Page 20 of I Choose You 2
I got up with my plate and put it in the sink. When I was finished, I headed upstairs, took a shower and took my ass to sleep. Today was a rough day. Hopefully tomorrow would be a better one.
I woke up the next morning energetic ass fuck. I looked to my left, and Otis was still sleep. I got up went in the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I went inside my drawer and threw on my black and purple Nike tights with my purple Nike sports bra. I walked inside my closet and threw on my black Roshe Runs sneakers with the purple stripes. My hair was still wrapped up, so I took it out and threw it in a high pony tail.
When I walked out the room, I went inside of my daughter’s room and she was still sleeping. I picked her up and put her in the bed with Otis just in case she woke up while I was gone. I left out the house to do my daily morning run. I would jog around the entire block for at least 45 minutes. We lived in a nice neighborhood, so I didn’t have to worry about any creeps lurking or trying to take my ass. Normally I would just work my ass off on the treadmill that we have at the house, but for some reason I felt like going for a jog this morning.
When I was finished, I headed back home. When I got inside the house, Otis and Harmony were in the den watching TV. She saw me walk in and crawled over to me. That was my baby, with her pretty self.
“Heyyy princess,” I said, bending down to touch her. She tried reaching her arms up so that I could pick her up.
“Hold on baby, let me take a shower, then Mommy will come and play with you,” I told her. I was all sweaty and I didn’t want to touch my daughter like this.
“You don’t see me standing here?” I said to Otis since he didn’t acknowledge my presence when I cam
e into the den. He looked around to see who the fuck I was talking to.
“Tisha gone on with that,” he said, stretching out in the recliner.
I walked over to him and straddled his lap, sweaty and all. I don’t care, this was my man and if I wanted to be sweaty around him I could do that. I started kissing him on his neck. My daughter wasn’t paying us no attention, she was too into Dora being on the TV. I was trying to give her daddy some loving because he was acting real rude.
“Tisha move man, you see the baby right here,” Otis said aggravated.
“Well, just give me a kiss first then I’ll get up,” I begged, kissing his neck.
He leaned over and started tonguing me down. He started rubbing on my ass and breast in the process. I had to get up off him before something started that quick. I asked this man for a kiss, not nothing else with his nasty ass.
I jumped up and headed upstairs to take a much needed shower. I even washed my hair while I was in there. I got out and wrapped a towel around my body, and one around my head. I dried off and put on my cocoa butter lotion. Next, I took the towel from around my head and let it flow down my back curly. I guess you could say I had white people hair. I threw on a dress in my closet from Urban Outfitters that stopped a little bit mid-thigh. I ran down the stairs to go join my man and my baby in the den. I got on the floor with Harmony, and she crawled over to me. I picked her up and laid on my back with her sitting on my chest.
“Say Ma- Ma,” I kept saying. Every time I would say that, she would just burst out laughing like I told the biggest joke in the world. She knew how to say mama, but her lil bad ass would only say it when she wanted to. See, like how I’m telling her to say it, she won’t do it, she’ll just do it on her time.
“You so damn goofy,” Otis said, laughing and shaking his head. He was just mad because Harmony was saying my name first before she was saying his, with his jealous ass.
“So nigga, my daughter think I’m funny, ain’t that right baby?” I said to Harmony and she started laughing.
“Your daddy is just a little hater,” I continued talking to her like she knew what I was talking about.
After lying down watching TV, my baby had fallen asleep right there in my arms. I got up off the floor and took her upstairs in her room. I came back downstairs and Otis had changed the channel to Snapped on Oxygen. I hated that show, and he knew it. Whenever we were in the den watching TV and I would start getting on his nerves, he would put this on to make me leave.
“Come on baby, put on something different,” I said when I sat next to him.
He didn’t respond, so I took it upon myself to get the remote and change the shit. I put on Love and Hip Hop, because I had missed last week’s episode. Otis sat there with a whole attitude. His phone started ringing and he went to pick it up.
“What’s up nigga?” I heard Ty’s loud ass in the background.
He wasn’t even paying my ass any attention, so I moved over to him and started kissing him on his neck. I was in his lap now, just smelling him and suckin on his lips as he waited for Ty to finish talking. When I noticed his dick started jumping up under me, I jumped off of his lap and got down on my knees and pulled down his Nike shorts. I used both of my hands to stroke his dick and then I licked and sucked on the head, and it looked as if his dick had grew an extra size.
My baby had his eyes closed the whole time while my head just bobbed up and down on his dick. I could tell he was trying his hardest not to moan, because he still had the phone glued to his ear. I massaged his balls with my right hand while damn near trying to suck the skin off his dick.
“Fuckkk girl,” he shouted, just like I knew he would do. He tried to push my head away, because by now I had deep throated his whole dick like a pro thanks to those flicks I been watching lately.
He stayed talking on the phone and used his left hand to push my head further down. My man was that nigga. Even while on the phone, he was still signaling me with his hands the way he wanted to be sucked. When I felt him about to cum, I moved my head so I wouldn’t swallow it, but this negro kept my head right there and exploded in my mouth. To my surprise, I didn’t spit it out. I swallowed this time, and that made Otis very proud.
“Nah man, that was Tisha’s ass playing around. She threw some shit at me,” I heard Otis say to Ty on the phone with his lying ass. I laughed and got up off of the floor and crawled into his lap, kissing his cheek.
“I love yo ass girl” Otis told me after he hung up the phone.