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I nodded. “That’s for me to worry about, not you lil niggas. Besides, y’all wouldn’t know what the fuck to do with someone of her caliber anyway,” I said, talking shit as usual.
Toya turned around and shot me a nasty glare and I chuckled at her mean ass. We made it to her red jeep and I had to admit, that shit was beautiful as hell, just like it’s owner. I set the bags on top of her car, pulled up my Nike sweats and licked my lips.
“Next time you want something from here, call a nigga. It ain’t safe over here, especially at this time of night,” I told her, dead ass serious.
“I grew up over here, so I know what I’m getting myself into by coming over here. Can you give me my food so I can go? I had a long day and I’m ready to go home,” she said, standing beside the driver’s door with her hand out.
“Open the door and I’ll give it to you.”
I looked down at her and she turned to open the door. When she stepped up, I placed my hands on the small of her back and helped her up. Once she was seated, I handed her the food. She looked at me for a while before responding.
“Oh yeah, and I called you earlier today,” she said, catching me off guard.
“I knew it was going to be sooner or later that you decided that you wanted to fuck with a real nigga. So what’s up? What you called me for?” I asked, stepping closer to her and placing my hands on the top of her car door.
“Don’t flatter yourself. I only called you because I need you to sign some paperwork. Nothing more, nothing less,” she said with a smirk on her face.
“Hey, Dre,” I heard someone say.
I looked up and it was this bitch Tamia that I used to fuck with a long time ago. Tamia was a pretty girl, standing about 5’6”, rich chocolate skin, and a nice Coke bottle shape. She kept her hair styled in a cute jet black bob and she could suck the skin off of a nigga’s dick. I hadn’t seen her ass since I’ve been back from jail, and I honestly had forgotten all about her ass until now. Tamia was a messy ass bitch, so I was trying my best to block her from seeing Toya, but she still was trying her best to see who I was talking to.
I nodded my head at her and focused my attention back on Toya. “What you doing tomorrow? I probably can ride over to your office tomorrow and handle that,” I let her know.
“Tomorrow won’t work. I have houses to show. What about Monday?” she asked me. I could look at her face and tell that she was tired as hell.
Damn, I wish that she was my woman because I would make sure nights like this when she came home from work exhausted, that I had a nice hot bath running for her. I would give her a full body massage and fuck the shit out of her, sending her to sleep with her thumb in her mouth, sleeping like a new born baby. Our time was coming, and when it did, I was going to make sure I didn’t show her lil ass no mercy and make sure she knows that I’m running shit.
“Alright, I’ll slide over there Monday then. Text the address to your office when you get a chance. I’ma let you go now, even though I wish you was coming home with a nigga,” I said, joking but low key I was dead ass serious. I was a nigga, so yes I wanted to fuck, but I also wanted more. I wanted Toya in general. She looked like she could humble my ass, and at the rate I was going, I needed some humbling.
“Goodnight Diandre. I’m sure lil mama that just spoke to you and damn near broke her neck to see how I look wouldn’t mind going home with you,” she said.
I smiled. “Let me find out you’re jealous,” I said, cockily.
“I can’t be jealous over something that’s not mine to begin with,” she shot back.
“Yeah, you jealous, but it’s all good, though. I’m going to call your ass this weekend, answer the phone too. All a nigga trying to do is to get to know you better, you’ll get to sample the dick later,” I teased.
“Close my damn door, Diandre,” she snapped.
I chuckled and stepped aside so that I could close her door. I watched as she backed out of the parking space, and I stood there and watched her drive off until her car disappeared. Lil mama was the truth, and she was most definitely winning. I couldn’t wait to put her on my team.
Chapter 5: Charlie
“Are you serious? And she’s not going to be in for the rest of the day?” I asked, standing in the bathroom mirror at Jaquan’s place, talking to the receptionist at the hair salon that I went to.
I went to my Dominican stylist, Linda, faithfully every Saturday morning, but when I just called to let the salon know I was coming in, they told me that Linda wouldn’t be coming in today because she was sick. I knew I had to have some sort of sympathy for her, but damn, who the fuck was going to do my hair? I didn’t trust no other stylist playing around in my hair, and I hated to switch up.
“Alright, well have her call me whenever she comes back,” I said and hung up the phone.
I blew out a sigh of frustration and walked back into of the bedroom, where Jaquan was sitting up eating a big bowl of frosted flakes cereal. I honestly don’t even know what time he came home last night, better yet this
morning because I was knocked out. I didn’t even get a chance to go to the room and talk to Monae because I didn’t get back home until eleven that night, and once I took my shower, I went straight to bed.
“What’s wrong with you?” Jaquan asked me.
“I was about to go get my hair done, but the lady who normally does it isn’t coming in today,” I said, flopping down on the bed.
“I know some people. Matter of fact, it’s this girl, her name Ma’kai. I think Monae go to her every once in a while. Damn, what’s her Instagram name?” Jaquan asked more to himself as he scrolled through his Instagram followers and then eventually he came across her page.