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“Yes, I am, but—”
“Naw, no need to explain, baby girl,” I said, cutting her off. “You always on my fuckin’ back about how I’m always keeping secrets from you and shit, but what’s funny is that Toya, I ain’t never lie to your ass about shit! You changing me, got me doing shit that I never did, and I can’t even get the same fuckin’ respect because you going behind my back doing shit that I told you not to do! You got me out here sending your ass flowers to work, taking you to lunch, going to the movies, I’m doing all of this shit to accommodate your damn needs, and that shit goes unnoticed!” I barked.
“Baby, no it doesn’t go unnoticed. I see everything you do for me and I love you for that. I promise I’ll stop taking them. It’s just that I didn’t want to get pregnant because Dre, it’s too early. Don’t be mad at me. I’m sorry,” she said and tried to hug me again, but I pushed her away from me.
“Fuck your sorry, Toya! You already know how I feel about liars, and right now, I can’t trust your ass. So, we need to take a damn break or something. We were moving way too fuckin’ fast anyway,” I said and watched as her eyes got watery.
“So, you just going to walk away just like that? I heard you on the phone yesterday talking to a bitch that you were fuckin’ or are possibly still fucking, and you get to be the one to leave? That’s bullshit, Dre, and you know it! Are you even ready for a baby? I hear shit about you, but I don’t say shit because I know you hate it when I talk about shit that I heard. Word around town is that you are the biggest ho in Miami, and my stupid ass is still here with you! But yet, you get to be the one to walk away?” she cried, pulling at my shirt.
“I’m the biggest ho in Miami, but let me ask you something! Is that pussy burning? Hell fuck no because any bitch I ever fucked outside of you, I used a damn condom! I come home to you every night, even when your ass don’t sleep over here, so miss me with that bullshit, Toya.”
I threw the pills at her and walked out the door. I could hear her in the room crying and it killed me to have to do that, but I needed her ass to know that it wasn’t cool to go behind my back and do spiteful shit. Had I not told her about not taking the pills, I wouldn’t have even been mad, I would have just told her to stop taking them. But since she deliberately did the shit behind my back, now we have a fuckin problem!
Chapter 10: Toya
I really do feel like Dre is overreacting just a little bit. I mean, damn, he was going way harder than I was when I found out that he was cheating. He even broke up with me. I didn’t even do all of that, I just threatened to leave, but we both knew that I wasn’t going anywhere. It’s crazy because I thought that if Dre and I were to ever break up, it would be because of something he did, not the other way around. Maybe I should have told him about me taking my pills, but I knew that he wouldn’t agree with it, which is why I had to sneak and do it behind his back.
Dre is all man, and this nigga doesn’t even like to hold my purse for a second so that I can bend down and tie my damn shoe, which is why I thought it would be smart to hide the pills in the corner of my purse. I never in a million years thought that he would go in my purse for shit, but clearly I was wrong. Now that I think about it, what reason did he have to be all up in my shit in the first place? Dre doesn’t let me hold shit that is personal to him, with his selfish ass. The man damn near cursed my ass out when I asked him to hold his phone before.
I wiped my eyes and headed back upstairs to the guestroom so that I could get my stuff and go. When I pulled my phone out of my purse, I pressed the home button on my IPhone. The screen didn’t light up, and that’s when I realized that my phone was off. I turned the phone back on and waited for it to power up. It was now 8:35 in the morning, and I knew that Charlie would be up, so I was going to call her to see if she could come and get me. I dialed her number and waited for her to answer.
“Hello?” She answered the phone on the second ring, sounding wide awake.
“Where are you?” I asked, getting straight to the point. I didn’t want to be in this house any longer than I had to be.
“Well damn, good morning to you too, bitch. Who fucked up your morning already?” Charlie asked.
“I’ll explain later. Can you come and pick me up, please? I’m at Dre’s house.”
“Damn, Toya, I just got comfortable on the couch and was about to watch TV. Where is Dre? Why can’t he bring you?” Charlie whined into the phone.
“Charlie, if Dre was able to bring me, do you really think that I would be calling you right now?”
I didn’t mean to come off as having attitude, but if she didn’t want to come, that’s all she had to say and I would gladly call someone else. But since we were best friends, damn near sisters, I didn’t think that it would be a problem.
“I’m on the way now! Text me the address,” she said and hung up the phone.
I texted her the address to Dre’s condo. While I waited, I went to the bathroom that was adjacent to the guestroom and took a long shower. I stayed in there thinking about this morning’s events. I couldn’t believe Dre had broken up with me over something so minor. He acts like I went out and had an abortion or some shit. Damn, excuse me for trying to protect myself from having a baby so early on in a relationship. I was mad at myself for even crying in front of him because I wanted him to think that I didn’t care, but honestly I did. I actually cared too much because this shit was weighing heavy on my heart.
I wanted so badly to run into the room with Dre and make it better, but Dre wasn’t your typical man. This man was fuckin’ crazy. He honestly scared me little, and I knew my limits. I knew when to text Dre and when to back off. The look he gave me earlier was enough for me to figure out that this was one of these situations where I had to give him his space and back off.
After showering and brushing my teeth, I went over to the dresser in the guestroom. I still had a little
bit of clothes in there from the last time I spent the night. I slipped on a pair of panties and a bra and threw on a skintight, white maxi dress. I slid on a pair of white and gold sandals from Steve Madden, and as soon as I finished, my phone vibrated twice on the dresser. I walked over to my phone and it was a message from Charlie, letting me know that she was outside.
I quickly made up the bed, folded the clothes, placed them back inside the drawer and left my dirty clothes in the dirty hamper. I was purposely leaving shit there, just in case he decided to bring a bitch over, the bitch will know that he has a whole woman. But shit, nowadays that doesn’t even matter to some females because they will still try to pursue a nigga, knowing damn well that he has a woman.
I picked up my purse off the dresser and walked out of the room, closing the door behind me. I quickly went down the stairs, and when I walked past Diandre’s door, he had it closed. I wanted so badly to go inside, but I just kept it moving. I made my way outside and hopped into the car with Charlie.
“Thank you for picking me up,” was the first thing I said when I got in.
“Toya, you know your ass is a bitch, right?” Charlie said, and I laughed because I knew it was true.
“So what happened? Was it so bad that I had to get up and come get your ass early in the damn morning? Quan is going to kill my ass if he finds out that I left because he told me to stay my ass in the house today. Talking about I’m always on the go, and I needed to sit down somewhere because I’m pregnant,” Charlie fussed.
“Where is he? If you would have told me that over the phone, I would have just called Monae to come and get me. Hell, I would have called a damn Uber driver, as long as I got the fuck away from that nigga,” I said.
“He went and picked China up from my mama’s house. What the hell happened between you and Dre? You may as well just start from the very beginning because we supposed to be sisters, and I didn’t even know you and Dre was fuckin’ around like that until I saw how y’all were when I was in the hospital,” Charlie said.