s child because she is not friendly at all. I stood up with my daughter on my hip and picked up my towel from off the sand.
“I’m about to head out,” I said, attempting to walk away.
He jogged up behind me and gently pulled my arm. I looked at him like he was crazy and eventually let my arm go.
“I was going to ask if I could get your number,” he said.
I almost felt bad for dogging him the way that I was, but not bad enough to the point where I was going to give him my number.
“I’ll see you around, Tracy,” I said and then walked off, leaving him standing there.
After bathing my daughter, washing her braids, putting her in her pajamas and ordering us some room service, I was finally able to go into the bathroom to take me a bath as well. I had my towel and pajamas on the counter for me to use after I was finished doing what I had to do. Just as I was about to step in the tub, I heard my phone ring from in the bedroom.
“China, come bring me my phone,” I yelled.
A minute later, she walked into the bathroom, holding my ringing phone. I took it from her and she walked, closing the door behind her. I looked at the screen and saw that it was Monae calling me. I put her on speaker and then slid into the hot water and placed the phone on the edge of the tub.