Page 14 of 305 Lovin' 4
One guy in the back raised his hand. I remember him from his interview. His name was Larry and he was very flamboyant. But after reviewing his resume, I knew for a fact that the man could network his ass off, and I for sure needed him on my team.
“So, will Ms. Diaz continue to go out in the field or will you just work from here?” he asked me and I smiled.
“Like I said, this is my passion, and just because I’m the boss it doesn’t mean that I’m going to sit around on my ass all day. I have to remember the number two hundred too. So, to answer your question, yes I will be out in the field,” I said.
I didn’t want to be that boss who just sat on her ass all day and did nothing. No! I wanted to be all up and through the business. I went to school so that I could work in the future, not sit behind a desk and do nothing.
“Okay, if there aren’t any more questions, you all can get to work now,” I told them.
After they all exited the conference room, I packed up my briefcase along with my purse and left as well.
I closed the door behind me and walked over to the front desk. “I heard your lil’ Dr. Martin Luther King speech in there. I hope you don’t think I’m going to be calling your ass Ms. Diaz around here,” Monae’s crazy ass said and I laughed.
She had come to me with the idea of being the receptionist, and I didn’t think that it was a bad idea, so I hired her. I figured since she was a college student, why the hell not? Plus, her ass needed some damn working experience because asking Quan for money all the damn time wasn’t a damn job.
“This shit just feels so unreal to me for some reason. A few months ago, I was working for somebody else’s company. Now here I am with my own, and half the people that I hired are older than my ass. Even though they probably have more experience than I do, I can’t let that shit bother me because I’m just as good as all of their asses, hell, probably better,” I told Monae.
“Toya, your ass don’t have anything to worry about. So, let me guess, does this mean you’re about to go back to being the old Toya again, staying your ass at work until the wee hours of the morning?” Monae asked.
“Not even, Dre already shut that down this morning. He told me that the latest I can stay is ten. Talking about, I’m the boss now so I don’t have to overdo it. He got some nerve though because when he goes to the studio, he doesn’t bring his ass home until about three in the damn morning most nights,” I said.
Monae just laughed and shook her head.
“Alright, well I’m going up to my office. You have the number, so call me if you have questions. Monae, don’t be up here texting and shit in front of customers. I don’t care if you do the shit while nobody is watching. Remember, my name is on the line,” I said and prepared to walk away.
“Okay, Ms. Diaz,” she sarcastically said and I gave her a look, telling her not to test me, then I walked away.
I was back. Yeah, I may have gone through some shit to get to where I’m at, but I wasn’t going to let that negative shit define me because at the end of the day, it made me a stronger person. And in the end, I came out on top. As far as Dre and I having a baby of our own, we damn sure were practicing every night. I was ready now, and I knew that he had been ready since day one, even if I wasn’t. That’s my baby though, and looking around this place, I just know that if it wasn’t for him, none of this would have been possible. That’s why I have been rewarding his ass with pussy ever since.
> Chapter 10: Quan
“You hear that?” the doctor asked Charlie and I as we sat in the room and listened to the baby’s heartbeat.
We were switching things up a little bit this time around. Before, when Charlie was pregnant with China, we had to go to an OBGYN that we could afford because let’s be real, neither one of us had insurance, so we had to get what we could. This time, we we went to the best OBGYN in town because I wanted to make sure that my wife was getting the best care and the best advice and shit.
Charlie was now six months pregnant with our baby girl and I couldn’t wait for our princess to get here. I ain’t going to lie, a nigga wanted a boy, which only meant that we would have to try again after we got this pregnancy out of the way. When you think about it, I was surrounded by females my whole damn life. I had my mama, Monae, Charlie, China, and now another baby girl on the way. It wasn’t enough testosterone in the house, and dealing with all of these damn females was going to drive a nigga crazy.
But leave it to Charlie to think that this was going to be her last pregnancy. I didn’t know who the hell she thought she was fooling because on some real shit, a nigga wanted a damn football team. The way I see it, Charlie and I are still young, shit we haven’t even made it to our thirties yet, so it was way too damn soon to stop now.
“Good, strong, heartbeat,” Dr. Bailey said as she continued to move the fetal Doppler around on Charlie’s stomach.
“Doctor, I have a question. Is she allowed to still work while she’s this far along in the pregnancy? She has her own store, and she likes to always be in the middle of everything. I know my wife, so I know she probably be overdoing it while she’s there, so is it okay for her to continue working?” I asked.
Charlie looked at me and sucked her teeth. Hell, since we found out that she was pregnant, I didn’t want her doing shit. I wanted to be the one taking care of her, and I just didn’t want her to take any risk that could lead to us losing the baby.
Doctor Bailey laughed at the look Charlie shot me and proceeded to answer the question. “It is very much okay for Charlie to continue working, just keep in mind that while you are at work, do not exert yourself. Take breaks if you have to. Whenever you go to sit down, walk around your seat to ensure you don’t strain your back and eyes. As you get further along, you may experience your body slowing down, so you’ll know when you’re overdoing it. Always remember to listen to your body, and the moment you feel that you’re pushing yourself too much, take your maternity leave”.
“Okay, and Doctor, since we’re clearing up questions, can you please explain to my dear husband what it means to ‘eat for two’ because clearly he has misinterpreted the true meaning. He thinks that I have to eat large portions of food, and his favorite line to tell me is, ‘feed my damn baby,’” Charlie sarcastically said.
Dr. Bailey burst out laughing like it was the funniest thing she’d heard all day. Now, it was my turn to shoot Charlie a look.
“Okay, Mr. Williams. Don’t feel bad because a lot of people are really unsure of what the term really means. It is a common saying that a pregnant woman must eat meals for two, even though it’s not really true. Everything that Mrs. Williams eats, the baby will get nutrients from it. So her main focus should be on eating healthy foods and nutrients, and not eating twice the amount she’d normally eat when she’s not pregnant. An extra three hundred calories a day is really all she needs,” Dr. Bailey said and I nodded my head.
“Do you all have any more questions?” she asked and both of us said no.
After she finished cleaning up Charlie’s stomach, she printed out our ultrasound pictures for us, shook both of our hands, and left the room.
“Help me up,” Charlie said, reaching out for me.