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“Your motha fuckin’ ass better have a real valid excuse as to why you haven’t been answering the phone all damn day!” I said as soon as I answered the phone. It wasn’t until I heard her sniffle that I stopped myself and realized that something was wrong with her.
“T, what’s good with you? You alright, baby?” I asked her.
She continued to cry into the phone, and this shit was making me mad because I didn’t know what was going on.
“Toya, tell me where you’re at and I’ll be on the way,” I told her.
“I’m… at… the hospital,” she said.
“The hospital? What the fuck for?” I barked into the phone.
“I’m at Memorial, just please hurry up,” she cried and then hung up the phone.
I made an illegal ass U-turn in the middle of the road and headed in the direction of Memorial hospital. What the fuck, man! I’d just left Toya last night. What the hell could have gone down that fast? I just thought about it, she went back to work today. I swear to God on my damn grandma, if that nigga laid a finger on my girl, I was going back to jail today for murder!
Fifteen minutes later, I pulled up to the hospital and parked the car in the emergency room parking lot. I quickly got out the car and jogged all the way over until I reached the entrance. Luckily, no one was standing in line, so I was able to walk right up.
“All I need to know is which room Latoya Diaz is in,” I said, slapping my driver’s license on the counter in front of the receptionist at the front.
She looked at me and went to type something in her computer. After she gave me the room number and took my picture, I quickly made my way to the elevators, anxious to see what was going on with my girl. I took the elevators up the three floors, got off and walked down the long hallway to Toya’s room. When I walked inside, she was lying down on her side and her back was facing me.
“Toya, what’s going on, man? What happened?” I said, walking further into the room.
I looked at her and could tell from her eyes that she was sedated because she looked like she was trying to drift off to sleep. But, I couldn’t let her do that until I found out what was going on with her.
“James,” she said, still keeping her eyes closed.
“James, what? What the fuck did he do?” I asked Toya.
It was too late because her ass was knocked out. How the hell did she go from calling me and crying for me to come to the hospital, and then when I get there, she falls her ass to sleep? Fuck that, I was about to find out what happened from the doctor!
The Next Day
“You know I’m mad that you went and called a damn taxi after that shit went down, when you knew you could have called me,” I said to Toya the next day as we laid up in my bed together.
I wanted so bad to yell at her, but she had suffered enough, so I chose to be calm in the matter. But it was killing me not to snap on her ass. I hated that Toya felt like she couldn’t tell me certain shit because she was scared of the way I would react. Me, being her man, she should have called me as soon as she left his house. I don’t see why that wouldn’t have crossed her mind first.
“Dre, you know what’s hurting me the most right now? The fact that my mother isn’t here. I just feel like I don’t have her here to protect me anymore, and to say things that will make me feel like it’s going to be okay. I’m hurting so bad right now, Dre, and I need her with me here more than anything,” Toya cried.
I pulled her into me. I hated to see her like this. Unfortunately, I never got the chance to meet Toya’s mom, but she spoke very highly of her, making me wish that I had met her before. I was going to have my grandmother meet Toya because Toya was missing that strong female touch in her life.
“Baby, I know you miss her, and I’m not here to try to take her spot, but I just want you to know that you have me. My job is to protect you, and I just wish that you would get that through your head, T. Everything happens for a reason though, baby girl. I know one thing, your mom is happy about the woman you turned out to be,” I said. Shit, I wasn’t good with this sentimental shit, but for Toya, I had to fuckin’ try.
“I got fired yesterday, Dre, you think she’s happy about that?” Toya cried.
“Sssh, Toya, all that is a minor setback for a major comeback,” I said and wrapped my arms around her even tighter.
If you ask me, I was too damn happy that Toya wasn’t working there anymore. Better they did it because if I had found out that James was there when she went back to work yesterday, I was going to make her ass quit. I didn’t want her anywhere near that clown. Don’t get me wrong, I hated to see her down and out like this, but with the way my life was about to change, I wanted Toya there every step of the way.
I knew the type of woman Toya was, and I knew that she wasn’t just going to sit on her ass while I brought home the money, so that wasn’t even an option. Right now, I’m just asking that she ride with a nigga, and I promise I had a big surprise up my sleeve for her in the end. In fact, I was already working on it before she even got fired.
Chapter 21: Charlie
One Month Later
After finding out the devastating news about Toya, Monae and I decided to take her out of town just for a little trip that I’m sure she would enjoy and that she needed. Dre had called me the other day saying how he couldn’t get Toya to get out of the house, and that she was just going through a very depressed time in her life. Toya always got like this around this time of the year because it was the anniversary of her mother’s death. Now, she had to deal with the fact that it was her mother’s death anniversary, on top of having lost her job a month before. I felt for my girl, but she had us, and I knew one thing, and that was that her ass wasn’t pressed for money. Toya just was an independent ass woman, and she wanted to work.
We didn’t go anywhere far for the trip, I just thought that it would be nice to get her out of the house which is why we were staying in Orlando for the weekend. We had done everything down there from shopping, eating, and hitting up the boardwalk, but I could still tell that there was something bothering Toya, and something that she wasn’t telling us.