Page 32 of I Choose You
“Boss man, the new girl here that you were supposed to interview for the daytime bartender position,” my assistant Will said coming towards me.
“Shit man,
I completely forgot about that shit. Where is she?” I asked him.
“Downstairs waiting in the lobby,” he informed me.
“Okay, send her up to the conference room for me,” I let him know.
“Alright I’m on it,” he replied.
After walking the club and making sure everything was in place, I made my way inside the conference room and there was a young lady who looked to be no older than 24 sitting at the table with her folder in her lap. I got a better look at her and she was a honey brown complexion, and her shoulder-length hair was styled in a part down the middle wrap. She was sporting a black, high-waisted skirt with a white dressy collared shirt tucked in. On her feet were a pair of black pumps from Steve Madden. She was a cute girl.
“Hello Mr. Jones. I’m Davina Holmes. It’s nice meeting you.” She stood up and shook my hand.
“Nice meeting you too. Let’s get down to business. Excuse my attire. It literally slipped my mind that I had an interview to do today. I’ve been so busy this week that I totally forgot,” I said, referring to the Nike gym shorts and Nike shirt that I was sporting.
“No problem,” she said, opening up her folder so we could get down to business.
Thirty minutes later we were wrapping things up. She seemed very professional and I liked her drive and everything else that she had to offer. From what she told me, she had already been a bartender before when she was living in Atlanta, Georgia, so that was a plus that she had experience.
“Okay, Ms. Holmes. You got the job. Just give your sizes to my assistant and we’ll get you started next week,” I informed her.
“Oh thank you, thank you, thank you. I promise I won’t let you down,” she let me know.
I gave her a kind smile and we headed out the door. “Take care. You start Monday at 12 p.m.,” I told her.
“Okay Mr. Jackson,” she responded.
Now that that was over, I headed back upstairs to sign over some paperwork that I had sitting around since last week. Ty’s ass was supposed to sign this shit but I guess he had forgotten too. When I walked in the room, Tisha was sitting at my desk with the phone glued to her ear. I’d bet my bottom dollar, she was on the phone with Ka’lani.
“Hold on Lani,” I heard her say. “Well it’s about time. I thought your ass had forgot about me in here,” she said, rolling her eyes.
“Your ass the one that wanted to come. I told you I had business to take care of,” I said, pulling her by her arm so she could get out of my chair. She sucked her teeth and went around to the front of my desk and sat in the chair facing in front of me. She wrapped up her conversation with Lani and watched me as I signed over some paperwork.
“What did you have to do down there?” she asked me.
“I had an interview that I had to do that I had completely forgot about,” I said, never looking up from the paper.
“For what position?” she asked me.
“Bartender,” I told her.
“A male or female?” she asked me.
I dropped the pen and looked directly in her face to see if she was serious or not. I saw no sign of a smile or anything so I figured that she was dead ass serious. “Tisha, why the fuck do it matter? But it’s a female,” I said.
“Hmm,” was all that she said.
“You on some bullshit right now, seriously,” I told her, getting annoyed.
“That’s you getting mad over nothing. All I did was ask your ass a question. You didn’t have to snap on me like that,” she fussed. I ignored her ass and finished doing what it was that I came here to do in the first place.
“Are you almost done Otis? I’m hungry” Tisha said, walking over to me and trying to sit in my lap.
“Move Tisha. Your ass annoying as fuck,” I said, dead ass serious.
She laughed at what I said because she knew she was annoying. Shit, I told her ass that all the damn time. Since I wouldn’t let her sit on my lap, she dropped to her knees in front of me and was trying to pull my dick out. With this whole pregnancy, I was used to Tisha’s ass being extremely horny. Her ass would wake me up in the middle of the night just for some dick and I would give her what she wanted because she wasn’t going to leave me alone until I did. But this time was different; she was on her knees in front of me. Since Tisha and I been together, she hadn’t gave me head once. I tried asking but she always came up with a reason not to.