Page 10 of I Choose You
“Here you go,” she said, putting the keys in my hand.
“Alright Tisha, I’ma come check on you tomorrow at work. Come give me a hug and a kiss so I can leave,” I said, standing up from the couch.
“Friends don’t kiss Otis. Goodnight!” she said, walking me to the door but I stopped her.
“Best believe if you give me two minutes right now with you, you won’t be calling me your friend. Most likely, it’ll be daddy,” I told her, dead ass serious.
“What makes you so sure?” she smirked.
I backed her up against the wall and I noticed that her breathing had begun to pick up. “I can tell just by the way you looking at me that I got that pussy dripping wet right now,” I said cockily.
She didn’t even respond. She just bit her bottom lip and that was enough confirmation for me. I swear I just needed a minute with her ass and I would have her ass fuckin’ crying in this bitch. But, I wasn’t even gon’ torture her yet. I’d give her another month and I’d bet she’d be begging for a nigga to dick her down. All that friend shit gon’ be gone out the damn window.
After she got herself together, she cleared her throat, “Goodnight Otis,” she said.
I laughed and moved her out the way so that I could open the door, “Night Tisha. I’ll see you tomorrow,” I said, smirking.
Chapter 11: Tisha
After Otis left, I went inside the bathroom to take a quick shower before I got in the bed. Ten minutes later, I was out and walking inside my bedroom to throw on my pajamas. Once I got comfortable in my bed I called Ka’lani. It was after 12:00 a.m. so I was pretty sure she was asleep. I didn’t care though. I was still going to call and let her know how my night went with Otis.
“Yes Tisha!” Lani answered the phone sounding dead sleep.
“Wake up and put Kyla and Tamika on the three way,” I said anxiously. This is something the girls and I would do on a daily basis. Since we were in middle school together, we would always get on the phone and talk on three way whenever we had some good news to tell each other.
“Really Tisha? Hold on, damn!” she grunted into the phone.
“Lani it is after midnight. What do you want?” that was smart mouth ass Kyla on the phone.
“Yeah bitch, what you want?” chimed in Tamika.
“First off, y’all bitches stop talking to me like that. Tisha told me to call y’all. I guess she has something to tell us,” Lani told them, sounding heated. One thing about Lani, she did not like being awakened out of her sleep. That girl can be the fuckin’ devil when she’s sleepy.
“Hey ladies,” I finally spoke into the phone.
“What’s up Tisha?” Tamika and Kyla responded.
“Guess who I just went on a date with? And Lani don’t say anything!” I told her because she was the only one who knew that I was going out with Otis tonight.
“Who?” they both asked.
“Just guessssss,” I said, wanting them to guess it instead of me just telling them.
“Better not have been Mike’s sorry ass,” Tamika said, trying to be funny.
“No bitch, don’t even insult me like that!” I told her, getting upset. Ain’t no way in hell I would ever get back with Mike’s ol’ sorry ass. Fuckin’ clown!
“Okay then ho, we don’t know, so who is it?” Kyla said.
“I went out with Otis,” I told them, smiling.
“Fine Otis? Tyrone’s boy? The one who been trying to get with you for a year now?” asked Tamika.
“Yes him, that’s my baby now,” I told my girls.
“Aww Tisha I’m so happy for you.” That was Lani’s extra emotional ass.
“Yeah Tisha, that’s good. So how was the date?” asked Tamika.