Page 21 of 305 Lovin' 3
“You sound stressed, Toya. We can meet at Houston’s at twelve. Call Monae and tell her to come too. I have China with me because her ass decided to play hooky this morning,” I told Toya. China was going to be mad about not getting her Chick-fil-A, but she’ll live.
“Alright,” Toya said and then hung up.
11:30 came around and I was just walking out of the shop with China in tow. I was already in Miami, so it wouldn’t take me long to make it to Biscayne where Houston’s was located. Of course, China found herself having a little attitude since she didn’t get to have her Chick-fil-A, but I promised her that I would let her have it tomorrow when I picked her up from school. We made it to the restaurant at exactly 12:05 and I saw Toya’s red jeep in the parking lot. Everybody in Miami knew that when you saw that bright red jeep that Toya’s ass was somewhere around. She was the only one in Miami pushing that car.
We got out of the car and made our way inside. When we walked in, I spotted Monae and Toya sitting in the booth already. “Hello, welcome to Houston’s. Will it just be the two of you dining with us today?” the waitress asked us, with a bright smile on her face.
I loved coming to this restaurant because not only was the food good, but the customer service was phenomenal. I owned a clothing store, so I knew the importance of customer service, and this restaurant excelled at it.
“No, we’re actually joining those two over there.” I pointed at my girls.
The waitress walked us to the table.
“Hey y’all,” I said, giving both of them hugs and then taking my spot at the table. I sat next to Toya while China sat down next to Monae.
“Can I start you two off with something to drink?” the waitress asked.
I looked at her nametag and it read Toni.
“I’ll have a raspberry lemonade, and my baby would like a fruit punch,” I said.
She wrote it down and then walked away.
“Toya let you in on her latest drama? I swear I don’t know who’s worse between the two of you,” Monae had the nerve to say.
I passed China my phone so that she could play those games that her ass likes to download on my phone. They take up all of my damn memory.
“She told me a little bit of what happened earlier on the phone. Monae, who got more drama than your ass?” I asked her, taking a sip from my juice that Toni had just placed on the table.
“Child, please, I don’t even tell you and Toya my business no more because all your ass do is run back and tell Quan everything I tell you,” Monae said, waving me off.
I laughed because it was the truth. Hell, I hated to keep secrets from my husband.
“Toya, how you feel about Dre being in the studio now? You know once you become a rapper’s girl that all the tables are going to change. You think the little groupies are out now, your ass ain’t seen nothing yet. But honestly, I think Dre is smarter than that. Now, Quan, on the other hand, his ass was a whole different story. Dre went through all of this to get you, so I know that he will do whatever is necessary to keep you,” I voiced to Toya.
“I’m honestly happy for him because for a minute I was scared of the lifestyle that he was living. I’m no fool, and I know the shit that he was doing before this, but I never questioned him on it because some shit, I just be so scared to speak up on around him. He did take me with him when he met with Sincere to sign the contract, but after that, he dropped my ass back home and said that he was going out with his homeboys to celebrate. Do y’all know that I waited up for him until about four in the morning and then I just finally took my ass to sleep. I was so hurt because I thought that he would have wanted to celebrate that moment with me and not a bunch of niggas that he’s around twenty-four seven,” Toya vented.
I felt for her. Everything she was saying, I knew exactly how she felt because I had already been through it. Hell, I was still going through it. Some nights I still wait up until the wee hours of the morning for Quan to bring his ass home. We continued talking about it and then Toni came back over and took everyone’s order.
“What’s going on with you, Monae? Where Quay at?” I asked.
“The hell if I know. I’m so sick of running behind his ass that it ain’t even funny. These men that we got will really drive your ass crazy. But then again, I don’t even know if Quay is my man or not because of the vibes that he be giving off,” Monae said.
For the first time in probably forever, I didn’t have any drama or no damn story to tell. Quan had just broke me off with some dick early this morning, so I was good. He promised me that he would be home early today, so there weren’t any complaints over here.
We continued talking, and then a few minutes later, our food came. China wasn’t paying us any mind during lunch, mainly because all of her attention was on whatever the hell it was that she was doing on my damn phone. After we finished eating, we paid, and I let Monae take China with her, since Monae was about to go home, and I knew China didn’t want to sit up in my office f
or the rest of the day. Toya went on back to Dre’s house and I went back to the shop. I was only staying for a few more hours because everything that was left to do, the workers would be able to handle it.
At three o’clock, I was pulling into the driveway of our home, and I swear the biggest smile was on my face when I saw that my husband’s cars were in the driveway. I quickly got out of my car and made my way inside. I took off my shoes by the steps and quickly jogged upstairs to our bedroom. I could hear the water running in the bathroom, so I decided to wait for him to get out.
As I was waiting, I heard his phone chirp on the nightstand behind me. I paid it no mind until it continued to chirp. I hated to be “that wife”. The insecure wife and the wife who went through her husband’s shit. For the most part, I didn’t touch Jaquan’s phone. Only time I ever touched his shit was if he told me to pass it to him or whatnot. Suspicion got the best of me and it led me over to his phone. I already knew his password was China’s birthday, so I typed it in. He was getting a bunch of twitter notifications, which was nothing really to be looking at, but I went to his messages icon.
I scrolled down, and I saw Chantel’s name. Hmm, I wonder what the hell they possibly had to talk about. I opened up the conversation between the two of them and the last time that they talked was on March 22nd, which was on a Wednesday. He flew me out to Vegas that same weekend and we got married that fuckin’ Friday. The message that Chantel sent him said,
I know, just like every other nigga, you’re going to deny this baby, but I have nothing to lie to you about. I put this on our unborn child that you were the only man that I allowed to slide up inside of me without a condom. As soon as the baby is here, we can proceed to have a DNA test take place, even though we don’t have to, but if it makes you sleep better at night then that’s fine with me.