Page 10 of I Choose You 2
I closed my food up and put it back inside of the bag. I stood up to go use the restroom and wash my hands. When I came back out, my husband was sitting there eating his food. I walked over to the couch and grabbed my purse. I looked back at him and stared him directly in his eyes.
“Remember when you cheated on me last time? Don’t forget what I told you! You can let this bitch be the reason you lose me if you want to!” I told him.
“Go on with that shit Lani, I told your ass already I ain’t fuckin that girl. So stop fuckin talking crazy. It’s strictly business. I’ll be home soon and your ass better fuckin be there too,” he demanded.
“Fuck you Ty, nigga I won’t be there, so don’t even bother to call,” I told him.
He started laughing at me like I just said a damn joke. That only pissed me off even more, cuz this nigga really underestimated me.
“Let me come home and your ass not there,” is all he said before I walked out and slammed the damn door.
I saw Ms. Symone on my way out talking to one of the female bartenders. I looked at her and she smiled at me. Yeah this bitch was going to be a fuckin problem! I headed to my car and took my ass home.
Chapter 6: Symone
I was 28 years old and I was the new assistant manager to a club. Today was really my first official day actually working here, but for the past few weeks I have been in training. I just recently graduated college with a degree in business, that’s how I was able to get this job. I come from a small family. I grew up living with both my parents. My parents weren’t the perfect couple; in fact I remember when I was younger, about four years old, they would get into little heated arguments about my dad stepping out on my mom. In one particular argument, I remember them arguing about my dad getting another woman pregnant. Now mind you, at the time I was too young to ask my mom about the situation, because I already knew that she would have told me to stay in a child’s place. For some reason, I felt like what my dad said was true because not once did he deny anything; he just simply waved the situation off and like the obedient wife that my mother was, she never brought the shit back up.
Growing up, I didn’t want for anything. I was the only child and my daddy spoiled me rotten. My daddy would buy me shit just because. Now my mother, on the other hand, was a totally different story. Don’t get me wrong, my mother had her days, but she didn’t spoil me 24/7 like my dad did. I have been living in Miami all of my life. I currently stay in an apartment out in Miramar by myself. No man, no nothing. It’s just me, myself and I. It’s like a 45 minute drive to the club from my house depending on the traffic. Today at work, I couldn’t help but to notice how sexy Tyrone was. I already knew he was married, because I saw the ring on his finger and when we walked past his office, I saw a picture of him and his wife in a frame.
The way his dreads were hanging today, oh my God, it got me hot and bothered all over just thinking about the shit. They looked as if he just got them re twisted this morning. He had on True Religion jeans that were hanging off his ass, and a striped white and blue polo shirt. On his feet were a pair of black timbs. This nigga was just too damn fine. He smelled so good too. His wife was one lucky bitch, I must admit. Get me in bed with this nigga for a minute and I’ll have his ass screaming Ka’lani who?
After he’d finished showing me around and my office, we headed back out front and the woman that was standing there looked to be the woman in the picture from his office. I can’t lie, his bitch was bad. When he introduced us, I tried to shake her hand but she looked at me as if I were crazy and walked off. I didn’t like the bitch already, and I could tell the feeling was mutual when she saw me come from the back with her fine ass husband. She got one more time to disrespect me like that and I promise I’m going to fuck around and take her nigga from her!
Point blank period, I wanted her man and from the looks of things, she could tell. What Symone wants, Symone gets so for her sake, she better fuck him and suck him good because what she won’t do, the next bitch will and I know she wouldn’t want me to be that bitch!
I don’t know what the fuck been up with Lani’s ass lately, but it’s taking everything in me not to yank her ass up and shake some damn sense into her ass. She thinks I’m cheating on her and for what? I don’t know. Yes lately, I have been staying out later than I usually do but that don’t have shit to do with me cheating on her. We recently just hired an assistant manager by the name of Symone and from the looks of things, she was a very smart and hard worker. Don’t get me wrong, the bitch was bad but I only had eyes for my wife, and for Ka’lani to just diss ole girl like that and then accuse me of cheating on her with Symone had a nigga hot. Just because it’s a new bitch in here don’t mean I’m fuckin her! Ka’lani’s ass was tripping and acting real fuckin insecure, and that wasn’t her style at all.
Lately, I can admit that I haven’t been spending as much time with Lani so I could understand why she would think I’m cheating on her. I was going to head home now because I told my wife I wouldn’t be out all night. Since Ka’lani got pregnant, I swear her ass has become clingy and emotional as hell. She wanted me up under her all the damn time and I swear if her ass made me watch “Waiting to Exhale” one more damn time with her cry baby ass, I was going to fuckin snap! That’s all she wanted to do, watch these bitch ass movies and get her feet rubbed. Don’t get me wrong, I love my wife and I love being around her, but certain shit a nigga just don’t want to do. I walked out front and spotted Symone giving out orders to the cleanup crew. I could already tell that she was going to be a damn good assistant manager.
“Symone, have that paperwork on my desk by tonight,” I told her, walking to the entrance of the club.
“Alright boss,” she said.
I headed to my car and sped home. I wasn’t in the mood for Ka’lani’s shit tonight, so I hoped that when I got to the crib, she wasn’t all fired up and ready to go in a nigga’s shit. I feel like lately, her ass been testing me on purpose because she knows that I’m not gon’ do shit because she’s pregnant–not that I physically abuse my wife when she isn’t pregnant, but I’ll admit I’ve had my share of jacking her ass up whenever she would get out of line. When I got to the crib, Lani’s car was parked out front. She talked all that shit back at the club, but I see she brought her ass home. I parked my car in the driveway and made my way to the front door, letting myself inside the house. I went inside the kitchen and got me a Gatorade from out of the refrigerator, and then walked out to head upstairs to find my wife.
“Tisha I’m going to call you back,” she said when she heard me come into the room.
She brushed past me and from the looks of things, it looked like she had been crying. She went inside of the bathroom and locked the door. I took off my boots, put them in the closet, and threw my shirt in the dirty clothes. When Lani came back out, her nose and eyes were red. I hated when she did shit like that! She would just walk around mad, crying, and don’t say shit to me about why she was crying in the first place. It’s like how the fuck am I supposed to know what I did wrong if you don’t tell a nigga? She got in the bed with me, and I grabbed her little ass up and made her sit on my stomach.
“What’s wrong with you Lani?” I asked her, tired of the bullshit.
“Nothing,” she said, rolling her eyes ju
st like I knew she would.
“So what the fuck you was crying for then?” I said, pinching her thigh.
“Because baby, I feel like you’re falling out of love with me. You used to come home every night on time. If I was sleep, you would still wake me to tell me you loved me but when you get home now, you just go to sleep. You don’t even wrap your arms around me and pull me close to you like you usually do,” she said crying.
I just laid there staring at my beautiful wife. Damn, I really didn’t notice how much I been neglecting her up until now. It’s just that lately I been tired as fuck, and when my head hit that pillow all I wanted to do was knock out. Not to mention that she went out of her way today to bring me lunch and I didn’t show her any signs of excitement of her being there. I guess I was just shocked that she came because I wasn’t used to Ka’lani just popping up on my ass like that. She used to do that shit when the club first opened up and she didn’t trust me around all those fine ass bitches, but she been stopped doing that. And if she did come over to the club, she would always call me beforehand.
“Baby, I’m sorry, I promise. It’s just lately it’s been so much going on at the club that I be losing track of time. I promise I will start coming home earlier and showing you more attention. And you don’t have to ever worry about me falling out of love with your ass, in fact, I think I fall more in love with you every damn day. I don’t think you know how I feel as a man, to watch the love of my life walk around pregnant with my seed. That shit just makes me love you more and more,” I told her, wiping the tears from her eyes.
“Now stop fuckin crying, you know I hate that shit,” I told her, and she quickly got herself together.