Page 18 of I Choose You
“Y’all all ride with me,” I told them.
We jumped in my all-white Range Rover and were ready for war. All my girls had on exactly what I was wearing, except we had on different shoes.
“Where she stay at Tisha?” Lani asked, brushing her hair in a ponytail because she had it hanging down.
“Out in Dade. We should be there soon,” I told her, turning the music down some in the car.
“Bitch I’m surprised Ty let your ass leave the house,” I told Lani, laughing.
“Girl his ass was knocked out so I had to sneak out. He gon’ be calling me soon asking where the hell I went. I’ma just say I’m with y’all,” she said nonchalantly.
I felt my phone vibrate in my lap. I looked down and it was Otis. He probably just got back home and was wondering where the hell I went. Shit, I should have told my girls to park across the street so he wouldn’t know I was with them. I knew for a fact that he knew my girls and I are about to be up to no good. He called me another three times and I just let the calls go to voicemail. He sent me a text.
Baby: Tisha where the fuck you at? And your ass better not lie!
I gave Lani the phone because I was driving and I didn’t want to text at the same time.
“Lani tell him I’m out with y’all and that I’ll be home soon,” I said, turning into the development where Marshae stayed.
“Bitch Otis gon’ fuck your ass up when you get home,” Kyla said from the back.
Everybody started laughing. I was laughing too because I knew it was true. Otis wasn’t going to hit me or anything but he was for sure going to curse my ass out real good. I parked my car in Marshae’s driveway and my girls and I jumped out.
“Y’all ready?” I asked them.
“Hell yeah!” they all said in unison.
I walked up to the door and put my finger over the peephole. I knocked three times and still no answer. I knocked again and that’s when I heard someone coming to the door.
“Who is it?” Marshae yelled.
“Umm my car broke down and my battery died on my phone. I was wondering if I could come in to use your phone real quick,” I told her, disguising my voice.
A second later, this dumb bitch opened the door looking stupid as fuck.
“You know you done fucked up right?” I asked her as soon as she saw my face.
She tried to hurry and shut the door but she was too slow.
I pulled the gun from my pants and said, “Bitch did you really think I was gon’ let y’all stupid asses jump me and not do anything?”
I slapped her stupid ass down with the butt of my gun and walked over to go sit it down on the couch.
“Look at what the fuck y’all did to my sister’s face,” Lani yelled when I made my way back over to them.
Before I knew it, we went to work on that bitch. Eventually, her ass was knocked out cold. The whole time she just laid there taking it. I dared her ass to swing and I was gonna shoot her ass this time.
“Alright y’all, let’s go,” I said to my girls.
We all got back in the car and acted as if nothing even happened.
“Bitch did y’all see Kyla’s ass when she kicked that girl in the face?” Tamika asked laughing.
“Hell yeah, all our asses is crazy,” I said laughing.
“But seriously though, I really love y’all. Y’all my girls. Y’all didn’t even have to help me do that but y’all did and I appreciate that,” I told them sincerely.
“Aww, we love you too,” my girls said.