Page 29 of 305 Lovin' 4
For the next thirty minutes or so, I learned a lot about DJ. I found out that he loved to play football and basketball, his favorite color was green, and he said when he grew up that he wanted to be a football player. Once he came out of this shyness, he began to talk my ear off, and I actually loved everything about it.
“You ready for me to beat you in a game of basketball?” DJ asked me as soon as we finished eating.
“DJ, you got to take it easy on her. She’s a girl and she may break a nail or some shit,” Davion said, trying to be funny and I discreetly shot him in the bird.
“Let’s go then, but I don’t know about you beating me,” I told DJ.
Davion paid the tab for the food and then he had the waitress put money on the card so that we could play the games.
No wonder DJ said that he loved to play basketball, his little ass was good as hell at it. We spent the next hour or so in the arcade section, and between myself, Davion, and DJ, I didn’t know who had the most tickets. Once we put all of our tickets in the machine, we had over 25,000 tickets. Of course, we gave the receipt to DJ and let him go to the little store and pick out whatever he wanted. It warmed my heart when he came back with a little teddy bear and gave it to me.
“Damn, lil nigga, you trying to take my girl already?” Davion joked and it caused us to laugh.
Overall, the day was a success. On the drive home, DJ was in the back seat knocked out. I guess he had way too much fun today. When we pulled up to the house, Davion handed me the key and he got DJ from the back seat. I opened the door for them and then I followed the two of them into the house. While Davion tended to his son, I went in the bedroom and lay down on the bed. I hadn’t had this much fun in years, and my body was super tired.
A few minutes later, Davion came back in the room with the biggest smile on his face. “My son really likes you. He told me to tell you that he enjoyed his day with you.”
Davion got in the bed with me and pulled me close to him. I turned over on my side, looked in his eyes and smiled. I was thinking about how I had lucked up and there was no place in the world that I would rather be right now, than to be laid up with this man. I also had something else in the back of my mind that I had been dying to ask him, but I was afraid because I didn’t want him to feel some type of way.
“What’s on your mind? Why you looking at me like that?” Davion asked after he placed two kisses on my lips. I stared at him for a while and then I went ahead and asked.
“I don’t want you to feel any type of way for me asking this, but I just wanted to receive some clarity. Did you kill him?” I looked in his eyes and watched as he broke contact. That alone proved to me that he did it.
“Kill who?” he asked, removing his arm from mine and sitting up in the bed.
I crawled over to him and straddled his lap. I put my hand under his chin and forced him to look at me.
“Don’t insult my intelligence, Davion. You haven’t lied to me since day one, so please don’t start lying to me now. You know who I’m talking about, so did you do it?” I asked, this time a little bit more forcefully.
He slapped my hand away from his and looked me dead in the eyes. “Yes, I killed the nigga and he ain’t ever coming back to fuck with you again because I made sure of that. He was a pussy, and the world would be a much better place without his ass. Think about it, had I not come when I did, it’s no telling what that nigga would have done to you or had you out here doing in these streets. That was the same day you had gave a nigga some pussy for the first time and I just fuckin’ snapped, but I damn sure don’t regret doing what I did. I love you, Chantel, and I’ll never let another nigga hurt your ass,” he said.
I looked at him in shock. This was the first time that he had confessed his love to me, and I couldn’t help the smile that formed on my face.
“That’s right, I said that I love you,” he said and I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his lips.
“And I love you too,” I told him.
Boy, love was the best damn feeling in the world.
Chapter 17: Quan
“Okay, she’s fully dilated now and she can begin pushing, the doctor said.
We had been in this hospital for the past thirteen hours and we were all standing around, waiting to meet our princess. Inside the room was myself, Monae, Toya, my mom and Charlie’s mom. Quay and Dre waited outside in the lobby with China. It was going to be way too graphic, and I didn’t want my daughter to see all of that. But as soon as the baby came and was cleaned up, I would run down the hall so that China could meet her little sister.
“I’m so ready for this shit to be over with! Oh my God, it hurts so bad,” Charlie screamed as another contraction ripped through her body.
I was standing in the middle of the room videotaping the whole thing, while her mom and my mom and her girls held her hands for support. Every minute though, I would walk over and dab her face because she was sweating and I would give her some kisses to calm her ass down, even though it wasn’t even working.
“Charlie, please, you have to breathe, sweetie. Take two deep breaths whenever you feel another contraction and start to push down,” the doctor said as she sat in her chair, right between my wife’s legs. I watched as tears steadily fell down my wife’s face and she looked at me, hoping that I could do something to take her out of this pain. Charlie had refused to have an epidural, so her ass was feeling every bit of pain right now.
“Good job,” the doctor cheered as Charlie did what she had told her to do. “Now rest, and when you feel another one coming, do it again,” the doctor said and Charlie nodded her head. She completed the process about another five times and eventually, we were able to see the head.
“There goes the head, baby!” I said happily as I zoomed in on the baby.
“Okay, wait, don’t push. Take a couple of deep breaths. Blow out from your mouth, Charlie, not your nose,” the doctor said. “Okay, one more gentle push.”
Within seconds, the doctor was slowly pulling the baby out. I wat