Page 30 of I Choose You 2
“I love you so much baby,” I said, kissing my wife on the cheek.
“I love you more,” she told me.
Everybody was there in the room–me, Otis, Tisha, Tamika, and her mom. Of course Otis stepped out once Ka’lani had started pushing, with his scary ass. I wasn’t there for when Tisha gave birth to Harmony, but I heard his ass was damn near about to start throwing up once he saw the head come out. Not me though, I wanted to see every damn thing. We all sat around the room, each taking turns holding the baby, when there was a light knock on the door. I went to the door because I knew who it was because I had called him.
“Hey man,” I said to him, reaching out for a handshake.
“Hello son-in-law, thank you for calling me,” he said.
We walked inside the room and Lani looked so surprised. Most times, I could read my wife, but at this moment I really couldn’t. I couldn’t tell whether she was happy or whether she wanted to slap the fuck out of me and Phillip. I watched as Ka’lani’s mom, Sharon, looked as if she wanted to slap the shit out of Phillip too.
“Hello everybody,” Phillip spoke in general.
Everybody spoke back, except Ka’lani and Sharon. We all decided to give them some time alone. I took the baby from Kyla and laid her in Ka’lani’s arm as I left out the door. I kissed her on her cheek before I left.
Chapter 14: Ka’lani
I would never admit it, but I was actually happy that my dad had come to the hospital to see me. For the first time in my life, I had both my parents in the same room as me. That only lets me know that he really is going to try his best to make up for lost time and try his best to be a part of my life and my daughter’s as well. Once everybody left out the room, he took a seat next to my bed.
“Hello Ka’lani,” my father spoke first.
“Hi,” I said, sounding shy, knowing damn well I was very far from being shy.
“Baby girl, I’m sorry, I really am. I just would love to be a father to you and a grandfather to the baby. Like I told you back at IHOP, I know it’s going to take some time, but could you at least promise me that you would think about it?” he begged.
“Yes, I will think about it,” I said.
“Okay and if it’s not too much, can I please hold her?” he asked me.
Deep down, I really wanted to say no but at the end of the day, what would that solve? I didn’t want be a bitch towards him, and I really needed to be mature about the situation. It was time to say fuck the past and from now on worry about what the future would hold for us.
“Yeah, you can hold her,” I said. He came over to the bed and took Aaliyah out of my arms. The sight before me was so beautiful.
“Hey precious, I’m granddaddy,” my father said to Aaliyah.
I started crying because it was so beautiful. The way Aaliyah looked at him, I just couldn’t be a bitch and not let him be a part of her life. Two minutes later, Tyrone came back in the room. He walked over to me and wiped the tears from my eyes.
“Stop crying, you know I don’t like that,” he said, rubbing my hair.
I wiped my face and continued to watch my dad bond with his granddaughter. It’s no way in hell I would be able to keep Aaliyah away from him. I could already see the love that she had for him in her little eyes.
Chapter 15: Ka’lani
3 months later
I couldn’t believe it had already been three months since I had my baby. I loved her so much and I was very over protective with her. I haven’t even been back to work yet because I didn’t want to leave my baby’s side. Things between my father and I have been going pretty well too; hell, thing were even good with my mother, with her mean ass. I decided to give my dad a chance and let him be a part of Aaliyah’s and my life.
Since I had the baby, I been hitting the workout room in our house faithfully. I killed myself in that room every day to get back to my size 4. It took some time, but I was finally back to myself. I’m not going to lie, having the baby gave me a little bit more ass and titties and I was grateful for that, because God knows I needed some more.
It was a Friday night and I had just put Aaliyah down to sleep. After I took my shower and everything, I was in the bed by 10. My husband was out at the club and I missed his ass so much. I wanted him to come home and hold me, but I understood that he had to work. I laid in the bed and watched old episodes of Martin. Even though I’ve already seen every single episode, I still cracked up laughing each time as if it were my first time watching it.
Before I knew it, it was a little after 1 a.m. and I missed my husband. I decided to call him even though I knew he might not answer. I still gave it a try though.
“Hey baby,” he answered on the 5th ring, and I could hear all the commotion in the background.
“Baby,” I whined.
“Yes, Lani, what’s up,” he said, sounding distracted.