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is dick on Toya, her ass had just gone straight up berserk on a nigga.
“Excuse me?” Bianca asked her, trying to sound like she had no idea why Toya had asked her that question.
Bianca looked to be about twenty-one years old. She had a dark skin complexion with long hair that she had pulled back into a high pony tail. Her eyes were hazel, and I didn’t know whether they were hers or contacts, but it actually fit her complexion. She looked like a good girl, but for her sake, she’d better learn how to keep her eyes off of other female’s niggas because she was going to come across the wrong one.
“I asked do you know him or something? You staring at him like you know him from somewhere!” Toya fussed.
“Toya, relax, damn,” I said, shoving her behind me and telling Bianca who we were there to see.
After we both gave her our driver’s license, she handed us our badges to clip to our shirt with our picture on it. She then told us which room Charlie was in.
“You always try to act like I’m crazy for confronting a bitch when she gets out of line. The bitch was damn near salivating while she was staring at you, and you expect me to just stand there and don’t say shit?” Toya fussed as soon as we got on the elevator.
To shut her up, I pulled her into me by her waist and wrapped my arms tightly around her.
“Nah, move, Dre, because that whole situation just annoyed the hell out of me,” she said, trying to get out of my grasp, but I wasn’t letting her go. In fact, I planned to never let her go.
“Damn, your ass is jealous as fuck, you know that, right? I can’t control these bitches’ eyes. It ain’t my fault a nigga is handsome as shit,” I cockily said.
She sucked her teeth, and while she was trying to still get away, the elevator doors opened. We stepped out of the elevator and walked down the hallway until we came to room 501.
Charlie’s eyes were open when we walked in, but she quickly closed them when she heard someone come in.
“No, bitch, don’t even try it. Wake your ass up,” Toya said to Charlie. She walked over to the bed and gave her a hug.
This was not what I expected when I walked in there. Since I was told that she fell down the stairs, I just assumed her ass would be all bandaged up, in a coma, and some other crazy shit. But she looked perfectly fine to me, except for the sling that was on her right arm and the knot she had on her forehead.
“I thought y’all was Quan coming in here. He’s going to kill my ass,” she said.
I could look into Charlie’s eyes and tell that she was deeply scared for what her husband was going to do or say to her.
“Calm down, Charlie. What happened in the first place?” Toya asked. She took a seat on the bed with her while I stood over them.
“I fucked up, Toya. Somebody took my baby, and it’s all my fault. How was I supposed to know that they were going to take her? I didn’t know!” she cried.
“Charlie, stop crying and tell us what happened because I only heard bits and pieces from Quan,” I said.
“The little girl Kassidy in China’s class was supposed to be having a sleepover. Her mom talked to me and asked me was it okay if China were to come. After I questioned the mom about everything, she assured me that she was inviting a few other girls from her class as well. Everything seemed legit until I got to the apartment. First off, I got there late, and we were still the only ones there. That was the first red flag, but I ignored it. Then when she showed me around the house, none of the rooms looked to be kid friendly, like it belonged to her daughter, but I didn’t want to speak up on it because I didn’t want to insult her,” Charlie said.
“What’s the lady name?” I asked Charlie.
“Her name is Nita.”
I nodded my head. “This wasn’t some shit that she did on her own. Somebody else is in on this because first of all, a nigga called Quan and told him that in order for him to get China back, he had to give him a million dollars in cash at midnight. What I don’t understand though is why Quan? All these rappers and shit, and dope boys out here, why the fuck would they fuck with Quan?”
As soon as I said that, Quan walked into the room, looking like a mad man.
“I just stood by the door and I heard every fuckin’ thing your dumb ass just said. You noticed two fuckin’ red flags, and you still went ahead and left my daughter over there to be with some complete strangers? What the fuck were you thinking, Charlie? Your ass ain’t new to this street shit, and you damn sure ain’t green to it either. You let a bitch play you, and now we got to sit here and hope that we get our damn daughter back tonight,” Quan barked.
He was trying to make his way over to her, but I wasn’t letting him. He wasn’t in his right mind, and I didn’t want him to hit her.
“Is everything alright in here?” the nurse said, walking into the room.
Her tag read, Jackie. She was a middle aged woman with caramel skin and brown eyes. Her hair was pulled back with a black head band and she wore blue scrubs.
“Yeah, everything is good over here. I’m Quan, we talked over the phone. Can you tell me what’s going on?” Quan said.
The nurse nodded her head and stepped further into the room.