Page 34 of I Choose You
“Bitch your ass always talking about you hungry. What type of pizza you want?” she asked, laughing.
“I am hungry and cheese pizza, extra cheese,” I told her.
“Okay, we’ll be there in about 45 minutes to an hour,” she informed me.
“Okay, hurry up”, I told her.
“Girl, wait, we got to leave the damn salon first,” she explained.
“Okay, love you,” I said.
“Alright, she curling her hair now and I love you too,” she said then hung up.
In the meantime, I went in the den and watched the old season of “Love and Hip Hop Atlanta.” I loved this show, especially Erica, Tammy, and Rasheeda. Those were my girls. While I was watching TV, I got a phone call from a private number. I just let the phone ring because I never answer the phone for unknown callers. They called another five times and I decided to pick up this time.
“Who the fuck is this?” I asked.
The caller didn’t say anything but I did hear them breathing into the phone. I hung up the phone because I didn’t have time to play on the phone with stupid ass people. Five minutes later, they called back and I answered prepared to tear into their ass.
“Bitch,” the caller said and then hung up the phone.
It’s like it’s 2014. Who the fuck still plays on people’s phone? There was a knock at my door and I went to look out the window to see who it was. I saw Tamika, Kyla, and Lani’s cars so I went to go open the door. I wasn’t going to tell them about what just happened with the private caller because I didn’t want to make it a big deal.
“Hey y’all,” I said, opening the door and letting them in.
They all gave me hugs and we went into the kitchen to start eating. I would tell them about what I was having as soon as I finished tearing this pizza up. I had a whole box to myself that I was going to devour. Before I got pregnant, I never ate this much. Now, every time you looked at me, I was fuckin’ some food up
“Damn Tisha, slow down. We not gon’ take it from you,” smart mouth Kyla said.
“Girl I didn’t eat all day,” I said with a mouth full of food, lying my ass off.
“That’s a damn lie because Ty talked to Otis earlier and he said that y’all was on the way to pick up something to eat,” Ka’lani said, putting my ass on blast. Everybody started laughing at that.
“Okay well I haven’t eaten since a few hours ago,” I let them know.
One we finished eating, we headed into the den to watch TV. I went upstairs to grab the ultrasound pictures from out of my purse.
“Guess what?” I asked my girls as soon as I came back in the den.
“What happened?” they all asked.
I didn’t say anything. I just showed them the pictures and in the middle of it was written “It’s a girl.” My girls started screaming and hugging me. They were too excited. I loved my girls so much. My daughter was going to be so fuckin’ spoiled that it wouldn’t make any sense. Between her father and me, she was going to be rotten. Then she had three shopaholic ass aunties that couldn’t wait to spoil her either.
“I told you when you found out you were pregnant that it was going to be a girl,” Lani said.
We sat back on the couch and continued watching TV while Lani sat next to me rubbing my belly.
“Y’all bitches are so damn gay,” Tamika said, jealous.
Me and Lani just burst out laughing. Lani and I have always been close like this. I knew Lani before I met Tamika and Kyla, so my bond with Lani was stronger. Growing up, I was born in Atlanta, Georgia. I never knew my dad. All I knew was he was white. My mom on the other hand was a different story for a different book. Just know that I hated that bitch. Her ass never did shit for me but carry me for nine months and push me out of her used up pussy. She never took care of me. It was always my big brothers Dez, short for Dezmond, and Tommy. They were hustling since they were 12 and made sure we all had food on the table and clothes on our backs. It wasn’t until I was 12 and they got arrested for murder that the only family I really had left was my grandmother on my mother’s side since I didn’t even know my dad, let alone his people.
Staying with my grandmother was nice because for the summer, my cousins Nae, Breesha, and Imani would come over. I met Ka’lani because she was my next-door neighbor and then we ended up going to the same school. It wasn’t until a few months later that I met Tamika and Kyla. If someone were to ask me where my mother was right now, shit, your guess is just as good as mine because honestly I have no clue where that bitch is. I still kept in touch with my grandmother but not as often as I used to. Ever since I got with Otis, I felt like I was always busy doing something but I promised myself that sooner or later I would go and pay my grandmother a visit. I mean, she is the one that pretty much raised me after my brothers were hauled off to jail.
I just laid there on the couch thinking about how it would’ve been if my parents were in my life. It kind of made me sad that my baby wouldn’t have any grandparents. God only knows where my mother is and I don’t have the slightest idea as to where or who my father is. Otis’ parents died when he was two years old in a car accident. He doesn’t really like to talk about the situation but a few months back, while we were having pillow talk, I asked Otis how come he never talked about his parents. I could tell from the way his body tensed up that it was a touchy subject so once he told me that they passed it an accident, I left it at that and I never brought the story back up. I figured when he was ready to talk about it then we would do that. I wasn’t going to force him to talk about it because I know talking about my mom can be a touchy subject as well.
I don’t care what nobody says; growing up without a mother is one of the hardest things in life. Yeah I had my grandmother to try and fill that void but it wasn’t enough. I wanted someone there to talk to me about certain girl things. I wanted my mom to be standing on the porch taking pictures of me when I went to prom, screaming my name in the audience when I graduated high school, and even when I went on to graduate from cosmetology school. That’s why I made a promise to myself that I was going to go hard for my daughter and make sure that I would be the best mother in the world. I wanted my daughter to brag about how I was the best mother. I was going to give my daughter something that I yearned for when I was a little girl; hell, something that I still yearn for—a mother!
“What’s wrong sis?” Lani asked, looking up at me. I guessed she noticed that I had zoned out for a little minute.