Page 23 of 305 Lovin' 3
A minute later, he came to the door with a mean ass mug on his face, making me regret coming down there and waking him up. I couldn’t help my eyes as they traveled down to the bulge that was in his boxers.
“Monae, why the fuck you banging on my damn door this time of the morning like you the damn police? What the hell is wrong with your ass?” He looked at me like I was bat shit crazy.
“You not going to let me in?” I asked, ignoring the question that he had just asked me.
“Let you in for what? Shouldn’t you be somewhere sleep? What the hell do you want?” he asked me again, still blocking the door so I couldn’t get inside.
“What? It’s a bitch in there or something? Why you not letting me in?” I asked.
“Only bitch here is you, now take your ass home,” he said.
I shoved him in his face and pushed past his ass, making my way into this home. I checked every damn room downstairs, including the laundry room, and then headed upstairs and checked all of those rooms too. Call me crazy, but I was awakened from out of my sleep, and I could sense that some fishy shit was going on.
“You feel better now? Your ass is certified crazy, you know that, right? You really thought I brought a bitch over here or something?” Quay asked and then sat on the bed.
I’m not going to lie, I felt a little stupid, but I wasn’t going to admit the shit to him. I kicked off my boots and set my purse on the nightstand then walked over to him. I sat on his lap and surprisingly, he didn’t push my ass off of him like I thought he was going to do.
“I just miss the old days when everything between us was perfect. I mean, even though we had to keep our relationship on the low then, I just felt like outside of that, everything else felt right. You made me feel wanted, loved, and beautiful. It’s like ever since that whole thing went down with you and my brother, I feel like things between you and me have changed. I’m willing to do anything to get you back. Me being here at three in the morning should prove to you just how much I love you and how much I’m willing to do anything for things to go back to how they used to be,” I confessed to Quay as I rubbed his head. “Tell me how you feel about us,” I said.
“I love you, Monae, and you know that. Yeah, just like you, I miss the way things used to be, but I don’t miss living in that lie. I never as a man want to be put in awkward ass situations where I got to go around lying to people. When I bought your ass that car, I just knew that would be the moment when you went ahead and told everybody about us. That shit crushed a nigga when you said you bought that shit with the money that Quan was giving you. If we going to do this, we got to do shit the right way. No secrets, none of that shit, Monae, or I’m leaving your ass and it ain’t going to be no second chance.”
“Okay, and one more question. What ever happened to the girl I saw you with at Walgreens? Is she pregnant?”
I prayed he would say no, because honestly, I didn’t think that my heart would be able to take it. I loved Quay too much to watch him have a baby with another woman.
“No, she’s not pregnant. That’s already been confirmed,” he said.
I blew out a sigh of relief. “Oh God, thank you. So, that must mean that y’all were having unprotected sex then?” I asked him with shocked eyes.
“No, we weren’t. I was wearing condoms, but she claimed the condom broke.” He avoided eye contact with me.
“For some reason, I just don’t believe you, but that’s neither here nor there. Fuck the past though, all I’m worrying about is the present and the future with you,” I told him and then wrapped my arms around his neck.
“Let me guess, you want some dick now? That’s why you brought your ass over here in the first place,” he said before kissing me on my lips.
“Yeah, I want some dick, but I came over here because I had a dream that you had a bitch laid up in the bed with you,” I told him truthfully.
He laughed like what I said was comical or some shit.
“I swear to God, your ass is missing a couple of screws in that damn head of yours. That’s why you brought your ass in here opening up doors and shit?”
I nodded my head then stepped out of my tights and my thong and removed my top. I climbed back into his lap and pulled his already hard dick from out the slit of his boxers.
“Wait, where are your condoms?” I asked him before I sat down on his dick.
“Really, Monae? I said I didn’t fuck the bitch raw. Come on now.”
He motioned with his hands for me to sit on his dick, and walked back over to him and slowly eased down on it.
Chapter 14: Dre
I was in the studio with Quan and Quay, but we were on a break right now and having a smoke session. I swear this rapping shit had my adrenaline pumping. I didn’t even go in the booth with a pen and paper because I was able to spit shit from off of the top of my head. I knew God had put me here on this earth for a purpose other than selling damn drugs, but I was just too damn hard headed to pay attention to my damn talent.
I admit this rapping shit was keeping me very busy, and I felt like I was spending fewer days home now than from when I was out in the streets hustling. But it was cool because I didn’t have to constantly watch my back every five minutes.
Only thing I can complain about when it comes to this new lifestyle is that temptation is a motha fucka. I was already well known in Miami before I got on the track with Quan because Miami was my city. But now that I was getting all of this exposure, bitches were popping out of every corner. I was used to thirsty bitches trying to get with me before, but damn, shit was way different now. I fucked up and made my ass an Instagram page, and I swear the birds were out there. If Toya ever got a glimpse of my DM’s, she would probably kill my ass. It’s crazy because I don’t even be feeding into that shit. But I’ll admit, when I’m in the club, I’ll entertain these bitches, but that’s as far as that goes.
Toya was still in the doghouse and I had made that very plain and clear to her. I had her staying at my condo though, and while I was gone, her ass would call me once every hour because she still hadn’t gone back to work yet. Honestly, I didn’t even want her ass to go back over there to that bullshit ass job, especially after she told me the shit about James’s father being her boss, and how he could easily have her fired.