Page 31 of 305 Lovin' 2
I was awakened out of my sleep by the sound of my phone ringing on the night stand. I rolled over and looked at the time on the clock and realized that it was fuckin’ three in the damn morning. I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Quay calling me. Suspicion got the best of me because I couldn’t for the life of me understand why he was calling me this late in the night. I looked over and realized that Jaquan still hadn’t made it home yet, so I figured that it may have something to do with him. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and then answered the phone with an attitude.
“Hello?” I said into the phone, pissed that precious time was being taken away from my sleep. I had been up since six o’clock this morning and was in my store for over fourteen hours. I ended up having to call my mama so that she could pick up Charlie from school because I wouldn’t be able to make it. We had an inspection, new inventory, plus I was doing interviews at the store, so my hands were pretty tied.
“Hey, sis, I hate to call you this late at night, but your man down here at the studio drunk off his ass and he say that he ain’t leaving until you come and get him,” Quay said.
I sucked my teeth. For one, Quan barely even drank heavy like that, he just smoked weed like a fuckin’ pot head all day, and he knew how to control his liquor. This led me to believe that something was bothering him for him to lose his common sense and get sloppy drunk at the studio. A part of me was pissed at him because now I had to get out of my bed in the middle of the night, but another part of me was worried about him as well.
“Alright, I’m on my way now,” I said and then ended the call.
I got out of my bed and went into the drawer that I had in Jaquan’s bedroom and picked out a pair of white shorts and a white tank top. I threw on my gold Gucci sandals, and since my hair was in a ponytail, I brushed over it again and threw on my True Religion hat. I grabbed my Louis Vuitton handbag from off of the dresser, walked out of his bedroom, and headed for the stairs. I swear I was so happy that my mama had my baby because I would have hated to have to get her out of her bed at this time of morning.
After setting the alarm on the house, I made my way inside the garage, got into my car and I was on my way to pick up my stupid ass baby daddy. I drove going 80 miles per hour and made it to the studio within thirty minutes. I parked my car, leaving my purse up under the seat and jumped out with my keys and phone in hand. I walked into the studio. For it to be this late at night, you would have thought that it was twelve in the afternoon by all of the niggas that were posted up in the lobby. I never understood why Jaquan felt the need to keep all of these niggas around the studio while he worked. That shit was just stupid to me, which is why I never brought my ass over there. I think I’ve only been there a handful of times and that’s because I needed to get in contact with Jaquan, and everybody knows that when his ass gets in the studio, he doesn’t pick up his cell phone.
I walked into the room, where I knew that Jaquan records at and he was lying on the floor knocked out, while Quay and Dre sat off to the side, talking amongst themselves. I was shocked to see Dre’s hustling ass in the studio, then I remembered Jaquan telling me the other day that he was going to make Dre take this rapping shit more serious because he didn’t want to see his brother behind bars again like an animal. Speaking of Dre, I needed to get in contact with Toya to see what happened with her and him that night that she did a pop up on his ass.
“Why the fuck y’all even let him drink all this shit?” I asked them two fools as I glanced over and saw empty bottles of Patron and Hennessey on the floor next to Jaquan’s foot.
“That’s a grown ass man. Fuck I look like telling that nigga that he can’t drink?” Dre said, getting defensive.
I waved him off and squatted down next to Jaquan and shook his shoulder. “Jaquan! Jaquan! Wake the fuck up so I can take your ass home!” I said to him.
Finally, his eyes popped open and they were bloodshot red. I looked down at him and shook my head.
“Jaquan, let’s fuckin’ go! It’s bad enough that you got my ass out here at three in the damn morning. Why were you drinking anyways?” I asked him.
“I love you, Charlie,” he slurred and reached out to pull me into him.
I backed away because his ass reeked of liquor and I didn’t like to see him that way. I started to stand, but he reached up and pulled me down, causing me to collapse on top of him. For his ass to be drunk, he damn sure was pretty fuckin’ strong right now. I could hear Dre and Quay in the back laughing. I shot both of them an evil glare, telling them to cut it out.
“When we get home, you gone let me fuck you again on the balcony?” he slurred again.
I put my hands over his lips because I didn’t need him airing out our extracurricular activities for Dre an
d Quay to hear. I was able to lift myself from on top of him, and with the help of Quay and Dre, we were able to get him in the passenger seat of my car. After thanking them, I went around to the driver’s seat and drove with a purpose back to his house.
It wasn’t an easy task, but I was able to finally get Jaquan in the house. I didn’t bother trying to get him up the stairs, so I left his drunk ass in the den, on the couch and then wrapped a blanket around him. After making sure he was straight, I headed back to his room, got under the covers and I was able to drift back to a peaceful sleep.
I woke up the next morning with my head pounding. I looked around and saw that I was on the couch, and even wondered how the hell I got there. The last thing I remember was being in the studio last night and receiving a picture message from Chantel. It was strange because I hadn’t talked to her in a while, and I figured that her psychotic ass had disappeared somewhere and tried to run a scheme on the next nigga, but boy was I wrong!
As I was in the studio wrapping up yet another track with Dre and I on it, Chantel sent an image to my phone. Of course, I looked at it. The picture was of a sonogram and it indicated that the baby was twelve weeks old. Not to mention, the caption that she put was
I know, just like every other nigga, you’re going to deny this baby but I have nothing to lie to you about. I put this on our unborn child that you were the only man that I allowed to slide up inside of me without a condom. As soon as the baby is here, we can proceed to have a DNA test take place, even though we don’t have to. But if it makes you sleep better at night then that’s fine with me.
A part of me knew that the baby might be mine because what scandalous bitch was going to willingly suggest getting a DNA test done? Normally, a bitch would run from the thought alone. It was still kind of fuzzy to me what went down that night with Chantel, and I just couldn’t see how I got high to the point where I would allow myself to slide up inside her without a condom. I try not to think so much about that night because every time it crosses my mind, I want to dead any motha fucka that I was in contact with on that day.
The doctors even confirmed to me that there was MDMA found in the test results. I was normally a stand-up guy, but I couldn’t put the blame on Chantel because I had searched her house and it wasn’t any signs of her tampering with anything that she had given me.
The only thing I was thinking about right now was Charlie. The love of my life. My best friend. The mother of my beautiful daughter. This would hurt her to her core if she were to find out that I had gotten another woman pregnant. I had already sworn up and down to Charlie that this wasn’t my baby, now I wasn’t so sure. I knew without a doubt that Charlie would leave me over some shit like this, which is why I had to think of something and fast before she walked out of my life, for good this time.
Then, it fuckin’ hit me! I had a show this weekend in Vegas! Damn, I really loved this girl because if I didn’t, the thought of doing what I’m thinking about doing wouldn’t have even crossed my mind. I got up from the couch and stretched. I went towards the stairs and took them two at a time until I got to my room. When I made it inside, Charlie was in the closet looking for something to wear, with the phone glued to her ear.
“Hold on, Toya. I’m going to call you back. Jaquan finally woke his ass up,” she said and ended the phone call. She looked at me with fire in her eyes.
“Damn, why a nigga gotta be all of that?” I asked, walking toward her in the closet.
“I’m calling it how I see it. What’s up with you, Jaquan? Why do I have to get out of my bed in the middle of the night to come and get you because you can’t hold your liquor? Why were you even drinking heavy like that in the first place? I know you, and I know that you only drink when you feel like your back is against the wall, so what’s up? What’s bothering you?”