Page 7 of 305 Lovin' 3
We were in the car doing all of this talking and it made the thirty-minute drive back to my house seem so quick. When we pulled up, Dre’s ass was already there, sitting on the hood of his car, smoking a blunt.
“Damn nigga, what the fuck did you do, fly?” I asked.
“Nah, Quay just drive too damn slow,” he said, jumping off the hood of the car.
We all made our way to the front door, and I went in my pants pocket to retrieve my keys. After opening the door, I deactivated the alarm, and we all walked to the kitchen and stood over by the island.
“Okay, so what’s the plan? Since I been home, a nigga’s trigga finger has been itching, and I’m ready to put this shit to use,” Dre said, lifting up his shirt to show his gun.
“First off, nigga, it won’t be any guns blazing until I make sure we got my daughter somewhere safe. Ain’t no telling the type of shit that they over there exposing her to, and I don’t need her seeing all of this shit. But I can promise that whoever the fuck is involved in this shit will not make it out of that park alive tonight,” I said as I paced back and forth in the kitchen.
“Oh yeah, and another thing, they were asking that I come alone. Being as though my daughter is involved and I don’t want to take a chance like them seeing y’all with me, I want to start heading out that way now, and have y’all hide somewhere, scoping everything out. I’m going to get the money from upstairs and put it all in a duffle bag. As soon as y’all see the nigga take the shit and I have China, then you can start blazing. This shit got to be quick and perfect because I can’t take a chance in having one of those bullets hit my daughter,” I told them.
After we went over the plan for two more times, I ran upstairs and went straight to my safe. After typing in the twenty-digit code, I pulled out damn near all the money that was in there and placed it inside my bag. I didn’t know if these niggas were professional boosters, but I didn’t want to risk giving them a too little and having them feel like I was trying to bullshit them. I knew it was a million dollars or maybe even a little bit more in this bag. I quickly changed into a black Nike sweat suit and put a pair of black huaraches on my feet. After closing the safe and picking up the duffle bag, I closed the closet and made my way downstairs.
“Lord, all I’
m asking is that you protect my daughter from all of this hurt, harm, and danger. If anything happens tonight, I pray that I do whatever it takes to make sure my daughter is safe, even if I have to die in the process. Amen,” I said out loud.
We walked outside, and I got into my car alone this time while Quay and Dre got in Dre’s car and followed me.
Chapter 5: Chantel
“Hurry the fuck up, Chantel! It’s going to take at least thirty minutes to fuckin’ get there, and it’s already 11:40,” Tracy barked at me.
After we had left Tracy’s house, we had to make a quick stop at my condo so that I could pack a few things. After this all went down tonight, I planned to get the fuck out of dodge. I knew that Quan would come looking for me and Tracy, mainly because we kept calling out each other’s name in front of China. I’m pretty sure that she would go back and tell her father.
Tonight, I realized that I somewhat did have a heart because I didn’t kill China, when Lord knows that I should have. She knows too much. She knows how we look and our names, so we were already taking a chance by letting her live. I just prayed that everything went smoothly because after this, I was taking my ass to Atlanta and starting a new life. the experiences that led up to this moment have opened my eyes and made me realize that I was making some fucked up decisions in life.
At first, I only wanted this baby just so I could ruin Charlie’s life and to keep Quan, but now that I think about it, it wasn’t even worth the hassle because I pretty much knew that he wasn’t the father anyway. I say that to say, as soon as I touched down in Atlanta, I was scheduling an appointment to terminate my pregnancy. I also was going to let Quan know about it so he wouldn’t be walking around worrying about it. Hell, he was already going to find out that I had something to do with the kidnapping, so I may as well let him know. Who knows? He may have some mercy on me and don’t come looking for me since this baby and I won’t have to any longer be a burden on his life.
“I’m coming, I’m coming! I had to finish getting a few things,” I said, getting inside the car.
I wasn’t even going to be a part of the drop because Tracy felt like I would just be in the way and fuck things up. He asked for me to stay in the car when the drop went down, but to stay behind the wheel and be the getaway driver. I was cool with it because I already knew that it was going to be some bullets flying, and I wasn’t ready to die yet.
“Can we go over the plan one more time?” I asked as soon as Tracy pulled out of my driveway.
“Damn, Chantel, I swear your ass act like you slow or some shit. If you fuck up, this whole fuckin’ thing can go downhill. And when it comes to my money, I won’t have not one problem killing your ass! Now, like I said, when we get to the park, I’m going to get out and you stay in the car and get behind the wheel. When I get out, I’m going to bring his fuckin’ daughter with me and make sure that I have my gun aimed at her head while I’m walking toward him, just in case he tries some funny shit. As soon as you see him hand over the money and I give him his daughter, ride the car over to where we are so I can make a run for it.
“This is a street nigga, and I already know that he not going to let shit happen so smooth, so we need to be prepared for everything. You need to keep your eyes open at all times because I’m counting on you to have the car ready for me to jump in,” Tracy said.
Even though he wouldn’t admit it, I could tell that his ass was just as scared of dying as I was.
“We should have gotten more niggas in on this to help us,” I said, as reality sank in and I started to think about whether we were going to make it out of this park alive tonight.
“If we brought more niggas to help, then that’s more niggas we would have to fuckin’ split the money with! I don’t know about you, but I’m a greedy ass nigga, and I don’t want to split all this money five or six ways. You got to think about it this way, ain’t much the nigga can do while I have a gun to his daughter’s head. One wrong move and I can easily end her life right in front of him, so I know for a fact that he will easily hand over that money. That nigga sitting on millions and millions, him handing us over one million ain’t shit to him!” Tracy said.
All I could do was nod my head.
“Reach in that ash tray over there and pass me that skully and that phone,” he told me.
I did as I was told and then watched as he sat the skully on his lap and went through the phone. I assumed he was about to call Quan to let him know that we were on our way. I could literally tell that Tracy was a rookie to this shit, and that he wasn’t built for gangsta shit like this. I read my fair share of urban fiction books, and I like to watch suspense movies every once in a while, so I could list a few parts in the game where we fucked up. Number one, we were never supposed to bring China to his house. We should have done the shit in a fuckin abandoned house or some shit. Number two, we weren’t supposed to walk around in front of her without a disguise, and we damn sure weren’t supposed to have her knowing what our names were.
“Yeah, nigga, we on the way now,” I heard Tracy say.
I rolled my eyes because his pussy ass tried so bad to be so hard.
“I hope you by yourself because if I see any funny style shit, I’m putting one right in this little bitch head,” Tracy said.