Page 36 of 305 Lovin' 3
“I don’t know. I didn’t even give his ass a chance to explain himself! After all of these years, why now, ma? I didn’t need him then and I damn sure don’t need his ass now,” I spat.
“The last time I saw Keith was at your birthday party that year. He told me how he was moving to Atlanta to be with his wife and their two daughters, and you know what? I didn’t ask his ass for a dime, nor did I try to argue with his ass, I just let him go. I told myself that if he loved you and Monae, then he would have told his wife, a wife that I didn’t even know he had, about you and Monae. I was way too strong to sit there and beg a man for shit, even though I knew I needed that money. The little birthday party I put together for you, I had been saving up months for that, just so I could make you happy. I was surprised when he told me that he would come to your party, but I was way more surprised with the bomb that he dropped on me that day,” my mom vented.
This wasn’t the first time that I’ve heard her tell this story, and each time I heard it, it did nothing but piss me off again.
“Wow, baby, look. People have the video all on YouTube,” Charlie said.
I glanced at her phone, and sure enough, there was a video of myself and him outside, having a conversation as emotional as this in front of the whole fuckin’ world to see. I hated people to see my vulnerable side, so it kind of made me feel some type of way because of the tears I had shed in the video. I wasn’t crying so much of because I was hurt, but I was angry and I had a lot of resentment toward him. I felt that because of him, I was rushed to grow up. Instead of being a normal little boy whose focus was to go to school and make good grades, I had to figure out ways that I could help my mom keep food in our stomach, clothes on our back, and a roof over our heads. It wasn’t fair to me! Everything that I would sit and dream about as a little boy was finally coming true, and I had done it without him.
Charlie pulled me closer to her and wrapped her arms around my neck. “Jaquan, I know you, and I know that you only get emotional about shit when you care. I’ve been around you long enough to count on my fingers how many times I’ve seen you cry, and those few times that I did, it was because of the fact that you cared about the situation. Baby, I know you’re mad at your father for leaving you, trust me I’m mad at him too because I used to watch you suffer from that when we were growing up. I know you don’t like it when I try to tell you what to do, but Jaquan, at least hear him out. Just see what he has to say,” Charlie said.
I didn’t even respond to what she said because honestly I didn’t know what I wanted to do.
“Ma, what you think he should do?” Charlie asked my mother.
“I always said that if Monae and Jaquan were to run into Keith, that I would never intervene if they had a chance of building a relationship. I’m not going to sit here and act like I’m all for it because I’m not, but whatever decision they decide to make, I will support it. I know one thing, though. I don’t have to have a relationship with his ass. My kids are fuckin grown, so there is nothing for him and I to discuss,” my mama snapped, and I understood where she was coming from.
“What you think about it, Monae?” I asked.
Monae was sensitive to shit like this, so if she decided that she didn’t want to fuck with him, then that was cool. I wasn’t about to force her to do shit that she didn’t want to do.
“I mean, as of now, I don’t want to hear anything he has to say, maybe sometime in the future. I’m still hurt behind his absence in my life, and I’m probably just now getting over the fact that he was never there. Yeah, Quan, you stepped up when I was younger, but it still doesn’t add up to the point of an actual father. I’ll admit though, you’re the closest father figure that I’ve had because even though you’re my brother, your ass swear up and down that I’m your daughter, and I honestly thank you for that. I no longer wish for his presence. Hell, I did twenty-one years without him, I don’t see how i
t would hurt to go on the same way,” my sister said, and I agreed with her one hundred percent.
“We’ll finish this conversation another night, I’m tired as hell,” I said, standing up. “Wait, Charlie, where my baby at?” I asked, just realizing that I hadn’t seen my daughter in the past two days.
“She’s upstairs sleeping. We might as well just stay here,” Charlie said.
I gave her a look that said ‘hell no’. Shit, I was trying to get some pussy tonight.
“Quan, come on,” she said and grabbed my hand, paying what I had just said no mind.
After telling my sister and mother goodnight, we made our way upstairs to one of the guest bedrooms.
“Damn, a nigga was trying to get some pussy tonight and your ass playing,” I said, as soon as I closed the door behind me.
“And what the hell is stopping you? Just make sure you lock the door behind you,” Charlie said with a freaky smirk on her face.
“Do you not hear how loud your ass be when we’re having sex? But wait, so that must mean that you’re no longer mad at a nigga.” I walked up to her.
I lifted up her shirt and kissed her pregnant belly.
“I’m still a little mad, but I’m pregnant and I’m horny, so I got to do what I got to do,” she said.
“Ohh, so you using a nigga?” I asked as I unbuckled her jeans and pulled them down.
She stepped out of them and I pulled her panties off next, admiring her bald pussy. I kissed it two times and watched as she closed her eyes and bit her lip.
“I wouldn’t necessarily say using, more like being selfish with my needs,” she said.
I kneeled down and dived my head between her thighs. I held her by the back of her thighs and made love to her pussy with my mouth. I nastily slurped on her clit and she rotated her hips onto my tongue in a nice slow wine. No matter the time of day, Charlie’s pussy always smelled and tasted so good. One of the things I loved about her ass was the fact that she didn’t play around when it came to her hygiene.
“Why that pussy so wet like that, girl?” I asked as I used my tongue to fuck her.
I was used to her pussy dripping down a nigga’s chin when I went to feasting on that magic between her legs, but it was like that pussy was having a fuckin’ leak right now, and I was the plumber trying to stop it.
“Ohhh baby… it feels so good.” Charlie moaned that sexy ass moan that I loved to hear.